Addiction kills vision. I mean
vision -not as in sight- but reason. Bad habits deaden the sixth sense. Purity
is all about clarity and its canker worm starts from the scrotum and has the
society as a consequential end.
As mentioned in previous topics,
this sexual problem is not so much about its sincere struggle but about its
denial and defence. One wonders how a private issue as sexual addiction can
transcend through social dimensions; whereas not every defaulter suffers its
consequence, but every defaulter sure becomes the cause of any devalued
relationship and social breakdown. (Flash back to my “3SU” story last week).
Consequences are easier avoided
with a broadened mind and a spirit steep in charity. People whose magnanimity
transcend selfishness and act with sincere empathy escape the consequence of
beleaguered sexuality. Charity covers a
multitude of sins.
The humanly pure. Who are these?
They are such who act within relationships. Relationship here is described in
its broadest term. Not only sexual relationships; but also family, social and
every human relationship regardless of class, status and creed. Issues
pertaining to human relationships are of a graver dimensions than sexual
relationships and as I explained in my Intro to this topic few weeks back, its
defiance is more common and easily contravened, even more than sexual
divergence. And this Human purity is the greatest driver of our civilisation.
Sexual addiction destroys but the
socially pure builds up. I live within a positivity frame that believes in the
reality that, for every unit of life destroyed through a beleaguered sex, its
hundred fold is built up by the truly humanly pure. But how and where do we
encounter this humble and meek, steep and broad-minded, without animosity,
unprovoked, capable of letting go,
willing to forgive and ready to ask for forgiveness. ‘Inu-kan’. There is a beautiful depiction of such heart in the
film: Forrest Gump. I recommend it. These are the truly pure, a higher grade of
purity than the sexually pure and these are the drivers of our civilisation.
Blessed are the meek, they inherit the earth.
Do you fit into this category?
How happy and desirous of another’s progress are you? What are your feelings at
hearing of a friend, family or work colleague’s progress? How passionate and
desirous at the collegial thriving of everyone are you? How desirous of pulling
others up to attain your status are you, or how forlorn do you become about
another’s progress relative to yours?
As in the case of sexuality, be
not dismayed about your feelings, but do keep up the struggle against
negativity. Do you act positively against any negative feeling or do you give
in to the evils of envy, anger, jealousy and wishing evils upon anyone? Even
your worst enemy, as long as he is human, does not deserve your evil wishes.
If you transcend all these, how
beautiful and lovely are you. How wonderful that which you contribute to
humanity’s progress, more than Newton’s Theory of Gravity and Einstein’s Theory
of Relativity combined. Even though you may be locked within the remotest
corner of the world, in truth, it is because of you that all these beautiful
civilisations and freedom occur. You are the real protagonist, the richest
treasure upon which the progress of this world depends. You are the truly pure of heart and you shall see God.
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