Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Mary (5) Just how much of Mary do we (have we) know(n)?

This chapter, an important milestone to the ongoing discussions on the primordial, anthropological and Judeo-Christian significance of Mary, is aimed at further clarifying her relevance within salient aspects of our secularistic culture, this time, more from a Christian perspective.

Sceptics have often disputed as bogus; the revelations of Marian relevance as occurs in the light of the New Testament from the Old Testament. How much of Mary, from Genesis is being fulfilled and corrected in Revelations? How can we discover within authentic Christian experience, a credible juxtaposition of her relevance as the new Eve, and as the Ark of the Covenant?

How much has further doctrinal claims about her Perpetual Virginity, her Immaculate Conception, Assumption, or as the Mother of God, by the Catholic Church, complicated Her contemporaneousness in our day? Are these claims just frivolous assertions, or are there indeed further mysteries yet to be discovered about this woman?

Credible evidences suggest that our civilisation is moving from the age of John, an age set by rules and prowess; unto an age of Mary, an occasion for ‘disarming beauty’, as Julian Carron puts it, where many who understand how to let go and let God, are champions.

What is the mystery, we may ask, behind and between John the Baptist and Mary? What prompted John to choose a lifelong vocation of baptism? What did John experience of Jesus in the water of Mary’s womb and what transpired between them during Mary’s visitation to Elizabeth. There are far greater depths to what we casually read in the scripture (Lk 1: 39 - 56).

The testimony of a woman was disregarded in her time, how much then, of Mary’s mind was revealed by John in the knowledge of the God-Man, Jesus the Christ? Of any man born of a woman, there is none greater than John (Lk 7: 28), and of any woman born of a woman, there is none greater than Mary (Lk 1: 42).

John decreased for Christ to increase, and Mary too must decrease for Christ to increase (Jn 3:30). But Mary’s form of decrease, unlike John’s, is not unto death (Jn 11:4). Her decrease is of a greater depth of humility which is intrinsically tied to truth, which consists of her nothingness, lowliness and littleness.

1.       Her Nothingness, the deepest awareness of the truth of her being as an absolute dependent on God. The genius of Mary lies in her realisation that she exists only as a Reference, that she is, yet she is not. The greatest truth to be learnt in Mary is that matter is a lie, and becomes true, only, as a reference to the ‘I Am’. Recent scientific progress on the holographic nature of the cosmos is revealing this fact more and more. Nature may harbour a vacuum but God does not. The eternal nothingness of Mary is the nothingness leading to the Paradise of Christ.

2.       Her lowliness, her great aptitude at understanding that the way up, is down. Steve Job’s counsel about ‘Being foolish and being hungry’ finds an ideal representation in Mary. She knows how to rush, not to the highest, but to the very lowest places, and how to repeat with the greatest confidence the poor Tax Collector’s plea (Lk 18:10-14). She is an adept at stooping to conquer!  That is the secrete of her triumph over evil. She is the lowest of the lowest, she often passes unknown and unnoticed. She is, as gentle as silence, as a result, even angels often ask who she is (SoS: 6:10).

3.       Her littleness, her willingness and placidity at being carried through thick and thin, and at being directed absolutely by God. “Behold the handmaid of the Lord” (Lk 1:38). These words through which God’s heart was won, sums up the alchemical sentence that remade Eve and which in an instant overturned an age long primordial curse on humanity. For, if:

Eve was Immaculately created (Gen 2: 23)
Mary was Immaculately conceived (Lk 1: 28)
Eve was the mother of the living now dead by sin (Gen 3: 20)
Mary is the Mother of the dead, now restored to life by grace (Lk 1:32)
Eve is the mother of all sold as slaves to sin
Mary is the Mother of all ransomed from sin to grace
Eve caused the loss of lives by pride (Gen 3: 5)
Mary causes the gain of lives by humility (Lk 1: 35)
Eve would like to be God (Gen 3: 5)
Mary would allow God to be man (Lk1:35)
Eve is the spouse of a man who would live by being God (Gen 3:5)
Mary is the Mother of the God who would die by being man (Jn 1:14)
Eve is a Cause of perpetual sinfulness (Gen 3: 9-16)
Mary is a Cause of perpetual sinlessness (Lk 1: 28)
Eve was accursed for her disobedience (Gen 3: 16)
Mary is Blessed for her obedience (Lk 1: 48)
Eve was at the beginning of time
Mary is till the end of time, and forever!

“I shall put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers, it will bruise your head and you will strike ‘its heel’.” (Gen 3: 15)
“Then the dragon was enraged with the woman and went away to make war on the rest of her children, who obey God’s commandment and have in themselves the witness of Jesus” (Rev 12:17)

The disobedience of Adam through Eve, is a call to schism, it is a great revolt, a setting up of perpetual war, a rebellion, a break between the relationship of man with the Divine essence, unto perpetual fear, loneliness, agony and sadness of Satan.

To eat the fruit is to wage war against God. This is the result of the banishment. But Christ, made little less than a God (Ps 8:5) in Mary by the Holy Spirit, has come to restore this lost essence unto something far better than the Divine relationship. It is that of Divine unity. o happy fault!

In Mary, we see a fully trained disciple of the kingdom who brings out of her storeroom, treasures both old and new (Mt 13:52), we discover a transcription and interplay of the paradox of life, the Ancient and the Modern, The Old and the New Testament, Genesis and Revelation.

Just how much of Mary do we know and have we known? Under the present circumstance, how much of Eve’s error do we see corrected by Mary, in Christ? The study is an eternal one, and the more we see, the more we are awed at the length God goes to glorify crude humans, and the more we are comforted and assured of our own end.

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