In any natural
ecosystem, the fittest specie thrives and survives at the expense of the weak and
vulnerable. Until Christ came and corrected this basis upon which the strong preys
up on the weak. Christ pitched His tent with the weak and said 'It must not be so among you...' (Mk 10: 42-44) and He paid the price for
daring to correct the ‘Origin of Species’, an age long anomaly, the consequence of Adam's fall.
The soldiers easily
picked Simon the Cyrenean o carry Jesus’ cross because he was the weakest link in the pack.
Simon was a stranger, a ‘nobody’, but he firmly and patiently revolutionised the
plights of the poor with Christ through this cross.
The real victims
of our age are the outcasts, immigrants, the marginals, the minority class,
those across the Periphery, the vulnerable, the unrepresented, public sinners, those
struggling with addiction, the prisoners, the neglected. It is amongst these that
God is found, this is where breakthroughs are discovered, it is an environment where Christ
is better experienced. God dwells amongst hustlers, he is rarely found around
the complacent mainstream.
Financial poverty
is not man’s actual problem, it is the poverty of the mind and the ability to realise what reality consist that is the root
cause of every poverty there is. We Westerners have pretended to be champions of
the weak until the present unsatiated rise of the ego manifested in tribalism, nationalism, far rightist,
eugenics and wall building, which manifests our utter hypocrisy all along. Our poverty
mentality sowed the seed of paranoia and it is already reaping the fruit of
We can give
a penny or two to quieten our conscience on the plights of weak, but we keep
aloof as much as we can from sharing an outsider’s experience. It is not enough to assist those on the fringes,
what is needed is a real-time identification with an outsider’s experience of
being racially, tribally, morally, economically discriminated against.
If we have
not experienced what it is like to be on the edge, to be a minority, to be
victimised, to be manipulated, we shall be lacking a great deal in lasting
wisdom, and we are likely to be greatly flawed in our judgement.
Our living on the edge is intended to shake off our presumption and complacency , it should be invite us into a holy discontent and should make us struggle and
hustle, prudently, temperately, lovingly and patiently to free others and self from
these anomalies.
The Kingdom of God suffereth violence mate (Mt 11: 12). Not the ISIS type,
but the Gandhi type, the Martin Luther King Jnr type, the Mandela type, the Simon
type, the Christ’s type! Our Jihad is not inflicted unto others, it is reflected on self through the mastering of the Cardinal virtues.
Don’t just
cater for the minority, find a minority to be. Tough, yea? But necessary it is.
Be a Simon on the fringe, identify with the fringe. The manipulated will outlast the strong, that is the new rule of
Christ, and this is what lasts because it is truth.
History is on the side of the punished and it is littered with examples to buttress this. The least today will be the leaders
of tomorrow. We must discover something about us that puts us on the edge and the unpalatable experience
of being ignored and being victimised, and work out prudently and courageously to correct things, as the woman at the next station shows us.