Herein lies the meaning of covenant. God says it is all about me, not us,but me firstly.The starting point is this intense and deep care about me and my prosperity. Now, next, is that I should say it is all about God,which is found in the absolucity, totality and universality of everything. The more i expand my heart to embrace everything, and the more i am abandoned and passionate about these things, the more my depth of awareness grows and i see that , for God, this business is all about me, that this 'everything' is in fact me. This is the great union at play. This covenant is what should find its perfect relevance in marriage. What binds and seals this covenant ,ever newly and eternally is the Blood of the Lamb, same man and God. It is more than remembrance, therein at Mass,memory and reality become one! And since we lack this capacity to devote ourselves entirely to the service of God, He comes in our place, and God who sees the Blood, becomes perpetually interested in man,this sacrifice has been made once and for all. For God, it becomes eternal and perpetual, but for us , we must perpetuate it as a memorial , because we live within the boundary of time and space,the memorial is not for God to keep loving us,His love has become unconditional , but for us to sustain the capacity to embrace His love, the weakness of the covenant has a fault in us , and that is what the Lamb has come to remedy, to put us in the capacity to be God! Memorial and reality are one. This is Mass, the sacrifice of the Lamb, our covenant is sustained because of this, this mercy becomes alive in an individual and his cares, as long as we do the memorial! Christ is both one and many, man and God, me and the Absolute!
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