Monday, 27 February 2012

Between The coin And The Host : The Ultimate Exorcism!

He was almost -or can i say,he was actually- made manifest, His influence on humanity and power against evil  was that great that His kingship was made manifest to all: he rode on a donkey to Jerusalem, and He went to the temple to perform what I call, the ultimate exorcism:His radical purging of the temple off the ultimate evil: money, and to think the greatest evil lies at the hearth of the temple! It sits at the 'holy of holies', it is the abormination of desolation seated in Jerusalem which has prevented Isreal from recognising the Messiah. At Palm sunday , they did recognise Him as Messiah, but the level of recognition was very myopic, for they still remained at the level of earthly kingship who is to deliver them from the power of Rome. What made this perception myopic was what Christ went into the temple to radically purge out: money.
Christ provoked money to a duel , He knew that, before evil and poverty could be defeated, money needs to be conquered, the duel between the coin and the Host actually took place and this is its drama :
After the event of the temple,(that is, His driving the marketers from the temple) money felt very slighted and waited for its revenge.And Christ knew it is in its nature to revenge.If it is no little wonder that the greatest evil lies in the heart of the holy of holies, what when we see that its messenger lies in the heart of Christ followers: Judas Iscariot!
The price was 30 pieces of silver, taken from the temple cofers.
And we have to meditate more on the scourging at the Pillar, hell was let loose then, money made sure that Christ paid to the last farthing, as a revenge for His action of scourging it in the temple, and if Christ's intention was to ultimately remove money from the temple so that people could see who He really was, Money's aim was to totally exterminate Christ from the earth so that its kingdom would be perpetually established.
Judas repented. But his repentance was similar to the belief of the Jews as the Messiah: not entrenched. He was deppressed, it was a possesive repentance. Money made him return it back to the temple where it was deeply entrenched, but it had 'moved', stagnancy is its virtue, and for it to move against 'Movement', the exorcism was completed.Judas committed suicide and money was banished into the field of the blood for strangers. The abomination of desolation had been disposessed and forever. Exorcism of evil, mammon has been performed to the root core by Christ. The temple is free. Because of the desire for vegeance of money, it lost its place in the temple.
Christ provoked the devil through violence and won it through humility. We need to know that , sometimes to purge evil, violence has to be initiated to unseat it, but we cant win it at its game, we need to return to non violence and gentility to quench it completely, that it can not master.
After its banishment, Christ total and complete seal on the temple and His perpetual reign was accomplished through the shedding of His blood  on the cross. Mammon can return no more.
From time immemorial until now, through the quest for authority and power, money goes out to kill people using some Judases within humanity. Money kills, but that has always been its greatest undoings, because the more it kills the children of God, the more the temple , the symbol of Divine power is taken from it, and the greater the children of God become and are made manifest, and the more the kingdom of God draws nearer.
The root of all evil is money, and its love is its tool.Money, epitomised as narcism, selfishness and egocentry, is the premival serpent, the apocalyptic dragon, the abomination of desolation. The most authentic decision in the quest to remove poverty and bring forth freedom is the willingness to conquer money and root out its love!