Change, they
say, is the only constant, but without the courage of changers, life would be a
muddled smelly pond. Just do it, wherever you are positioned, labour to find
your voice and change your position.
Often, there
is a certain unwritten law, an unseen barrier, a real but hidden boundary,
developed by the rule of conformity, which mutes people and keeps them a slave
of the System. The System needs massive slavery to function and slavery is
borne of lack of confidence and the inability to find one’s voice. Do not live
others lives, struggle to find your destined purpose!
Can any good
come out of the Good guy, I mean, those who would conform and live entirely according to the dictates of the
System? If you are not truthfully tough, you’ll simply be used as a pawn in the
hand of the powerful.
Look at what
is happening around you. The unrighteous get bolder but the good guys panic to
affect the status quo. let us not fear to live.
Courage is
needed but it needs to be seasoned by Prudence, and what we find in excess is
much each in isolation. Much courage without prudence, or much prudence without courage. A combination
of these two is rare.
Rare is a
prudent and courageous person, and that, Veronica was. She did not wrestle the
cross of Christ from the soldiers, that would be suicidal, she focused and went
boldly to wipe His face, and she was saved!
May your face
shine upon us and we shall be saved (Ps 80:19) so says the Psalmist, and this happened
to Veronica. Christ's face shone on her through the cloth she dared to to wipe His face with amidst
such pandemonium and danger.
Don’t die
before your time through a misguided courage, and avoid living without actually living through a false prudence. Follow the
path shown by Veronica, a woman who was wise and dared.
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