Friday, 28 December 2012

Letter To My MP Regarding My Position On The Redefinition Of Marriage

Dear Ms Theresa Pearce,

Thank you for your letter referenced :LRE/AKINO2013 dated on the 16th of October 2012.

I quite appreciate your personal reply to me, giving me your practical reasons why you felt the government should proceed with the redefinition of marriage. As a result of the immediate reactions and the imminent decision of the government regarding this, I deem it fit to respond to your letter and to proffer my personal reasons as to why I believe marriage should not be redefined and the practical option I feel are available towards avoiding discrimination in the society.

Experience and studies have shown that stability of home, society and nation is more sustainable under a properly instituted marriage and that all the other various forms of relationships do not really hold grounds in relation to family life, the society and its stability.

If we both agree on the statement above, our point of mutual departure shall then be that of reaching an agreement about what actually constitutes a properly defined marriage, and we shall try to see if we can actually, whimsically include gay marriage as part of this institutionalized marriage criteria, as is actually being proposed, and this in conscience, is what I would like to discuss on.

Ms Pearce, would you rather agree with me that, instead of the government going to the root and origin of marriage, and attempting to upturn it without any regards for its anthropological significance and its cultural foundations, wouldn't it be more accommodating to refine civil partnership, and perhaps 'upgrade' the Gay partnership as a 'higher' status of civil relationship, rather than making marriage a mortal culprit and upturning all its moral significance by the introduction of gay marriage?

Not that this is a good alternative, but at least, it would in a way leave a measure of compromise, rather than leaving the government entirely to the caprices of venturing into a project and decision whose repercussion would be unsustainable and detrimental to the future and posterity at large. We have already made enormous mistakes with the environment and the economy, and an attempt to tamper with marriage would also constitute a gross misconduct which would simply create a more hardened future for us and for our children.

I believe in the freedom, uniqueness and equality of humanity, but a freedom without order and boundary historically has proved disastrous and inimical to humanity, and attempts to tamper with these laws have often resulted into deeper chaos for the world. That is the basis of my objection towards legislating on the redefinition of marriage.

My personal position is that homosexuality is a disorder which needs to be approached and tackled as a social ill; but this letter is not to reiterate my personal position on this, but it is a cry towards the emancipation of creation and humanity from impending disasters which could come about as a result of decisions borne more out of levity than deep personal convictions on the part of the government.

I'm not talking simply from faith perspective, but also from simple reasoning and logic. The natural law of creation is such that it would accommodate humanity and make the distribution of the world's goods an abundance, and attempts at tampering negatively with these natural laws have always caused calamity for man, and the height of this tamper is one which affects the root cause and structural capacity of bringing forth humanity into the world, which is the institution of marriage between man and woman. This diabolical attempt of the government towards the sacrilegious fondling with the sanctity of the naturalness of marriage is thereby extremely inimical.

 A constitution called love, which carries with it all its natural intricacies, but has no means of producing fruits of its own volition does not seem to me to be a right foundation to bequeath the future. If humanity presumes to foster of its own accord, the limitation of love to a stagnant and 'fruitless' relationship like Gay marriage, then I believe that this tamper with the law of nature and its cosmological being would constitute an intrinsically evil action and the aftermath can only be negative. The fruitfulness of couples is what we must encourage and this happens in a well defined marriage between a man and a woman.

I have gay friends, and they are nice, pleasant and good people, but this reason does not make me justify actions which are essentially not contributing to the welfare of humanity. I am also aware about those who have decided to sacrifice their sexual energies and have channeled these energies into making the world a better place, or about those who desire the fruitfulness of matrimony but due to their physiological constituents are unable to do so. But creating a legalized capacity towards sexual gratifications without a direct means of procreation is an illusionist responsibility; and the sole cause of portending material gains should not warrant the rewriting of an ancient plausible custom.

The fact that I have a craving that is difficult to curtail does not warrant me justifying it, and the fact that I have a habit I struggle against does not necessitate anyone discriminating against me. I shall support the gays in their quest for human rights, but I shall object them, to the last towards the justification of their acts.

Legalizing gay marriage is anthropologically incorrect and is unnatural. It would ultimately prove inefficient and incapable of reforming society for good and would end up straining family life the more.

Thank you for your time and I hope you would be kind enough to take these reason into cognition when you are presenting the stance of our constituency towards redefinition of marriage.

Yours faithfully,

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Overwhelmed With God's Favors?

God needs one thing in recompense: Praises and Thanksgiving.
To thank Him perfectly, its not just enough to say or sing it, you'll need to offer Him the totality of your life.
To offer Him the totality of your life perfectly, it's not just enough to say or sing it, you'll need to make Him do it for you.
To make Him do it for you perfectly,it's not just enough to say and sing it, you'll need to attend the sacrifice of the eternal covenant (Mass).
To attend the sacrifice of eternal covenant perfectly , you've got to receive and take Him to yourself in holy communion.
To receive and take Him to yourself perfectly in holy communion, you've got to do His will and keep Him in your memory day and night.
Praise and thanksgiving is the true worship, but it transcends words, it demands action.
The action part of thanksgiving is the Eucharist .
When you are overwhelmed about God's mercies, do praise and thank Him with your mouth,but also make sure you attend at least one Mass!
Psalm 116: 12 - 13
Rev 12: 11

Sunday, 4 November 2012

So, What Has Become of Them?

When we are bequeathed with the great grace of loosing a very loved one, we are faced with a deep disturbance and we have this great urge in us to want to help such loved one out of his 'vicissitude' .We would like to believe he is greatly to be pitied for leaving the world. No! We are far more to be pitied. The deeper we love a person, the more the horror of this separation faces us, and we would love to be spared, yet our beloved is simply pointing to us what is life, but we would like to be spared of our pains and predicaments;anything that reminds us of him becomes a source of pain: his pictures, writings, videos, belongings etc; or the frequent dreams we have of the person, which perhaps we would want to be spared of, for they are at the same time deeply sorrowful and highly complex to fathom, for though we should not disregard dreams, they could be highly difficult to decipher,as difficult as trying to communicate to a babe what we would want of him . Just as it could be difficult to realize that sorrow at the departure of a loved one is one of the greatest grace we would ever have as much as it draws us towards memory, reconciliation & conversion if it is authentic .
So what has become of our loved ones, we would love to know? Are they in heaven, purgatory or - God forbid- hell? We would like to know if they are faring well; the truth is that, if such person has died in Christ and is someone acquainted to trusting in His mercy, his present state would be far far better than ours , and on the contrary, he is very much concerned about us, and his greatest concern is for us to know the truth and live it as he now knows it vividly.Mercy at last is the ultimate determinant and it lies outside the scope of our judgement ! Mercy is the promise of our faith,the faith of our fathers, of Abraham and his sons forever.
So are you sad & anxious about the state of your loved ones? These are simply calls for you to practice reconciliation , conversion & memory, that is the litmus test that they are faring well, and you are perhaps far blessed than those who have not experienced loosing a beloved, for blessed are those who mourn.

Friday, 5 October 2012

I Had A Dream: I Died... And Rose!

Why do I want to talk about this? Like all these numerous dreams, some come out so sharp and alive that you would want to keep them in your memory, not because they are pleasant , but because they plant an indelible lesson towards the journey of life.
Such was that which I had on the night of the 4th, cum morning of the 5th of October, and I consider it a lesson from my Patron St Francis, which I celebrated on that 4th.
The dream began from a church, and there was this talk - presumably by one of the administrators of the church( I don't remember him as a priest, neither as a layman; I'll call him a churchman )- about an exhibition of The Transfiguration , which would depict a somehow real experience of the transfiguration ,that which was being organized by the church ; so about four of us (me, including some friends, which i dont recognize in real life) decided to visit this exhibition with this churchman, and I personally was very excited about it, I presume my other 3 friends also were.
We left the church, it was night, and our first passage was a building which looked like a hospital. We were surprised that the patients hadn't slept by that time of the night, it felt like around 2am( probably the real time I was having the dream); later it became impressed upon me that we were in a kind of psychiatrist hallway, the patients weren't asleep, and they weren't awake either, they were moving like zombies. It was a bit scary.
Led by this churchman, we crossed this building into a main road , I had a feeling we were still traveling around a very large compound with all these( church, hospital and the exhibition venue) buildings in the custody of the church. I entered the back of a pickup van with my 3 other friends and I heard my cousin ( either Tobi or Tosin) shouting to greet me as the van was moving. He appeared to be the only recognizable figure in that dream.
We got to the exhibition building and the churchman was leading , passing through hallways, until we got to a particular door which he unlocked and went in, I followed suit and the door shut behind me with my 3 other friends outside. Immediately I felt the horror of where I was, it was very dark and frightening . I protested to the churchman that I didn't want to go in first but he ignored my plea and in spite of the fact that I knew he was with me, my horror was never lessened, it was a feeling of being alone in spite of somebody. Not knowing I hadn't seen nothing yet: I had no choice but to follow this churchman as he led me through a dark corridor and I witnessed the most dreadful part of this adventure: along this narrow corridor were beings ( wether humans or demons, I don't know) thrusting their hands out from holes of the walls from this narrow corridor and were making to grasp me, this hands were horrific and rotten and was like of dead rotten men in the midst of darkness!
I knew the churchman was at the front but I was dead with fright, I feel it is impossible to face such horror and be bold, it was very very dreadful ! In the midst of this, some things remained deeply impressed on me during this dream: I still knew the passage of this horror was a necessity towards experiencing the Transfiguration exhibition . I was also very conscious of my extreme powerlessness, and I feel indeed every man would be powerless inside that corridor , and also, I was very factually conscious that Christ would rescue me and that I would scale through, and indeed, in my own case, I was lucky that this corridor was much shorter,I feel I could have died out of fright if it had been longer. Also, meanwhile I was still hopeful and picturing what my idea of the Transfiguration exhibition would be like, I wanted to walk through the corridor quickly but I was very frightened, terrified and weak, I pity very very much in that instant those who wouldn't have the consolation of faith.
As the churchman wouldn't help me, I cried: 'Oluwa gba mi!'
I woke up.
These things remained deeply impressed on me after waking up:
1.The Transfiguration exhibition was fulfilled in the waking up to Reality. In my dream, I had preconceived an environment shining, glowing, ornamented etc, as an expression of Transfiguration , but it came out to be simply, a waking up to the peace of Reality , and that , this our present life itself is the dream, our death and Ressurection is the actual experience of waking up unto the Real Reality!
2. That Daddy's death experience was very similar to this, and Christ's went through this: He descended into hell. This 'hell' in which everything breathes damnation may be purgatory, or hell itsef;and to think that any man would be presumptuous enough to think that he could save himself from such terrifying tunnel is the height of pride, the more he would struggle alone without calling on The Lord in faith and trust, the longer he shall be in that horrific place ,and, God help him that those terrible beings don't grab him and drag him inside that hole!
3. The life of faith is a journey, I can only explain those idiosyncratic people we passed through at the hospital as people who live without motive, perambulating without journeying. From the church to the exhibition is the journey, inside that room is the experience of death, my bed at home is waking up to Reality, the Ressurection . But we are still dreaming, lets learn, this life itself is the dream. Reality is awaiting us.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

The War We Are In.

What is generally downplayed at baptism and at the beginning of the decision to be a Christian is the war aspect of the journey, but, as a Christian grows he sees more and more the inconsistency of everything, he sees from his society a world structure ,order and ideology entirely bereft of truth and real freedom;he sees from his friends,families,work and church, beliefs and actions that are more or less militating against freedom and with this culture into which he was born and raised, he becomes insatiable. Worse of all he sees within himself a being widely incoherent with his ideals and he notices that he is even the primal enemy of himself. The more he aims at correcting these anomalies , the more he sees himself rather engrossed into them and the more he feels this exasperation and helplessness, because evil is deadly and aggressive. Many give up on the way, you cannot master evil with aggression , nor can you do so with complacency,but by love,patience and humility does truth come into light,bringing an advent of freedom & peace, for evil is an adept at aggressiveness, he would get you locked into itself with that strategy.Virtue lies in the middle.
Everything is moving towards goodness and freedom, no power on earth and in the heavens could halt that, but this freedom happens only through work, hardship and sufferings . If we have not sincerely been able to muster these words : ' for me,to live is Christ (cross) and to die is gain', then we must somehow still be among the principalities militating against freedom. The Lord surely would take us to the next level of freedom, where we would feel reborn, even on earth; but no sooner shall we attain this level of freedom that we shall get down to work and war, for through this shall another level and freedom come. And this movement along the Way happens till eternity, forever.So, if you would rather not move, work or suffer, you may not enjoy the Christian's heaven, for God is love and love is a verb. The beatitude is the heavenly life for those destined for eternity.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

On Our Lady of Sorrows

Happy feast day my brethren, those who belong to Christ in Mary and those who look forward to His coming through her.
I still wonder why this great feast is still classed as a Memorial; if at all not a Solemnity, I feel it should at least be a Feast. It's the feast of Mary's motherhood of humanity.
As Annunciation is our feast of motherhood of Mary by grace, Our Lady of Sorrows is the feast of her motherhood on us by nature, now and here!
Mary is more than a saint, Mary is our coredemptrix, the Tree which brought up the fruit of salvation and offered It is Mary. Look at the crucifix ( yesterday's feast) and the Pieta( today's feast ) and see what all progress consist of!
We naturally would recoil from cross as we would sorrow. But by His cross we are redeemed and through her sorrow we are free!
The creation that is still in pangs, in this pain of childbirth is Mary, this great 'Holy Saturday' upon which the hope and salvation of the world depends is Our Lady of Sorrows!
I was told this in the past , but I also felt it was some over excessive devotion to Mary that made them say so, now I dont think so anymore, for I have experienced it: Mary is the hope of mankind, in her nothingness and sorrow she holds the future, if you don't comprehend her mission , forget the notion of comprehending Christ or what history and the redemption of Israel and the world consist of .
This is advanced Christianity: comprehending The Sorrowful and Immaculate of Mary!

Monday, 27 August 2012

Christ, Memory, Life and Death (Extract from Julian Carron)

What does the memory of Christ mean? Using reason again according to its nature! That is, not reducing my reality, my "I" to my mood. If i reduce everything to my mood, after a few days, i wouldnt be able to go on. Someone could say, "She's really suffering from X's death"...I assure you, instead, that if you stayed at this level, in very little time you wouldnt be able to go on. You would need to forget in order to continue living. Only a person who does not need to forget (rather remembering, urges him to the memory of Christ) can stay in front of death and can remain X's friend in another modality. The others, wether they want to or not, would erase him from their lives. Not out of spite, but because they would not be able to stay in front of him, and would have to forget. And instead of staying before the eternal, they would have to return to the usual life and reduce reality to appearances.
Instead , every time it hurts, every time i feel the wound, if it is an ocassion of memory, we see how X remains our friend. He is more a friend than ever, because nothing has made us live before the truth, that is, before the eternal, the way Xs death has. And this judges all our friendship, which, many times, rather than helping us to live before the eternal, make us forget it, distract us from the eternal.
What kind of friendship is ours? It is as if the death of a friend puts our back to the wall: What kind of friendship is ours, if not for being able to look at this? If we are not friends in death, then we are not even friends in life- even if it does not wound us as much as death.
Lets finish by saying this: we cannot fill the void left by death with our imagination. What is of X now? What do you think? To think about it, from where do you start? Jesus said, " Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent , Jesus Christ". For this reason, the only modality for not filling this unknown with our imagination and then attributing it to the Mystery (which is almost inevitably the risk we fall prey to if we are not careful)consists in helping each other look at X starting from the experience we have had with Christ. Because X, now, is living the fulfillment of that experience, is living that experience more intensely, is living the whole of that experience, of that beginning. But it is the fulfillment of what he was already living here! It is not something else; it is the fulfillment of that. So then , eternal life is not eternal boredom, such that in the end we could think, " Poor fellow, what a shame!" Perhaps X is more fortunate than we. Rather, not perhaps: he is more fortunate than we, because today he is telling us, " Look, life is this!" With his living this fulness now, he is saying to all of us, " Look, friends, life is this! Life is Christ, and death is gain".

Thursday, 14 June 2012

The Heart

The Heart (2013)

The heart is an internal organ of the body.
The heart’s functions in the body are not usually visible; we are always almost unaware of the enormity of its work.
Heart serves as a pump for blood to the whole body.
Heart also sends blood supply to the head, without which there is no reasoning.
Without blood circulation, it is impossible for the body to survive, thus , without,  the continuous working of the heart ,which pumps blood, it is impossible for the body to survive.
The heart removes waste blood, sends it to the lungs to be reoxygenated.

Inasmuch as grace perfects nature:

The Sacred Heart works in an ‘as gentle as silence’ manner.
Devotion to the Sacred Heart keep devotees humble and simple, which enables them get virtually everything they ask of the Lord.
It is the Blood of Christ that saves, but without devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the effect of the Precious Blood would not be felt by man, and humanity would die in their sins.
The heads and leaders of the church receive their strengths from simple souls who are devoted to the Sacred Heart.
Love is a verb, the Sacred Heart is the source of love, and qualities such as reverence, kindness, compassion, wisdom, conciliation and forgiveness are products of devotions to the Sacred Heart.
Those devoted to the Sacred Heart do not suffer for their sins, for they bathe their sins in the Precious Blood and reoxygenate their vigours in the Holy Spirit.

And inasmuch as glory perfects grace:

Christ suffered a ’heart attack’ on the cross, and this was a source of grace and mercy for the whole world, and this also becomes the source of  perpetual pumping of precious blood and water for the human race, and for the glorification of Christ.
Any attack on a devotee of the Sacred Heart can only foster his glory and herald grace and mercy for posterity.
Happy feast of the Sacred Heart!

The Sacred Heart of Jesus ( Being Presentation Given During the 2015 MArIA Program )

Physiological perspectives of the Sacred Heart.

St Theresa of Jesus advised the necessity of approaching Christ through His humanity.
The Body of Christ is the physical dynamic of all that is seen and unseen of the entire cosmos.
The Sun is considered the centre of the universe; the heart is considered the centre of the body.
Scientifically, the heart is the centre of our circulatory system; it is solely responsible for pumping blood into the entire system.
It’s malfunctioning is the no 1 cause of death in the world.

My Sacred Heart Devotion History

This started at St Christopher's Sango where the group is nothing but a strong unchallenged political force in the church.
It is solely a societal arena for parties, meetings, food and booze.
Getting to St Mary’s Ayetoro, things was a bit different, the party factor was on a lower scale, and the political genius in church was challenged by other parties.
I got to realise the Sacred Heart Society was also about adoration, about solemn admission, about enthronement.
I started observing the First Friday devotion in Oshogbo.
Our race as a family into the actuality of the Sacred Heart did commence with the enthronement of Sacred Heart in 1994 at the home in Oke-Onitea.
And I shall never forget the personal comforting presence I felt of Christ when Akinkunmi died in the year 1996.
The full blast – for me – of my devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was when I enthroned Him into my home in September 2011, just after Daddy had departed and few days after my son was baptised.
For many reasons and testimonies, I consider this devotion as Daddy’s legacy for us and his gift to us about what has saved him.
This is summed up in the statement we all know Daddy lived and died for “Love, don’t hate”

The Theology of the Sacred Heart.

What was in the mystery of the blood and water that made John swear he was speaking the truth?
What was in his side that Thomas touched that made him cry ‘My Lord and my God’?
In this heart lies the depth of the mystery of creation.
In this heart begins the birth of creation.
From this heart are the sacraments born.
On this heart is borne the Divine Mercy which is the ultimate covenant of God on us .

The Church and the Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart is Christ Himself.
No true devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus that does not translate to the love of the Eucharist.
From the Sacred Heart of Jesus is borne the Divine Mercy devotion. None can be separated from the other.
An extraordinary jubilee of Divine Mercy is promulgated by the Pope , to start later in the year.
Christ calls us to win heaven at little cost.

What is in It for us?

I believe very strongly and I am convinced that:
Upon this devotion is the unity of both our individual families and our joint family depends.
Upon this devotion depends Daddy, Mummy and Kunmi’s positive influence.
Upon this devotion lies our joint shield and protection from all evils, principalities and harms.
On this devotion do our spiritual and material blessings depend.
Take not the providence of our individual family’s enthronement for granted, it is an act of Daddy from heaven.
 I write the above in spite of the guarantee 12 promises directly from Our Lord. The following are based on my direct experience.
Our part is to start simply by being devoted to the First Fridays and family consecration.

I can bet my life on its positive impact if we all join hands to do this. It works.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

The Risk of Education

Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created...'. Unlike "the Jews who seek after signs,and the Greeks who seek after 'wisdom', we preach a crucified Christ....". I hate poverty, and my greatest passion is to destroy it, and- like one Nobel laureate puts it-to send it to the museum. But in place of 'Jews' we have in the majority today, Capitalistic Religions which exalt money, and go by 'The customer is always right', preaching what members would like to hear. On the other hand , the 'Greeks' today are Dogmatic and Presumptuous Scientism which does not see a truth outside that which is reasoned and tested around its sphere; from these hails the source of all incarnated technologies which stifle our minds. A 'crucified Christ' is not easily come by.A crucified Christ is Eductainment. It is where creativity begins, and only a mind that is not crippled by the powers that be, as dictated by Capitalistic Religions or Dogmatic Scientism could arrive at lasting creativity, such that we can only reach by passing through 'The Road Less Traveled'. I don't like suffering,but there is no other way to arrive at education, only through discipline, dedication, integrity and hard work can a man be truly taught. That is what I believe stifles our society: corruption, lies,lawlessness,mediocrity and sin abide too much, and actual education, which is a journey of experience is just not deep enough, the powers that be, sooner or later, take over. When poverty abounds, few have the maturity to take the opportunity to arrive at truth. Yoruba says:'Eni ebi npa, kii gbo iwaasu', meanwhile, Yoruba also says again' Iya o je o , o loo gbon, ta ni teacher e?'.
 We nee to Re-imagine. Like Starcomms would say : 'We speak your language'. We just need to reinvent new ways to communicate to the present day youths, workers and leaders, in the language of this age. Everybody knows that, you'll say. But are we all not just powerless now? Who has succeeded in communicating the whole truth in the language of our times? While we confess our weakness and powerlessness,we should not stop trying and praying to the Holy Spirit, who alone can truly create and recreate. Recreation simply means, working and catching fun at the same time; but to arrive at this, we must be educated, and to be truly educated, we must pass through the sufferings of life.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

lessons to learn from the Chelsea saga:

1) Go ahead no matter what. God has not finished with you yet. When the chips are down and everyone says you are useless & worthless, it is then time to know that glory is not by power or by might!
2)Without a followership dt is ready to support a leader, it is much more difficult to progress. ( AVB)
3)Emotional intelligence is a greater leadership trait than analytical skills ( Matteo & AVB)
4) It is d right mix of old & new with appropriate leadership dt brings out champions.( Chelsea FC)
5)It is a great opportunity for progress wn all eyes are off you & you are written off.
6)The more entrenched habits are d more difficult dy are to change, it is much easier to manage positively our bad habits than to seek to cut them radically .( AVB & Dmatteo)
7)Don't give up on your ambition, it is when you least think of it that your star shines d more ( Champions league title)
8) Do not be quick to change your winning strategy( Dmatteo & defensive game)
9)There is something called destiny, no matter what, wn u are marked for success, you are marked!
10)Humility pays, it is when Chelsea fans stopped d bragging dt dy won 2 big braces .
11)Do not be afraid to profess your beliefs in public, it assures your victory( Drogba & sign of d cross)
12) God is everywhere & in everything, don't just watch sports for its fun only . See God!

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Between The Good Shepherd and Corporate Leadership

The study of MBA is the most desirous in the corporate and business world today and concepts like 'corporate vision','change','emotional intelligence', 'social responsibility',' ethics' are some of the 'ABC's' of MBA.These teachings are nothing short of christian messages in a secular language. The study of MBA has gradually developed into an even more important branch of study called Leadership. Proponents of the study of Leadership have unanimously analyzed that without deep spiritual development it would be difficult to develop strategic vision and achieve organizational growth.

 At this juncture, the corporate leadership seem to be 'confused' about which spirituality to actually adopt. Eastern spirituality has been of particular interest for these leaders while western monastic spirituality is also on the rise, but a great lot of these business leaders have gone deep into diabolic occultic spiritualities. It is in this  that the corporate leadership have not come to terms about the decision to adopt any spirituality, and this is how it affects me and you, who work directly or indirectly with this secular organizations and her leaderships.

 The challenge of our Christianity is to supply for the leadership that is often very lacking, delusive and confusing in the corporate world, and this task is not an easy one because the church herself suffers from the scars bequeathed on her from the confusion borne out of corporate leadership.This responsibility of leadership is so great that very few would like to look the challenge in the face and the contentment of the parallelism between church and state seem to be on the rise, even though it is just very apparent, from  faith's perspective, that the model is not working

 Leadership entails great responsibility, and it is this responsibility that we shy away from and a confused secular world, in spite of her delusions are leading growth, a growth that is ephemeral. The great Recession is an example of how very weak and fragile the model we build our existence on are.

 One of my national heroes is Umar Yaradua. He looked the challenge in the face, and he, a Moslem, adopted one of the often neglected slogans of the corporate world, which incidentally was that which was assumed by the prophets for Christ: Servant Leadership. Umar's government was lacklustered and entrenched in controversies, but i really and actually believe Yaradua lived a fulfilled life and gave his life for the progress of the nation.

In Yoruba land there is a title called 'Aare Ona Kakanfo', a kind of war generalisimo. There has been 14 of them in Yoruba history,it was said that the Aare has been created to eventually be a victim for the preservation of the Yoruba nation. All the 14 have died in war and crisis and outside their lands. The last was MKO Abiola, and since he died noone has had the audacity to accept such a title anymore. Scary ,hm?

The Good Shepherd sunday is a call to leadership, and even though these 2 examples are not Christians, they are such that live in our living history, and the issue of their death seem to be so disconnected with its actual purpose.Leadership has to be less and less bureaucratic and autocratic.Leadership has its source in spirituality,and the highest form of leadership assumes a great responsibility ,not of power, but in the face of extreme responsibility,of being the victim - alive or dead- of that which you really care about. This applies in the family, in corporate organizations, in our nations and in our lives.Of this sort of life does growth springs from, not from any skill, strategy or dialogue.

Happy good Shepherd Sunday!

Monday, 19 March 2012

Surely, Goodness and Mercy!

My capaity for judgement is flawed. Where will i be: heaven, purgatory, hell? I wouldnt bother my head about that, as the factors which i would be prone to using is evidently inarpropriate, and the result can easily lead to my presumption or despair.

The capacity of my humanity to make this jugement and other judgement is utterly insufficient . I cannot tell of His judgement or where i shall be, but i can surely tell of His mercy. Mercy is His part of the covenant. What proves that He loves us is that while we were yet sinners, He died for us. This mercy is real, now and continous.

I cannot even tell of my position towards my destiny, but what i know is that it can only get better. Mercy can never be reduced and it is always positive. The 'yoyo' of life may be flinging back and forth, but i know it is moving, and moving forward only.

Mercy is a state in which you see the perfect orderliness of your life, even in the midst of woes and calamities, in blindness and sorrows, in agonies and pains, you see it daily, instantly, you see the essence and positivity of your destiny, you see the Meaning and Reason behind it: Christ our Lord!

What then shall seperate us from this mercy, from this great love of Christ, since water finds its level and nature harbours a vacuum?

Karma only takes its turn in the environment of a faith that is not positive. Where then is a positive faith that could spare us from the effect of karma, that which creation and the cosmos obey?This faith could only be found in the Covenant: the new and eternal covenant of which Christ takes full responsibility. Covenant of God is nothing but His mercy, the mercy promised to our fathers, to Abraham and to his sons forever, could only find its perfect fulfilment in the blood of the Lamb, the blood of the new and eternal covenant , shed for us and for ALL! The blood is there, it is only up to us to make use of this mercy without being either scrupulous or presumptous.

The whole laws of the cosmos and its elements does not affect this Factor. My faults, errors and sins does nothing to shake it. For me, heaven, hell, purgatory matters little when i see that the whole creation and cosmos happens as a reference to me, because of me, and for my prosperity!

What matters is not where i go, but my assurance and trust about the irreducibility and positivity of mercy. I shall not be dismayed, life can only get better, anyhow you look at it.The problem lies, not in the state in which i am, the problem lies in my attempt to judge mercy. Mercy lies outside the scope of negative judgement.The orderliness of Mercy is astonishingly perfect and Her vision is extremely positive.

Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow us, all the days of our lives, and we shall dwell in the heart of the Lord, forever and ever . Amen!

Monday, 12 March 2012

From death to life!

Deal with lustful looks in public to prevent pornography in private.
Deal with pornography to prevent fornication.
Deal with fornication to prevent adultery.
Deal with adultery to prevent divorce.
Deal with divorce to save your children.
Deal with your children to prevent cyclic poverty.
Deal with poverty to prevent war and unrest.
Deal with war and unrest to prevent death!

Deal with death to know the truth.
Know the truth to be liberated.
Be liberated to live.
Live to make others live!

From the beginning of death to the meaning of life!

Monday, 27 February 2012

Between The coin And The Host : The Ultimate Exorcism!

He was almost -or can i say,he was actually- made manifest, His influence on humanity and power against evil  was that great that His kingship was made manifest to all: he rode on a donkey to Jerusalem, and He went to the temple to perform what I call, the ultimate exorcism:His radical purging of the temple off the ultimate evil: money, and to think the greatest evil lies at the hearth of the temple! It sits at the 'holy of holies', it is the abormination of desolation seated in Jerusalem which has prevented Isreal from recognising the Messiah. At Palm sunday , they did recognise Him as Messiah, but the level of recognition was very myopic, for they still remained at the level of earthly kingship who is to deliver them from the power of Rome. What made this perception myopic was what Christ went into the temple to radically purge out: money.
Christ provoked money to a duel , He knew that, before evil and poverty could be defeated, money needs to be conquered, the duel between the coin and the Host actually took place and this is its drama :
After the event of the temple,(that is, His driving the marketers from the temple) money felt very slighted and waited for its revenge.And Christ knew it is in its nature to revenge.If it is no little wonder that the greatest evil lies in the heart of the holy of holies, what when we see that its messenger lies in the heart of Christ followers: Judas Iscariot!
The price was 30 pieces of silver, taken from the temple cofers.
And we have to meditate more on the scourging at the Pillar, hell was let loose then, money made sure that Christ paid to the last farthing, as a revenge for His action of scourging it in the temple, and if Christ's intention was to ultimately remove money from the temple so that people could see who He really was, Money's aim was to totally exterminate Christ from the earth so that its kingdom would be perpetually established.
Judas repented. But his repentance was similar to the belief of the Jews as the Messiah: not entrenched. He was deppressed, it was a possesive repentance. Money made him return it back to the temple where it was deeply entrenched, but it had 'moved', stagnancy is its virtue, and for it to move against 'Movement', the exorcism was completed.Judas committed suicide and money was banished into the field of the blood for strangers. The abomination of desolation had been disposessed and forever. Exorcism of evil, mammon has been performed to the root core by Christ. The temple is free. Because of the desire for vegeance of money, it lost its place in the temple.
Christ provoked the devil through violence and won it through humility. We need to know that , sometimes to purge evil, violence has to be initiated to unseat it, but we cant win it at its game, we need to return to non violence and gentility to quench it completely, that it can not master.
After its banishment, Christ total and complete seal on the temple and His perpetual reign was accomplished through the shedding of His blood  on the cross. Mammon can return no more.
From time immemorial until now, through the quest for authority and power, money goes out to kill people using some Judases within humanity. Money kills, but that has always been its greatest undoings, because the more it kills the children of God, the more the temple , the symbol of Divine power is taken from it, and the greater the children of God become and are made manifest, and the more the kingdom of God draws nearer.
The root of all evil is money, and its love is its tool.Money, epitomised as narcism, selfishness and egocentry, is the premival serpent, the apocalyptic dragon, the abomination of desolation. The most authentic decision in the quest to remove poverty and bring forth freedom is the willingness to conquer money and root out its love!

Friday, 24 February 2012

The Law of Consevation of Energy: Between Sacrament & Science

The law of conservation of energy simply says that the total amount of energy in a system remains constant over time.The rejection, by Christians, of the sacraments and sacramental is what has resulted into what I call The Age of Matter: the enlightenment, science and the liberalization of reason. Science is unsustainable without faith. Without Faith, Awareness or Truth, as you may call it, the whole work of science would ultimately result in a calamitous destruction of the world, for the earth by structure essentially has as its constituents the sacraments and not matter, matter has essentially become sacrament through the death and resurrection of Christ. History has shown that matter on its own is not sustainable.Not until the world rediscover the mysteries of the sacraments  would the world be saved, no matter the advancement of enlightenment, salvation of the world does not lie exclusively with science, rather it portends its destruction. So how do we rescue the situation? Science has made much progress devoid of faith while faith has lost much as a result of an abject rejection of the sacraments; it's a question of simple law of energy conservation. To save the world and move it forward, faith can only take back her lost energy from science through reason,and if there is any hope left at all for the world,faith has to employ reason to engage science in order to take back what belongs to her in all truth:when matter would live the truth and become the sacraments. The battle point between faith and science is reason!

Monday, 23 January 2012

In Memory

IN MEMORY My primal sin: I take things for granted. What if my grandfather hadn’t decided to be a Christian or hadn’t invested in my Dad’s formal education, and what if my Dad hadn’t valued education also and hadn’t trained me to the university level. Surely, I could still have made it, but at a greater toil and lengthier time. Only God knows what important choice my Great-grandfather or Great great grandfather had made to get me here. And do I think at all, am I grateful for these or do I take things for granted? And what choices will I make for my children to keep up this progress. This is the capital sin: Idagunla, aibikita. Memory. The bane of our society. We lack history. We treat death as another ‘spanner loss’, we ignore the lives of our ancestors, that is why wise elders are lacking, why dynamic leaders are short and why we have swarms of mediocre as followers. Don’t look too far. Mia cupa. It’s saddening when we practice faiths that tend to kill memory. How on earth shall there then be growth? Even Christ cannot effect much without memory. A society whose followers are obedient and grateful, whose leaders let go, and whose elders practice memory and teach others its method will move at light speed. The greater virtue after morality and letting go is memory. Look at yonder, how do they get on? They lack faith, they are immoral, they are aggressively secular and atheistic, but they value history, biography, autobiography, they have a reading and writing culture , they think, they don’t forget and they believe in and leave legacies for posterity,. All Souls Day tend to portend sorrow (which is good, it helps the souls anyway) and purgatory has loads of bad press that we think of it little less than anathema. We look at our beloved dead as being helpless, and having no more contact whatsoever with our lives here, and we spare some thoughts for them, if at all , only on All Souls Day. A whole lot of Christian faiths wouldn’t even spare a day for memory. Do we really need to be sad for them? Yes, sad because they are no more around us physically. But they feel an infinitely more sorrows for us (which they have mastered, for sorrows effect much than joy in heaven) because we are more to be pitied. Work, pain, labour sorrows, etc becomes the opposite over there. When we remember them, we help them quite alright, but we benefit a lot more from them. We gain vision, progress and love. Blessed are the sorrowful, for they shall be comforted. Do you think pains, labours works etc are evil? Think a little of the Little Flower wanting to spend her heaven in doing good on earth. Did I hear earth? This ‘jakujaku’ earth?; as if that is not bad enough, what if we think of the Blessed Virgin still in labour of childbirth until now? Since 33AD! Is that not purgatory in heaven? And as if that is not the worst, what when you hear of St Paul’s wish of being condemned to hell on behalf of the Israelites?.. Don’t try to imitate them if you haven’t trusted love.’o ni hun ti agba je tele ikun… ‘Are they stupid or are we ignorant? Only when we learn to love and not hate do we know the reason why. It is He who has not come to condemn, but has come to save, who causes that experience. What is purgatory, for those who live the beatitudes? Hell melts away at the sight of love. A soul in love cannot stand still, that is why Yoruba says that ‘oku olomo kii sun’, that is the most natural means of this love that we speak about, albeit needing purification. (Mother and child). Movement is love, love happens for freedom and peace. He who is more artful at the utility of memory wins, that is why evil thrives. Evil people believe more in devils than we do God and have mastered this memorial act than us, and it is easier for humanity to destroy than to build. They conjoin demons, they remember devils, thus iniquity flocks the world. They make us forget our heroes who are dead in Christ and they keep on holding to the land. Freedom is all about the liberation of the land. Who owns the land? Who are our ancestors, the true ‘alaales’? Until we realise that man goes back to dust, and that, a man in Christ is word, and that it is through word that the land gains its freedom and liberation. In fact, the word has become land. Christ has won for us the land, but until we master the art of memory, we shall continue to succumb to the devil’s illusions. (And when He is come He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgement: Of sin, because they believe not on Him; of righteousness because He goes to His Father, and we see Him no more; Of judgement because the prince of this world is already judged -JN16:8-11). Christ’s ultimate legacy is: ‘Do this in memory of Me’. Therein lies great power, and He gave us the means to do this: The Eucharist. Christ told the rich young man after he has fulfilled point 1 of progress: morality, to apply point 2: go sell all what you have and give the money to the poor (letting go, the virtue of a leader, ‘agba maa n gba ni’), after the 2nd point He proposed step 3: ‘then, follow Me’. That following is the stage of memory, keep me in focus, it is the arrival of eldership, the 24 elders who are always by the throne of the Lord are those who have learnt the science of memory. The eternal legacy a man can achieve is the true acquisition of the land, and you can only acquire this land if it is truly liberated, and it behoves of one person, one man only to liberate the land, He only who has opened the seal. The Christ. Our Saviour! Our lives, knowingly or unknowingly are truly a battle for the land. But it is through letting go and memory that we gain the wisdom of conquest. And about what matters afterlife, Christ says: whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you do unto me. When we remember those who have died in Christ, albeit imperfect as they are (least of the brethren), we give Christ greater means of conquering the land. A damning belief is that which teaches us to forget the dead. A society or household that fails to constantly remember its dead is itself dead! No matter our cries to Him for liberation, Christ is likely to tell us: I am busy with Israel and Palestine, and when we tell Him, but come to Nigeria, He’ll reply: You have Tansi and all the numerous dead in my name to deliver you, and we shall answer, but they are not You, and they are not saints, they are imperfect, and we’ll rattle to Him their faults and imperfections, and He shall reply us: whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you do unto me. Remember them, thus you remember Me., for they are in me, ‘e ma pa ketekete!’ I rule from Israel, but I am present everywhere through my vicarages, even Peter is not here in Israel, he is manning My site in Rome. My mother also is not here, she is in Ephesus, so also my beloved disciple, John etc ( This is a description for literary purpose, I know the land is one and everything operates in essence) .What is sin and imperfection in the presence of love? When we believe that they that are in Christ are not saved, we have thus commenced our own condemnation on earth. Home is the natural place to build love, that which lasts till eternity. We should do everything to preserve the natural love of the home. ‘Bi ile o ba dun, bi igbe ni ilu nri’. If we miss the love from home we shall labour more to get it elsewhere and the vastness of our destiny most probably shall be curtailed. I know we dread idolatry, but nonetheless, Christ takes glory in the glorification of Christians, more so those who have died and are perfected in Him. Remember that famous Starcomms slogan: ‘We speak your language!’ , how important it is. Apart from the natural love which family fosters, there is this family, tribal and national language which is manifested in culture and tradition, which only he who is born, bred and died in the land is adept at. We speak your language! And this language is the word, which every one of us shall become. Logos. This logo must cut through the waft and weft of the illusions of true cultures, where a fake word exists; it is burnt up and taken over by the True Word. The Logos of God and it is through this that the land is liberated. This is truth, it is because we believe it in a shallow way, that is why evil still reigns. The real war is on and has been won at the same time. The actual war is inside us, our capacity to see this and work in love. Liberation of the land can only take effect through memory of our ancestors, our true ancestors, those who have died in Christ. The more this is continual and widespread, the more this cult of memory is built, in an individualistic and personal way, and all brought into the mystery of the Eucharist, the more our individual locality language is spoken, and the more our lands are liberated, the more there shall be prosperity,for the liberation of the land has a very close tie with the liberation of its people. We are the Word! Those who are dead in Christ are the actual living, they are waiting to perpetuate this true legacy! The real fact of the many languages heard spoken of during Pentecost is not only that of speaking in tongues , but that of a deep and divine understanding of the respective cultures of the languages spoken , which had been hitherto foreign to the disciples, which needed to be entered into and conquered for Christ. If Christ had not envisioned the universality of the church, they would all have spoken only Hebrew on Pentecost, even with that, it took persecutions to move the apostles from there comfort zones. They spoke the gentiles languages, they knew, by grace, the waft and weft of dwelling in the respective lands. That which they gained through divine grace is what we have been given naturally by our language. We need to wake up, and wake up the dead in Christ through memory. They have the natural ability to speak our languages, in fact, they have become our languages, and that is a plus for our land. They are the real words, but they are powerless without us bringing about their memory, even Christ is powerless without His memory (which the Holy Spirit shall not permit), and He is busy in Palestine, He still rules from Jerusalem, and whether we wilt or not, He shall conquer in the middle East and when He does, He shall rule the world, but then He shall have to ask us, how have you assisted me to conquer the land? The same words of the judgement apply in our relations to those who are living as well as those who are dead. The corporal and spiritual works of mercy begins from the life here into life hereafter. Will the words ‘whatever you do to the least of my brethren….’, affirm or refute us? Some ancestors have tried so much that they have won over their traditions, cultures, albeit to truth or to falsehood. Latin has so much been conquered that it has become the language of the church, and how the devil trembles at Latin! So also is Aramaic and Hebrew. Powers also dwell in Arabic, Hindu, English, Greek and even Yoruba, albeit positively or negatively. They know the power of using the word. I was named Francis during my baptism. I have cultivated the art of remembering St Francis, my patron Saint. He blesses me and blesses my family through me, but he has carried the remaining blessings to Assisi, for he really could not speak Yoruba to effect much further, except to act briefly only through those who understand him as we do. But he knows the nooks and crannies of Assisi, so it becomes easier to work in Assisi, or through Assisi, for work he must as an authentic logos. What shall I do then to liberate my land? I must learn and practice the science and art of memory, bringing back alive my ancestors who are dead in Christ, for they love to dwell with us, they hold the true language that can liberate our land, and it is through them that there shall be prosperity, progress and true liberation of the land! O blessed are the dead who have those that really matter to remember them, i.e. the church, holy people, simple souls; and also blessed the living who have saintly dead to remember. Reciprocals of this bring liberation of the land!