Friday, 7 April 2023

On The Assumption and our Contemporaneous Experience

In a generation where grand narratives are denied, proposing a dogma becomes next to impossible. But, to those who believe, no explanation is necessary and to those who do not, no explanation is possible!

A massive paradigm has shifted since Covid-19 and we have crossed a great threshold where we do not have to wait till ‘the end of ages’ to experience the eschatological description in the scripture, because it is taking place now, even in our age!

I do not think there is any human generation that has ever played as pivotal a role as the one we play now. We are each the fulcrum upon which primordial generational struggles play and unto which ancestral destinies depend. The war is ultimately about us and we better not mess it up. 

The world may not perish (and who knows, with climate change), but the pedestal upon which life, as we know it today, is built, has already shifted, and it would continue to shift as genealogy becomes predominant, and AI matches with it and psychedelics moves us into realms we do not know until we encounter the reality of the Sacraments ….

Eschatology is here, see:  how many that you know have already been taken? How many have gone suddenly and mysteriously? (Mt: 24: 40) How many ages past ideologies are now springing up?
Somebody asked me when the prophecy of Fatima will take place? and I replied, now! We are in the very midst of these Revelations. We can call on St Michael, not only to defend us ‘in the day of battle’, but to defend us ‘this day of battle’ (Rev 12: 7). A battle which is even made more manifest with the Covid pandemic. A grave mistake we would make is to presume we can still continue to live life as normal. 

It is no coincidence that the virus started in China (Rev 12:3) and the Church cowed and congregational sacrifice was globally halted as the woman fled (Rev 12: 6) and the son is already born, even more! (Rev 12: 5). 

Don’t you see we are in the age of the Eucharist?! The Eucharist will openly become more than a sign to many. That Bread will determine the next civilization, but not without persecution. And there are people who are already seeing this new age, of Christ! (Mt16:28). This is not a metaphor!

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin is the glory of humankind and it is intimately about you and me, and it has never been as relevant as it is in our age. Mary is the Church birthing Christ in the Eucharist, and you are the ‘god’ waiting to be made manifest through this birth. Devil does not want you to realize this and there is war. It is ongoing!

As the intersection between the Church, Mary,

and the Eucharist becomes more apparent. This Solemnity which is all about you and the struggle for your soul will be more critical. Heaven is here, and you don’t have to die to see it! That is the meaning of Assumption!

Happy Solemnity of the Assumption!


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