Sunday 5 March 2017

On the Eucharist: Thoughts from the Pew (1).

Sitting at Mass one day I became bombarded with varied distractions, and it was during this powerlessness and disproportion with reality that this thought was born. O blessed distraction!

God’s presumption about my proportion begs of my correspondence. I am shaken by my sins and the Environs's distractions in the face of this entire Cosmos acting as One. 

Crying kids, ringing phones, chatting adults, rambling thoughts, the irreverence of both Priest and Laity, interested only in getting the job done.

The Church calls it the source and summit of the Christian life, I experience this profound mystery as a work and war at creation. 

The Eucharist is the life of Christ, of the Israelites, of the Church, of Creation; that which was, is and will be, happening in time and as presence. 

The Eucharist is the covenant of mercy and of judgement, but a judgement consumed by mercy for the aware.

More importantly, as I discovered on the pew: the Eucharist is a journey, a journey through which I want to travel from obedience and curiosity, exploring my discoveries each week during this Lent and unto Easter tide.