Few years back when I was making
preparations for my wedding, I was confronted by some of my friends who were surprised
to find out that I was organizing a Bachelor’s eve prior to my wedding day. I
asked why not, and it was from one of my friends that I discovered the
rudimentary perceptions of Bachelors Eve within my cultural entity, which made
me realize why such proposition by a crude person like me was awkwardly
received by some friends. The gist of it is that Bachelors’ Eve is generally
understood to be a sort of hedonistic correspondence where the Groom normally
has a ‘last try’ at sexual exploration before settling down with his wife and
where every friends both male and female have to follow on this correspondence
of sex, booze and every vice permissible during the night.
I am still not sure how general
this unwritten perception is but I mentioned this because of the concept of the
‘last try’ that was mentioned to me which is very much an illusion. With sexual
pervasion and addiction, there is most likely little question about a ‘last
try’ because an unfaithfulness that is not curbed right until the eve of the
wedding night is not likely to be curbed within wedlock. This most likely would
be that this ‘Mardi Gras’ would translate into a lasting struggle that is very
likely to have a negative effect on the wedlock itself and such that would create
a potential for an ultimate extermination of personal, social and collective
structure of well-being. Many private and collective sufferings of today are
borne out of the sexual mistakes of yesterday and the great ordeals of tomorrow
are budding out already from the senseless sexual pervasion of today.
If we are to call a spade by its
name, sexual addictions take place generally within the least notable to the
most diabolic. From lusts (in all its forms), pornography, masturbation,
fornication, adultery; down to homosexuality, paedophilia and bestiality. The
‘but’ of these addictive natures is that they do not correspond to our desires
of happiness, in fact they kill them. Another important notion is the fact that,
the ‘Eureka’ of our liberation lies not so much within ‘Cleanliness’ against this pervasion (which is very much
desired)as what goes on within a sincere struggle against it. The killer of our
humanity and civilisation lies within its denial and justification.
It is easier to blame perverts
and overlook the cause of the multiplicity of these pervasion but an
imbalanced deliberation will do little justice to the debate. Very little are
those who ponder how we arrived at this structure and civilisation that
enhances this sexual expediency to the utmost level. We are living within an
age of an intense sexual pressure and while we do well not to permit the blame
game, we should nevertheless not cease the ponderation of the cause of this
banality which is likely to increase the more.
I believe the present structure
which makes it so herculean to maintain sexual sanity is borne out of the
plausible desire for knowledge, that which has unfortunately been seduced and
hijacked by materialism and consumerism. It is amazing how knowledge is
increasing with its accompanying pressures. You see how a University degree is
becoming an equivalence of former Secondary degree towards job security in our
day; and we see –for instance- how an IT novice is tending more and more
towards illiteracy, and we see how the bulk of this knowledge is tied within
Capitalism which drives our thirsts for consumption and self-indulgence.
Energy cannot be created nor
destroyed, what you gain within an entity, you probably loose within another
entity; so who suffers from this structural consequence? I’ll tell you, it is
another structure: Marriage and family life which has at its heart the question
of the sustainability of sexual libido. How would nature, geared towards sperm
production at 15 years and menstruation at 14 years and the full development of
every sexual drive, be asked to wait or survive within an age where you are
surrounded by hedonistic proliferations from the media, and the marriage
benchmark has been raised above 30 years, or you risk not fulfilling knowledge
and maturity that is increasingly geared towards individual survival in the 21st
century? The result, we develop an alibi, we relegate any discussion on the
right use of authentic libido, we deny its Reasonability and we justify its
expenditure, even to the utmost extreme, but it is well catching up on us. And
it is no use spending our energies blaming out the cause but we need instead to
face up with the challenge of its remedy which lies mostly within the concept
of a ‘struggle’.
The sexual spree of today is not
going to last forever; it is like our modern day fossil fuel which is depleting
our natural habitat. Those who are better positioned to manage this pervasion (and
I do not talk so much of the complacent chaste settlers as of the weak lipid Strugglers;
but definitely not the sceptics and desponders) will be the champions of the
new enlightenment which has already budded. The future is for Sinners, but
sinners who know they are and aspire by actions to be saints, mark my words.
The pervasion of sexual purity is
a social and ancestral vice, it would be better were it a private issue, but
few realise how extremely social and collegial any individual pervasion is. In
the case of a sexual ‘spreedom’, the
perpetrator may even scale through (but not often) but the banal consequence
rears its ugly head sooner or later through love, bloodline and community. Pervasion
has a social dimension, so it’s no use standing aloof and folding hands off
this debate.
I started in Part 1 with the
Global Warming story and I’ll end with it. Regarding this private, social and
collegial consequence of this pervasion, Borrow a leaf from the Industrial
revolution and its Global warming consequence. I’ll tell a little story and I
call it the “3SU” story: The Industrial Revolution was “Started” by the “UK”. The
energy proliferation borne out of it was “Spread” by the “US” and its dare
consequence is being -and if nothing is done- and will still be “Suffered” by
“us” all. It is also as such with sexual pervasion
when nothing is done to
counter it, starting from ourselves, for it is useless to do battle without,
without a conquest within.
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