Monday, 12 July 2010

Life as a triduum

His hour is what matters, if we can muster all our energies towards the hour of the great work, especially the contumasum est, when he cried: 'it is finished!' the hour -as it is called- of great mercy.This is the ultimate moment when He brought everything back to perfection (and when I am lifted up on high, I'll draw everything to Myself) I call it 'parii'se'.
He repaired all the faults of Adam. If we can find a way to bring this hour into the present and halt it, so that time becomes a manifestation only of this great moment, then there shall be heaven on earth. The great energy we would employ is memory. Memory is in fact reality, especially in the Eucharist, which is in fact a thanksgiving( that through which only we can please God), and thanksgiving is a gift of self(finding a perfect fulfilment on the cross who does that in our place) 'How can I repay the Lord...I will raise the cup of salvation...-and again-'you do not ask for sacrifice or gift... instead here I am...' .That is why Christ said' do this in memory of me', that command is solely and exclusively for our own good.
Because God's ways are infinite, it doesn't change, the work of creation still finished on the 6th day, and on the 7th day He actually rested, He rested , on that Saturday, in the grave. and again, the point is that, for the new era of the new covenant, which is infinite, the priority of the days has changed, until the final retreat of eternity, His work produces a new creation, and He keeps on working, Emmanuel, always with us, taking the responsibility. The command of Christ divinises work, 'Go ye...'. The holy day is this new day, when everything is made new, God is love,love is work, God is work!The first day, which is the new holy day, when God created heaven and earth, thus becomes blessed, it is not Saturday when things becomes laggard, it is a perpetual newness , creativity and innovation. 'send Forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created...' this is it!If we succumb to Saturday, we die,Sunday is the true day of resurrection and newness!

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