Sunday, 6 August 2017

Between Faith and Science; Sacraments and Reason.

The rejection by Christians, of the Sacraments, is what has resulted into what I call The Age of Matter. Science has made much progress at the expense of faith. Faith, on the other hand, has lost so much because of an abject rejection of the Sacraments; it's a question of simple law of energy conservation.

To save the world, faith can reclaim her lost energy from science through reason, which would be the battle ground faith must employ reason to engage science in order to take back what belongs to her in all truth, and the weapons of  engagement between both parties would be M(m)atters. Matter of the Sacraments, from faith perspective and the matter of things, from Science perspective; 

If there would be any hope left at all for the world, While the battle rages between faith and science within Reason, the matter of science would have to pave way for the Matter of faith in the sacraments, only if people of faith universally embrace the efficacy of these Sacraments.

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