Friday, 29 January 2016

Ma w'ariwo oja.

We wonder how the Lord permits us to see some deeply disturbing and negative things in our dreams, and this is to our benefits, for this mere permission is an opportunity for awareness , conquest and complete obliteration of such issues. In this we are more than conquerors, for evil shows itself in the life of a believer in order for it to be defeated the more. And the first temptation happens in our intellect as we struggle to trust in the rectification of such calamities and accept the fact of God's triumph  and the utmost efficacy about the simplicity of our actions which is that of just trusting in Him. 

What I have learnt, is to pray in full confidence, trusting in Him, and believing that any calamity, no matter how terrible or fatal, are not unavoidable, by the complete reversal of fortune, mitigated and leveraged by His eternal and merciful blood and water which gushed forth from His side a fount of mercy for us.

Also, we should not be afraid to revisit the event by writing them down in order to cure the calamity, with courage and trust in His Divine help, since 'b'Oluwa ba ti fi ota eni han ni, ko lee pa ni mo'. Once something is named or written , its strength is decapitated. 'Ala ki i ba omo l'eru ki o ma le e ro'.

Ills are most efficaciously resolved only by facing the ills head-on. And in this case, they become nothing but a mirage. All falsehood indeed are. We must not give in to despair.

As He has many times shown, evil dreams are phantoms even amidst its bullying effect and even when we perceive their effects in real life, they happen as tamed, ineffectual, mitigated events that have been leveraged in the supreme efficacy of His Blood and Water. And we wonder wether the simple prayer made during the night after the evil experienced in the dream suffice to ameliorate the issues, and this is the big temptation, for the knowledge of a simple trust is the power of God and the mustard seed required of Him to move the mountains of evils in our lives and that this prayer said does not happen in isolation, but begs of all the good deeds we have done and soaks them in the ever present Supreme sacrifice which He has gone through for us and this, with our work, passion, trust and faith in the efficacy of it, and remembering we are not alone - we belong to a body of faith, the church - whose petitions and faith are joined with ours. 

Do not swerve from trust in His mercy no matter the evil of the experience in dreams, they are phantoms, but only derive their strengths when we succumb to their fears. They are lifeless on His sight. Devil is simply a bully, look not him in the face. Ma wo ariwo oja. Simply trust.

'They' may call the name they cannot touch on the person that is rooted in Christ. Even though if on waking the trend of fear lurks but a greater conviction of its fantom will prevail. 
This is Similar to sin for a Christian. the knowledge that there was no question of such sin prevails (because of Christ) even though the necessity of confession is required to kill of any guilt from the 'Accuser' that wars on the intellect in the quest of making one believe there is one. 

That is why the Divine Mercy prayer is necessary (in lieu of confession )upon waking after a bad dream. It is a mind war taking place on the level of the intellect, on one side is our sins catalyzing the fear and on the other side is grace catalyzing faith and trust in the absoluteness of the goodness of Christ.

This is also reminiscent of Moses placing before Israel life and death: keep the law or die; and in our case it is between that of fear and faith. Believe in fantom, fear and die or trust in Christ, thrive and live. It is the question of faith and reality, fear is simply a fantom , bad dreams are bullies, they don't exist, grasp on the good dreams and hold on to them in hope, any negative perception is false, the mind is that as great, what you see and believe is what you get. The mind's gift to a Christian is his strength.

And talking of the mind and its magnanimous creativity is a thing of great joy. Whatsoever is good, lovely and of good report; The ability to build on virtually anything, to believe and effect in spite of time and space. But realizing this truth is not the ultimate, it is aligning it to the will of Christ that is. 

We should not get carried away with power. The ultimate prize is staying at Christ's -and the Church's - frequency. Every other thing, even in spite of their altruism falls into nihilism.
Do you believe this or not?

What you believe is ultimately what you get. Stick with Christ and His body, the church. Do not be tempted astray by the magnitude of such power given to a man of faith.

One thing is that, no matter how horrific a dream is, one must not succumb to the temptation of falling prey into believing that they would come true, the devil would then have succeeded in lurking you into fear. Just pray the Divine Mercy, sing psalms, do good works and have confidence. If these things are revealed, it is for you to do what you can to rectify the situation and leave the rest to Christ in prayers, not to mortgage your life to fear. Bad dream for a christian is full of mercy.He normally would shield you and yours with His mighty and holy Arms.

A fool normally would wake up from a bad dream, be gracious it was all a dream, and go back to sleep. A wise person would wake up, pray, with much trust and without fear pick up d story and ponder on what lessons to be learnt from the dream.

Dreams act like this: they pick up occurrences and thoughts from reality, bring them up from the memory bank and knit them into seemingly coherent acts during sleep. A christian would pick up lessons proportional to his depth of thoughts and clarity of opinion in real life, and would, without emotions,be able to separate the tares of the horror from the wheat of the lesson. He would pick up salient lessons while discarding the junks and dreads which occurred during the dream into the ocean of His Mercy.

Bad dreams can be dangerous when you believe more in them than you trust and confide in God.Your bad dream, experienced in purity, aided with prayer and borne in trust is really a form of exorcism. Rather than harming anybody, it purifies you and yours.

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