I already said that when we recieve the Eucharist, it is a 'tightening' experience, that is, nothing is reduced, it is like a man tightening a rope until it gets firmer and firmer. With each Eucharistic reception then, our glory is increased,because, we come closer and close to heaven, even on earth. But it is only when we care, if only we care, (hmm,'idagunla', 'aibikita'...)It is our desire, which assists our awareness that brings about this 'tightennig' experience, and it is not out of reach of any one of us, but it has to be nutured.In essence, our faith-which is our wisdom and victory - must be nutured by our interest, desire and affection. We need to 'be there'. But how can we be there when we dont love to be there? It is only by a constant and continual reception of the Eucharist that ensures our salvation,we cannot afford to be slack, because through it, our faith, hope and love are nutured.This is how it works:
When we receive the Eucharist, we are accepting an invitation to help Christ in His work, we become 'victims'. Take the case of a towel, dipped into a bowl of dirty water, then squeezed into a sink with running fresh water. (I had already made a reference of Christ as 'sink'). If the aim is to empty the water in the bowl and get the towel cleaner; with each soaking of the towel in the bowl then , the water reduces. yes, the towel gets heavy, but it gets lighter once it is squeezed into the sink and it achieves the double goal of removing the dirty water in the bowl and being cleaner under running water with each squeezing and scooping of the water in the bowl.
We are like that towel, Christ is the sink with running water, the bowl is the world, the dirty water in it is the evil in the world.This is our mission: with each reception of the Eucharist, we accept the invitation to be the hand and the feet of Christ, we go into the world , and doing our normal duty, with all its struggles and hardship, as long as we keep His memory alive, we go , we come back, 'taking away the sins of the world' and squeezing them into the 'sink', ie Christ in the Eucharist who is the ultimate victim. Now that is hope: the positivity of things, the journey of the world towards achieving eternal unity with God, just by receiving the Eucharist, keeping our desire for him alive and doing our respective daily task , whatever happens , He takes care of the rest, this is our mission, this is the covenant between us and Him. He died for us, takes care of us and ours in totality, and we allow Him to use us, He needs us; in a way , He cannot save the world if we dont venture with Him, the more we do venture, the more we hasten the salvation of the world!
Let's go back to the towel scenario. What happens if the towel is not squeezed into the sink or washed with the running water? It becomes heavy and dirty and useless for other jobs. That is what happens when we give up, we get weighed down, we cannot go any further, we loose sight of our destination , we lack vision. That is the challenge of loosing out on the Eucharist, no wonder it is called our Daily Bread.No wonder it is the Bread of life.
But we may ask , 'what is my concern with the world and its sins' why bother when i have my own gargantuan problems?'but it is in this concern about the totality and absolucity of things that our own trivial issues are adequately solved the more.We have become myopic in the vision of the action of God that is why we feel He is not at work in our lives, the truth is that we are not we, we are God, we must broaden our heart and accept the truth, we must discipline our mind into accepting the catholicity of creation, only then do we know Truth and only then can we be truely free, let us trust Him , that if we shift our focus from 'us' to 'Him', we can never be loosers in this project. Let us broaden reason. The task of a Christian is not an easy one, it is the task to be God! But with Christ, the yoke is easy and the burden is light, it is a 'leverage' project, just simply by receiving the Eucharist, and going about our daily duty in love, we have the immense capacity and advantage of doing the same work as God, of being God! Let us not squander this immense opportunity!Eucharistic vocation is that which we cannot afford to discard, through it we become coredemtrixes, we take away the sins of the world, but we must remain in Him to be safe, we must be continually there. He is the Bread of life!