Saturday, 21 January 2012

Totus Tou!

When we keep the principles and laws of God, the direct consequence is prosperity. Permit me to say that, even with that, morality et all, is still Mosaic and an old testament stuff, though Christ has not come to abolish that, but to perfect it. Where almost all of us fall short of the kingdom is that we stay put at the prosperity level,like that rich young man,we are afraid to let go. That is why prosperity churches abound and why money stuff is also infilterating the catholic church.The level of perfection is this:'If thou would be perfect, go sell ALL what you have, give the money to the poor, and come follow me'.we shall all have to be St Francis of Assisi to have the audacity to do that, in a sense,it is a call to die, and it is just obvious how few there are who practically follow that. It is only after we must have done that when we shall know the authenticty of what Christ has truely brought, i.e Grace and Truth. Realistically speaking , i think most of us have fallen short of the 'ALL'. He does not need a tenth, He needs ALL. He does not need our tithing as much as our charity!. I've found a secret, in spite of my weakness, of giving that ALL, in Spirit and in Truth: It is in the practice of the 'True Devotion To Mary' according to St Louis De Monfort, that principle on which the Legion of Mary is built. If we can authentically live the spirit of this practices, in spite of our weakness and incapacity, we shall see how much we have given the Lord, more than any offering or tithing!

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Misery of His Heart (MHH): HOW ON EARTH DID WE GET HERE? (PART2)

Misery of His Heart (MHH): HOW ON EARTH DID WE GET HERE? (PART2)


The idea of university as we have it today is an Islamic concept. The West borrowed its leaf and liberalized its scope. This opened up great diversities of space and ideologies. Universities greatly improved the quality of our lives and have succeeded in conquering a great swarm of evils which plagued our planet. Through this form of education, man is civilized, war is reduced, sicknesses are cured and poverty eradicated in many parts of the world. But, also, through its diversity, man tends to lose the scope of the few things that are necessary and he worries and frets over thousands of unnecessary things brought about by Boko. It is as if man, through his actions, is not yet ready for an authentic freedom. Out of the influence of Boko has come a great swarm of immoral cultures , consumerism and a general loss-or at best-dwindling of faith. The Boko issue is synonymous to the crossing of the Red Sea. We cannot afford to stay behind. If we wait, forces of Pharaoh would catch up on us, if we enter through without trusting in God, we shall be consumed by its torrents , but when we pass through with great confidence in God, we shall of necessity become liberated, and a new life, a great freedom hitherto unknown shall be made manifest; in spite of the cons of Boko, we shall come out renewed and unscathed and our faith which we were apprehensive about shall soar unto new heights, great levels and brighter freedom; unscathed and unharmed, so shall we be. We cannot afford to stay behind. Boko is a force of God. We shall go, trusting in Him and we shall emerge at the other end, fully renewed and praising the Lord as we journey towards freedom through our leap of faith!


MY LAND:THE UNSUNG HEROES Life is becoming increasingly tougher, but if the perception of the ‘fruit of our labour’ remains at the level of food and money, our virtue has not thence gone deeper than that of the scribes and Pharisees. Without a passionate cultural education from two passionate parents, children would be half formed and posterity will suffer. The Boko harams’ influence is as a result of the degradation of the home. The pressure of fending for the family has lured a great many into unholy means, and they find out too late that the path of life and happiness lies not in the acquisition of money , much less in doing so unjustly. The love of money, mammon, is the root and core of all evils in my land. Our drives for more, pressures from families, the exaltation of wealth in public places and places of worship and the anathemisation of any want whatsoever has fostered such a gargantuan drive for wealth, such that we are left unsathiated and are always looking ahead to the other person who has more than we do, leading us more into envy and anger, thus making evil prevail. The drive for wealth has created such a hypo in our business world, and solely dictates our decision to be educated. Pure desire for truth is as scarce as finding a pin in the ocean. We are enthusiasts in employing whatever means to acquire academic certificates not minding the mediocrity that reigns in our minds, and we have placed an alas on he who has not had any acquisition of formal education. The culture of handicraft and informal vocation has collapsed under the might and the rapidity of knowledge in our age. Poverty, prevalence of strife and scarcity of resources for livelihood have done our women no good. Racketed by an unsathiated, get married quick culture, every young woman’s dream is marriage to a man who 'has arrived’. In order to maintain her loyalty to the family, this young woman is often disarrayed emotionally between a militating culture and her reason to the contrary. For the man , during the years of schooling, and that of begging to apply for job, and bribing to be absorbed, and in the midst of such corruptibility, and as a result of his inability to catch up with a balanced spirituality which is often lacking to confront the aggressiveness of modernity, and his inability to control his libido, ladies often waiting to be married fall his prey and immorality persists, abortion abounds, deeply cherished family values are destroyed and the land is thrown into endless cycles of poverty and sufferings. The root cause of such ills is money, yet the drive for money is the basest of all motivations which reveals the primitivity of our society in relation to growth. This is the dialysis of my unsung heroine: a living matyr, a scape goat, the culprit. She starts as a young pure teenage girl, she meets this guy and falls in love, he has every potential of being a good husband but he isn’t ready to settle down. Mama and pastor say no sex but boy wants sex, girl is confused but holds on to the doctrine of her mentors. Even though boy cherishes chastity, but he simply could not withhold himself, he leaves for the ‘Animashahuns’ while he still holds her in high esteem. He is saving her for marriage so he says, but when he eventually becomes man, rather than opt to settle for her (for she is still waiting, praying and hoping)he prefers the simplicity and beauty of the sweet 16 which feeds his ego. So the poor girl, now a young woman is left shattered and she has to start all over. Virtuous women, rising from experiences as such, are torn between succumbing to worldly pressures of marriage at any cost and that of facing a prejudiced culture of name calling and suspicion. These are the forgotten ones, the real living martyrs of our age, that is, if they persist, but such a great trial this is, only a few could hold through, a great lot succumb and fall by the wayside. The quest for personal gains defines everything in my land, from the service of God, through the choice of marriage to the way business is conducted. The pressure to belong has driven parents out of the home and has exposed the children to the diabolical effect of our unrepentant culture. Our religions, in the quest for money has been reduced to nothing short of propaganda and raw proselytism. Don’t claim the holier, to a greater and lesser extent, we have all succumbed to the rude force of secularism. What to master more in this age is the science of truth and the acknowledgement of our ills, both individually and institutionally. Mammon and its quest has destroyed home, blinded truth and deluded careers. Our laggard culture fails to come to terms with the reality of our times. The protagonists of our culture are three: Our politicians, our pastors or Imams and the media, including musicians, actors and those in show business. Directly or indirectly, these are the people who shape what we do, how we act and what we cherish. But our politicians have been deluded by power, our media corrupted by sex and our places of worship consumed by money. Where is that faithful morally upright woman, or that clergy completely incorrupt and uninfluenced by money, or that unassuming politician who has as his sole drive the care of the society? These are the unsung heroes, the living martyrs who are daily working at the liberation of our land. Not the noise makers, be they in politics, media or religion. Those who strive after the hidden truth, even in the midst of an erroneous culture which cries the opposite, these are the true champions, and we should sing them out, they exist, though very few, they don’t make noise, and except by hindsight it is difficult to know them. But we should seek them out and sing them loud, otherwise, evil shall conquer the land, for if we don’t sing them, the more we shall keep having the noisemakers as role models, and the more we shall keep living a lie, and the more morally bankrupt our land shall be, in politics, in churches, in mosques, in business , in the media; and more often than not, in our families!


THE WEST:Enter the Dragon! The great west is losing her mojo. This civilization borne out of the Greco-Roman culture and fostered by Judeo- Christo- Islamic doctrine, is asking the same question all over: from New York to Johannesburg, from London to Buenos Aires, from Cairo to Lagos, “How on earth did we get here?’. Due to our preference of the seen over the unseen, of matter over the spirit , of the tangible at the detriment of the intangible, the consequence of the culture of excessive positivism and aggressive secularism is catching up on us and the West is losing her steam to an officially atheistic nation: China, which spearheads the new era and the rise of the East. Enter the dragon! Our great monotheist Western culture has sold her birthright to the East for a bowl of porridge: consumerism .Consumerism fostered more our interest for ephemeral satisfaction and of greed over savings, the thought of the future and the care for posterity, and the future has dawned upon us as if like a dream. Spending of course is a virtue; it is the nature of what we spend on that makes it vicious. And the West, over the years, has cultivated a culture of spending on things that are both unnecessary and erotically gratifying. Rather than investing in the future, we focus on ephemerality. The day is truly shining from the East. We, who could hardly bear the baptism of hedonism, sodomism and consumerism, now have the full force of atheism making an aggressive comeback. That which was potentially destroyed from its onslaught on the West through the defeat of Russia’s communism and the fall of Berlin wall is now brazing up solidly to deal a final blow to the West. The path it shall follow is that of Marxist atheism which is her John the Baptist in the West. Yes, we shall win, you say; but a great many will surely be swept beneath, and that could have been avoided simply by curbing our passion and avoiding our desires for satiating the flesh. Just as consumerism and hedonism has consumed our faith, lets brace up for the final defense against the idea of God, they are set to make it final and total. I know what you think: that the West is already atheistic. But I say: what we see now is simply a shadow; atheism and freedom are no friends. Go ask the Daila Lama, and wait until you enter the dragon!


OUR WORLD: BRING THE WOMAN BACK HOME Science and Technology grew and we lost interest in the intangibles. Capitalism rose and we could get anything at the tap of our fingers. Feminism was born and the allure of power drove our women out of the home.Immoralism and excessive consumerism became the new norm and its allurement prevented our leaders from looking back ,as the world scrambled and toggled for the ‘international cake’, we forgot about the basic energy principle even as we remained greedy and slothful. Capitalism became world champions and we pushed towards its extremities. Wall Street became kings and caution was thrown to the wind. We lost all sense of balancing as our ideologies of rightism and leftism gave way to extremism.[For knowledge shall increase and the love of many shall wax cold]We moved our energy level and source of production from the hand to the head. Creativity leads to great means of prosperity, and instead of the positive influence of the head culture, we succumbed to its laisser-faire which aims at winning and gaining without reasoning, and at all cost. Thus, as the culture of the hand forces itself back, we are losing out of the steam of revolution of creativity because of our lack of integrity. As the woman leaves the home, and like the primeval Eve, as she succumbs to the fruit of hedonism and consumerism and its consequential narcism, family values gets shattered and life becomes a cyclic pattern of blindness, and because of the departure of the woman, the world has been taken over by mammon and our churches and mosques by scandals. To get to repair things we should plead to the woman to go back home, we should exalt her vocation and dignify her task. Bring back the culture of the greatness of motherhood and of the sacredness of the home, then our families shall be peaceful, our church, holy and our land prosper. Plead and implore the woman to return home: it is difficult in this age of making ends meet, but without her return we stand no chance to correct our malicious ills. Not until the woman comes back home and she is accorded her rightful dignity and her vocation is truly valued, then shall we move to the higher plane, the horizon of freedom and liberation, the root of awareness and truth. Today’s working world is unreasonably tasking and intensely competitive as a result of passion for excessive profit, and until we focus more on a globalised ethic and business moralism,we shall continue to go down the drain. Charity begins at home-the source of this moralism is the home, and its root is the woman. If the woman is out of the home, how do we build virtue? All said and done, let it be known that the beginning of our freedom lies with the return of the woman home and her being accorded the honor.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

His Most Holy Name!

Do u know why at the name of Jesus every knee must bow'?,bcs in truth every name is Jesus. Peter finds fulness to his name in Jesus, so does Paul, so does lion, eagle,shark,even trees, rivers,mountain, deserts and d whole creation;they are all Jesus by name. Tell Babalawo not to waste too much words on rhetoric,the name of all medicines is Jesus; tell alfa that all Arabic litanies simply point to this name Jesus. This is truth: that at the name of Jesus, every knee must bow, since sincerely speaking,everything is Jesus, all things visible & invisible . Accept this, or die!- Happy feast of d Holy Name of Jesus!

Change, Or Die!

We need to think 'out of the box', or risk being caught up. The universality and 'globality' of our actions is the challenge of this millennium . It is not enough to be a patriot of a group, a tribe, a religion, a nation etc. We must create an atmosphere in which our interest could survive in the face of 'totality'. This in no way prevents us from having an identity, but an identity which aims at thriving at the expense of another identity, a kind of proselitism , be it of idea,or belief is heading for doom. Live and let live is the temptation of identity. As I look at people like Adolf Hitler,Slobodan Milosevic,Ratko Mladic, Bin Laden, Robert Mugabe and actions like the Middle East process(prior to Obama); I see in these people and their acts a form of national or ideological heroism and patriotism, but that which was myopic because they failed to think outside the box, they succumbed to the ills of either not adapting to universality or being sluggish about it. Yet , the challenge of this adaptability springs from the 'fear of the wolves'. Ask George Bush , he would ( if honest) point to the fear of these wolves as his reason for turning a blinded eye to the 'injustice' of the Middle East, that which brought about global terrorism and the economic crash. America's sin was that of an inherent reluctance to act out of a presentiment over the consequence of action. The fear of the wolves.I hope it is not too late for America to understand that universalism will increase and nationalism will decrease during this millennium , wether we wilt or not. So what shall we do? For me, it is better to act out of the box, irrespective of the wolves and despite its risks than succumb to an idealism which keeps us inbox.He who remain inbox shall have time and tide as his enemy, rather than friend. Universality,'globality',humanity, totality..., those are challenges we face, irrespective of the wolves.We must either change, or die!


That fateful morning When i was woken to terror When evil stared at me And the severity or the war i saw And paralised by fear i was And half empty the glass i saw Nollywood, Al qaeda neither it be But real and close this behoves me And every faith in man i lost And i knew why our villages are arid And why our towns lay waste And why our cities are rotten Its because of the evil of the land And the sins of the city And the paradox about life I saw: When you came in and spurred me on When all that was left was waste and spent To believe -for you- or not: This necessity of wheat and weed I know not; but this am sure: Life is short and brief Be happy and rejoice therein The future you think is far, is now Though satan buffets and trial comes Believe or deny evil you may But cease neither to do good nor alter your faith in humanity Once more, I've been proved right In you my friends i see the face of Christ. When you dare to love prepare for war And this charity begins at home Be courageous and of evil fear not And even though your heel be bruised Its head be sure forever you smash History is worth all these and more Dare run from man and loose out Life is a task always for doing good And in spite of all, in humanity to believe Thank you, thank you for being there for me!

Dig It, Dig Unto Love!

Dig unto love, dig it! That first tingly feeling could be fake And surely does vanish for reality But let no man discourage you Dig it, never let go, dig unto love People let go and they conclude: There is nothing called love. Because they lack the will power Or the audacity to dig further There is something called love Surely more than that which you feel But a good starting point is that which you experience,now! Dig unto love, never let go, dig! Love is a verb , not for the lazy Love is responsibility, not for the fainthearted But love is wonderful, love is freedom, love is sweet And the starting point is that girl, that boy ,that lady, that guy You have that tingly feeling for! When they ask you to let go Telling you it is pointless to hold on Dig unto love, keep digging! What is happening is more than him, It is more than her Love can be hurting but it is always fruitful And when you are told that all this will amount to nothing Tell them: even Something has become nothing! The Word has been made flesh for love Even such love that happens to you now Just don't stop,keep digging! MERRY CHRISTMAS MY FRIENDS!

An Open Letter To God

Dear God, People say that heaven will be boring, that those who make life interesting will not be there anyway. There seem to be this apprehension that you remove our interests and desires, and give us a rather singular pastime of singing for eternity. What really does heaven consist of? Do the saints actually do nothing but sing hallelujah all day? Do you really remove any of our interests? For instance, in my love for music; would you only preserve the gospel music? Would the love of Baba Ara deter me of the truth of Alhaji Agba and would Midnight crew or Infinity rob me off the inspiration in 2face and 9ice? Or would you rather purify them than have me throw them in the bin? Do you really loathe politics, would you rather step up the conservatives and slow down the liberals; or would you really want to do away with them altogether? Would my being ACN or PDP be halted by heaven, even if I keep them detribalized and make them have the unity and progress of the country at heart? Wouldn't you rather support a party with passion for truth, unity, peace& freedom rather than encourage the ‘siddon looks'? Did you really mean me to leave my family in contempt by your command to 'hate father, mother etc'? Shouldn’t my family be my source and theatre for love and progress, and that charity begins at home, even in heaven? People also say You are in no way interested in sport, and once in heaven my support for Chelsea ceases, wouldn’t You rather keep my passion for the Blues, as long as I keep a greater passion for fair play, respect, the fact that it is more honorable to participate than to win, and the inspiration, joy & unity that comes through sports? Some say there should not be religion as long as we are passionate about humanity. Others say as long as we worship the same God, one faith is as good as the other. In Christian circles they say as long as denomination has one common Denominator: Christ, nothing else matters. Its easy to go by this relativistic theorem, it is the easiest way out of the many religious troubles of this world, more so when I’ve seen that no class or creed can ‘box you’, and that your choice goes beyond any particular religion or denomination. But didn't you call a people, didn't you form a church, are you really interested in killing identity? And talking about love, do you really hate 'poppy love’? And of money, do you really loathe business and would rather have us flee into desert than indulge in these vanities? Aren't you also a God of Eros, even vanity that they be? Wouldn't you rather have us journey through them than have our humanity crippled? If you are these it’ll all be fun to be with you since you reduce nothing of our humanity but rather deepen them and would no way kill our identity. If we know these, would Valentine eclipse Easter, or would Halloween overshadow All Saints? Permit me to say people fear you, they dont love you! Isn't heaven about work, but a work with assurance of success without the friction of time and space, wouldn't that be fun? And isn’t your body and blood the eternal life, consummate pleasure and perfect happiness that we crave for? Doesn't it make a fool of crack; make messes of puff, show the silliness of booze and make us blush of sex? Welcome to Heaven!