Tuesday, 28 December 2010
..Pray For Us Sinners, Now, And At The Hour Of Our Death.
We are sinners. Blind. Sinners generally take things for granted and dont often know the extent or consequence of their deeds. Only through our being brought to a new enlightenement do we see our extreme sinfulness , and this brings me to the hour of death,the hour of ultimate enlightenement, an hour of denial or despair, an hour that could only be passed through by grace alone, that which we beg Mary of is the summit of either our avarice or despondency,and this is our judgement:being hard hearted (pride) or giving up (fear).When confronted with our incapacity to help ourselves, faced with our humanity and the extreme depth of our ills, when all we did, or didnt do, or neglected or ignored are brought right into our face, and we are faced with such great confusion and despair, then, the capacity to let go and trust in the redeeming power of His mercy is our salvation. This instance in which we are brought to face the truth of our humanity and our consequent resolve not to deny nor despair- this moment of truth- lies in the hand of the Blessed Virgin.
My Paradigm Mover
I'd wanted a Yoruba for a wife, but i became increasingly passionate for a non Yoruba. I planned being a successful Engineer, but i get sickened each day by crafts and became so zealous after social and behavioural sciences.I loved to go safe and thread carefully, but now i'm weird and fired up about taking risks and getting things done.Somebody is at work, melting and moulding me.Who is He destroying my preconcieved ideas and giving me a taste according to His?
Monday, 27 December 2010
Wikileaks : What You'll Not Be Told!
1)You dont need 'holiness' to go to heaven; on the contrary , you need your sinfulness. You only need to strive for perfection and become acutely aware of your incapacity to be perfect. Glory in your weakness please!
2)You need not be holy to go to communion, you only need the awareness of His presence and trust in His mercy.
3)Why the scrupples about not having paid your tithes. Tithing has no negative consequence , but charity does!
4)There is no place in this world that should actually be out of bound for a christian, the whole world is ours , and we have been commissioned to go out there to conquer it. Difficult? yes. Out of bound? absolutely no!
5) Practice anything in the quest and journey towards the Absolute Truth.'ism' is important, but dont stop at the level of it, wether catholism or pentecostalism or islamism or budhism or protestantism.On the contrary , love the movement, love 'ity'.
Love christianity, love universality!
6)Be equally yoked with unbelievers, if not they'll be lost. The cost -i agree- is difficult, but it's the reason we are christians: witnessing!
7)Life is good, enjoy it, but do good!
8)Eucharist is an increasingly 'tightening' experience. With faith and constancy. Nothing is reduced by our sins.
9) Who tells you not to love the world? Love the world. Christ Himself loved the world, that was why He died for her.
10)The greatest exorcism is confession, and how i long for the time when we shall be ready to form the 'Society of Sinners'!
11)Death is not an escape from your earthly responsibilities, nothing changes when we die.
12) Love lasts. Your interests , desires and affections goes on till eternity, make effort then to purify them.
13)Immorality militates against one thing only : our vision and awareness, lack of vision is the only sin, and when we live continously in the city without withdrawing into rural seclusions, we stand a higher risk of loosing this awareness.Too much unnecessary distractions in the city.
14) We humans are nothing, whatever we feel we are capable of are being controlled by the spirits, and ultimately by God, we should devote ourselves more to the spiritual life.
15)Sustainability and taking care of our environments is a spiritual act, because in Him we live and move and have our being. Christ has become bread, even all man made things are Christ!
2)You need not be holy to go to communion, you only need the awareness of His presence and trust in His mercy.
3)Why the scrupples about not having paid your tithes. Tithing has no negative consequence , but charity does!
4)There is no place in this world that should actually be out of bound for a christian, the whole world is ours , and we have been commissioned to go out there to conquer it. Difficult? yes. Out of bound? absolutely no!
5) Practice anything in the quest and journey towards the Absolute Truth.'ism' is important, but dont stop at the level of it, wether catholism or pentecostalism or islamism or budhism or protestantism.On the contrary , love the movement, love 'ity'.
Love christianity, love universality!
6)Be equally yoked with unbelievers, if not they'll be lost. The cost -i agree- is difficult, but it's the reason we are christians: witnessing!
7)Life is good, enjoy it, but do good!
8)Eucharist is an increasingly 'tightening' experience. With faith and constancy. Nothing is reduced by our sins.
9) Who tells you not to love the world? Love the world. Christ Himself loved the world, that was why He died for her.
10)The greatest exorcism is confession, and how i long for the time when we shall be ready to form the 'Society of Sinners'!
11)Death is not an escape from your earthly responsibilities, nothing changes when we die.
12) Love lasts. Your interests , desires and affections goes on till eternity, make effort then to purify them.
13)Immorality militates against one thing only : our vision and awareness, lack of vision is the only sin, and when we live continously in the city without withdrawing into rural seclusions, we stand a higher risk of loosing this awareness.Too much unnecessary distractions in the city.
14) We humans are nothing, whatever we feel we are capable of are being controlled by the spirits, and ultimately by God, we should devote ourselves more to the spiritual life.
15)Sustainability and taking care of our environments is a spiritual act, because in Him we live and move and have our being. Christ has become bread, even all man made things are Christ!
Thursday, 2 December 2010
On Source And Sink
About this issue of being sink. The capacity in which one is able to accept ills is the future ability of one being an authentic leader. To cure anything of its ills, there has to be a sort of 'dumping ground' for such unwanted product; in thermodynamics we call it 'sink'. Christ acted in the capacity of sink by taking all our filthiness upon Himself. The filth was so great that it killed Him, and while He was gone, Mary held on to the responsibilty of being sink, she bore the sink till He was back, a sort of Regent of Sinks,otherwise there would be a sort of discountinuity in this business of complete extermination of the filthy by product of our humanity called sin.To purge the world of its filth, it is of necessity that there be continual sink. What griveous sorrow that would be for Mary, that which God died of was what 'nothiness' held on to. Angels came to console Christ of such sorrow(Gethsemane) , Mary was only left with the poverty of our humanity in the beloved John to console her(Calvary). She bore the sink till He was back the third day, according to the prophecy:... that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed,a sword actually pierced her heart! Good or bad, it is of utmost importance that thoughts out of many hearts be revealed, that is the only way sins could be purged (remember auricular confession).And on source:thermodynamics call it the starting point of energy, the beginning is the ultimate Energy (God)coming through the vacuum and nothingness(Mary)to become a chemical masterpiece (Christ), God made man, it is a complete, total and eternal synergy between God and man. The beginning of all ultimate energy is that which happened at the Annunciation, through the nothingness of Mary (her humility and purity). How constantly and perpetually we should bring the source and sink to remebrance,that force is the energy that perpetually renews our world,those are the real energies of which great things are wrought.Emmanuel, God is forever with us, the force of His activities is through the invocation of the source and sink, the beginning and the fulfilment of our salvation is through great work, and work -in science- is the utilisation of energy which brings about goodness and mercy,i.e efficiency and effectiveness. Do you know how to invoke those energies into action? Through the devotion to the Incarnation and Crucifixion. Through the Angelus and Divine Mercy. These are the source and sink!
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
God, Bless Our Holy Souls
Call me archaic,ancient,fetish,prudish, whatever, I don't mind, but if your group,class,creed,society, nation or what not, has no link whatsoever with its dead, or means by way of their remembrance, such entity still has something big to grasp of what reality is all about!God, bless our holy souls!
Sunday, 12 September 2010
The Unprofitability of our Servitude
How true it is, this talk about the unprofitability of our servitude, since we are simply being served to serve.And that, all things good or bad are indeed ultimately good,awareness of this is what makes the difference.The difference between salvation and damnation is our ability to, or not to see goodness in everything, i.e the capacity to be positive.Back to servitude, i say, Somebody Else is in charge, so where is our gain? Necessity is it that is laid on us, why should we be praised, or why should we be condemned by our actions?
Our Daily Bread
I'd often wondered what that is, but now i know. Our daily bread is that energy that fosters our ability to live, broadly speaking,that is, to be successful in our awareness , relationship and career. The base and beginning is the corporal bread and basic necessities(food , cloth and shelter)The ultimate and last is the spiritual bread.Eucharist and logos which enables us to do God's will i.e walking humbly.The middle is right living with the neighbour: acting justly and loving tenderly, what fosters this is a good and prudent character.That was why Christ was said to have developed in stature(corporal&career), wisdom(awareness& spiritual) and favour with God and man(relationship). He is the Daily Bread!
On the cost of Leadership
The task of building society is that of striving to make leaders of everybody.Leadership entails the mental task of seeing the world in truth and taking responsibility towards its betterment. But , from awareness, to relationship, to career, i have seen that followers abound, too numerous. People live solely from hands to mouth, earning their daily bread without this broadminded thought of the reason for their existence or of what to do to impact their world. They miss entirely the meaning, purpose and vision of life. Do you know why? Leadership is attractive but it requires much responsibility. Responsibility breeds risk, stress and discomfort and a great lot would want to be spared of that. From politics, to business to religion there are just few people willing to authentically take up the responsibity towards awareness which enables us see the big picture and thus gets us liberated as a consequence.This involves learning, experience and time, and i make bold to say that the sin of Adam lies between ignorance and laziness, that is why a great lot of us are contented being followers and not caring an inch for the liberating experience of leadership!
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Why human beings?
To effect goodness, we cannot shy away from work. Material and spiritual works. Material work is charity, spiritual work is humility. Material work is service to eros, filial and agape through the sacrifice of our time, talents and treasures. Spiritual work is lowliness, nothingness, littleness and simplicity.Material work is more about humanity. Spiritual work is more about being. That is why we are human beings!
An Examined Life
Why would a great majority depend on the media or hearsay and a few given to studies and still a lesser few given to a life of conscience?A good film is good, a good book is better, but an inspiring character is best for the advancement of goodness!
We should strive to be influenced by the positive aspect of a person's character. The temptation of our humanity is that we often take goodness for granted and we get influenced more by negative attitudes.Then we are locked in a cycle of ignorance and sin which only ends in nihilism. The practice of virtue consists in being influenced by the good of the other person and excusing his/her ills. it is only in doing this that we discard evil and perpetuate goodness. He who is adept at seeing the bad aspect of the other is he whom Christ says : even what he has would be taken away from him. We build our humanity only by the practice of seeing goodness!
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Hierarchies of Wisdom
We have 4 stages and hierarchies to wisdom: Followers, Leaders, Elders and Ancestors. To progress and live the authenticity of each, we must broaden our hearts and live love.Caritas.This is the great energy that can always make us progress from one level of wisdom to the other. For Followers to progress towards leadership, they must practice what I call 'eucharia', i.e gratitude. This spirit of gratitude which enables the Follower to be humble and obedient is what propels him to move to the 2nd hierarchy. A truly gratuitous mind is humble and is willing to obey and abide by the precepts of the Leader. He stoops to conquer.The more a Follower practices this, the more his advancement to the next stage of Leadership proceeds smoothly.
Leadership is the next stage, it demands more discipline and responsibility. To exercise Leadership effectively one must practice what I call 'letting go'.'Letting go' is poverty. This spirit is contrary to avarice, which basically consists of a desire for an acknowledgement of the goods done . The ideal society would be one in which Followers learn to give thanks and Leaders learn to let go(Leaders must have enough 'absorbers' to take lots of 'shits')then each party can easily move to next stage as required. Albeit, life's experience shows that the bulk of ills in our society arises from frictions between this two groups. But paradoxically, it is such friction , from the lassitude of one party, and the grasping of responsibility from the other party that facilitates advancement to the next stage.For instance , if the leader does not let go and the Follower persists in graciousness, the trial makes him advance towards being a more authentic Leader than the Leader who completely looses touch about the meaning of Leadership. Or otherwise if Followers turn ingrates and the Leader does not take things personal and 'let go', he quickly advances to the next stage which is Eldership.
Now, authentic Followers get inspiration from authentic Leaders, while authentic Leaders get inspiration from authentic Elders, that is the way it works, it is an hierachial stuff, the more one is surrounded by authentic people from the top hierarchies the easier one learns and one progresses authentically to the next stage, if one misses this authenticity, there is a cycle of ignorance, thus falsehood which only ends in nihilism persists. Authenticity of each stage demands responsibility of Love, and these are quite rare.
If the first two stages are rare, the next stage of Eldership is even more rare and vague for modern man. Through much stress and poverty and letting go, a Leader finally arrives at being an Elder. Elders take their cues and energy from the past, they arrive more at mysticism and take their cues from the 'dead'(the dead are actually those that should be called living, because they effect a greater force than we think) An Elder knows that events in the world gets directed from the other world.Authentic Elders are often silent.Elders generally employ the energy of memory because,for them,they know that memory is reality, the past is the only energy for the future. Not all Elders follow after truth and the great temptation in this stage is to apply memory towards falsehood, this demands lesser energy, whereas to think truth in order to effect positivity in life requires much discipline and energy. An authentic Elder knows that falsehood always lead to nihilism, and truth is that which only matters, a lot of Elders miss out -despite all- at this point. The temptation to relax the head and compromise on the demands of memories weighs just too much and they give up. An Elder acts little, speaks little but know much because he derives his wisdom from memory, for authentic elder, memory is not memory, but in fact, reality. He is mute and is inactive , because he sees that much of life's results does not come from human efforts but from memory, from the life beyond, the land of the spirit. What abundant wisdom one can gain from Elders, but if authentic Followers and Leaders are rare , far far rarer are authentic Elders, they struggle, a lot of them give up on truth. Few people are able to be persistently thankful, humble and obedient to become Leaders, and fewer people are able to 'let go' to become Elders, and far fewer Elders can face the stress of holding unto the force of truth through memory without compromising, and if this could be done, that is when one arrives at the last stage which is called Ancestors.
When Elders become committed to memory, they become their thoughts and this becomes what I call legacy. Very very few Elders attain Ancestors alive, but they already know better, that being alive or dead is very irrelevant, authentic Elders even crave for death to be able to work more effectively.They see that the so called dead are truly those alive. It's something else whether they are committed to truth or not. A society is a reflection of the kind of legacy left by its Ancestors. Ancestors are legacy, and it is this Legacy that Elders spend their entire lives remembering, because that is the protagonism of the world , the case of being an Ancestor is that of a life which becomes perpetually eventful proportional to the rate at which it is able to sustain truth, what a wasted life it is, that which is not lived for the truth, yet authentic Ancestors are rare my friend.Ancestors had often entered the easier part to narcissism which only ends in nihilism, thus posterity suffer, and Ancestors suffer so much because of this because they bear no fruit, what is the point of being an Ancestor if one does not leave a good legacy,if one does nothing for posterity, if one does not become fruitful. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and looses the meaning of himself!
When people are disciplined enough to move from authentic Follower-ship, to authentic Leadership, to authentic Elder-ship to authentic Ancestor-ship.Their is visible progress in the society. It takes discipline, but a discipline helped only by faith. A single authentic person can effect goodness which overcomes and covers the evils of a many. Charity covers a multitude of sins!One with God is a majority. And I want to say, let us remember the dead, the grave sin of this age is the neglect of our dead.We neglect the dead because Elders -good or bad-are lacking. Mediocrity looms. Let us be committed to our ancestors and use their goodness, it helps them and us.
So what shall we do then? it is a long hazardous road, and those truly wise know that the only path worth coveting is the Follower-ship path,authentic Follower ship is that which I can advice that we hustle for, the path of gratitude, obedience and humility, the Lord will bring us to the other stages if we only work at Follower ship.
Leadership is the next stage, it demands more discipline and responsibility. To exercise Leadership effectively one must practice what I call 'letting go'.'Letting go' is poverty. This spirit is contrary to avarice, which basically consists of a desire for an acknowledgement of the goods done . The ideal society would be one in which Followers learn to give thanks and Leaders learn to let go(Leaders must have enough 'absorbers' to take lots of 'shits')then each party can easily move to next stage as required. Albeit, life's experience shows that the bulk of ills in our society arises from frictions between this two groups. But paradoxically, it is such friction , from the lassitude of one party, and the grasping of responsibility from the other party that facilitates advancement to the next stage.For instance , if the leader does not let go and the Follower persists in graciousness, the trial makes him advance towards being a more authentic Leader than the Leader who completely looses touch about the meaning of Leadership. Or otherwise if Followers turn ingrates and the Leader does not take things personal and 'let go', he quickly advances to the next stage which is Eldership.
Now, authentic Followers get inspiration from authentic Leaders, while authentic Leaders get inspiration from authentic Elders, that is the way it works, it is an hierachial stuff, the more one is surrounded by authentic people from the top hierarchies the easier one learns and one progresses authentically to the next stage, if one misses this authenticity, there is a cycle of ignorance, thus falsehood which only ends in nihilism persists. Authenticity of each stage demands responsibility of Love, and these are quite rare.
If the first two stages are rare, the next stage of Eldership is even more rare and vague for modern man. Through much stress and poverty and letting go, a Leader finally arrives at being an Elder. Elders take their cues and energy from the past, they arrive more at mysticism and take their cues from the 'dead'(the dead are actually those that should be called living, because they effect a greater force than we think) An Elder knows that events in the world gets directed from the other world.Authentic Elders are often silent.Elders generally employ the energy of memory because,for them,they know that memory is reality, the past is the only energy for the future. Not all Elders follow after truth and the great temptation in this stage is to apply memory towards falsehood, this demands lesser energy, whereas to think truth in order to effect positivity in life requires much discipline and energy. An authentic Elder knows that falsehood always lead to nihilism, and truth is that which only matters, a lot of Elders miss out -despite all- at this point. The temptation to relax the head and compromise on the demands of memories weighs just too much and they give up. An Elder acts little, speaks little but know much because he derives his wisdom from memory, for authentic elder, memory is not memory, but in fact, reality. He is mute and is inactive , because he sees that much of life's results does not come from human efforts but from memory, from the life beyond, the land of the spirit. What abundant wisdom one can gain from Elders, but if authentic Followers and Leaders are rare , far far rarer are authentic Elders, they struggle, a lot of them give up on truth. Few people are able to be persistently thankful, humble and obedient to become Leaders, and fewer people are able to 'let go' to become Elders, and far fewer Elders can face the stress of holding unto the force of truth through memory without compromising, and if this could be done, that is when one arrives at the last stage which is called Ancestors.
When Elders become committed to memory, they become their thoughts and this becomes what I call legacy. Very very few Elders attain Ancestors alive, but they already know better, that being alive or dead is very irrelevant, authentic Elders even crave for death to be able to work more effectively.They see that the so called dead are truly those alive. It's something else whether they are committed to truth or not. A society is a reflection of the kind of legacy left by its Ancestors. Ancestors are legacy, and it is this Legacy that Elders spend their entire lives remembering, because that is the protagonism of the world , the case of being an Ancestor is that of a life which becomes perpetually eventful proportional to the rate at which it is able to sustain truth, what a wasted life it is, that which is not lived for the truth, yet authentic Ancestors are rare my friend.Ancestors had often entered the easier part to narcissism which only ends in nihilism, thus posterity suffer, and Ancestors suffer so much because of this because they bear no fruit, what is the point of being an Ancestor if one does not leave a good legacy,if one does nothing for posterity, if one does not become fruitful. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and looses the meaning of himself!
When people are disciplined enough to move from authentic Follower-ship, to authentic Leadership, to authentic Elder-ship to authentic Ancestor-ship.Their is visible progress in the society. It takes discipline, but a discipline helped only by faith. A single authentic person can effect goodness which overcomes and covers the evils of a many. Charity covers a multitude of sins!One with God is a majority. And I want to say, let us remember the dead, the grave sin of this age is the neglect of our dead.We neglect the dead because Elders -good or bad-are lacking. Mediocrity looms. Let us be committed to our ancestors and use their goodness, it helps them and us.
So what shall we do then? it is a long hazardous road, and those truly wise know that the only path worth coveting is the Follower-ship path,authentic Follower ship is that which I can advice that we hustle for, the path of gratitude, obedience and humility, the Lord will bring us to the other stages if we only work at Follower ship.
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Impact Your World!
Have you got an idea that you feel could greatly impact your society? This is not enough. Learn, with it, the art of making money, the science of human networking and the believe in a higher power. You would then have built sufficient capacity to greatly impact your world!
Sunday, 25 July 2010
When we love, we are passionate about issues of justice, with justice comes peace, and peace brings freedom. The ultimate is this liberation called freedom! The starting point is love, this energy of Eros, filial and agape!
Faith transcends awareness. It is also, and more about the trust and abandonment to God,of our prosperity and the positivity of things as it relates to us, even when we don't understand, even when we don't see. This sort of faith is what wins the Lord over and that which allows Him to effect much on souls. This is the true poverty; this is why the protagonist of history is the beggar! Blessed is he who has not seen but yet believes!
Monday, 12 July 2010
Life as a triduum
His hour is what matters, if we can muster all our energies towards the hour of the great work, especially the contumasum est, when he cried: 'it is finished!' the hour -as it is called- of great mercy.This is the ultimate moment when He brought everything back to perfection (and when I am lifted up on high, I'll draw everything to Myself) I call it 'parii'se'.
He repaired all the faults of Adam. If we can find a way to bring this hour into the present and halt it, so that time becomes a manifestation only of this great moment, then there shall be heaven on earth. The great energy we would employ is memory. Memory is in fact reality, especially in the Eucharist, which is in fact a thanksgiving( that through which only we can please God), and thanksgiving is a gift of self(finding a perfect fulfilment on the cross who does that in our place) 'How can I repay the Lord...I will raise the cup of salvation...-and again-'you do not ask for sacrifice or gift... instead here I am...' .That is why Christ said' do this in memory of me', that command is solely and exclusively for our own good.
Because God's ways are infinite, it doesn't change, the work of creation still finished on the 6th day, and on the 7th day He actually rested, He rested , on that Saturday, in the grave. and again, the point is that, for the new era of the new covenant, which is infinite, the priority of the days has changed, until the final retreat of eternity, His work produces a new creation, and He keeps on working, Emmanuel, always with us, taking the responsibility. The command of Christ divinises work, 'Go ye...'. The holy day is this new day, when everything is made new, God is love,love is work, God is work!The first day, which is the new holy day, when God created heaven and earth, thus becomes blessed, it is not Saturday when things becomes laggard, it is a perpetual newness , creativity and innovation. 'send Forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created...' this is it!If we succumb to Saturday, we die,Sunday is the true day of resurrection and newness!
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
For the love of Eros!
The world should be loved. It is one whole bunch of eros. Beautiful, sexy,etheral. We are meant to be attracted by this loveliness of the world. That is the starting point to freedom. Yet, it is a great deception, the world, as we see it, is false, zero,literarily nothing, what paradox! The world is the great deception. Eros is never bad, it should be desired but it is as risky as death! Remember it is love, eros is love! This is our mistake: rather than starting from God so as to bring eros to unity we start from ourselves who are also principaly eros! eros + eros = 0 ( nihilism), God(agape) + eros = 1 ( unity). Because we dare approach eros through our efforts, we get severed and it turns us narcists, and the great lie is perpetrated, and we blame eros for everything. If eros is bad, why would God come down to be eros(man)? He , being eros, as a consequence has attracted everything eros and makes them divine, thus food , meat , wine, sex, money, pleasures are divine attributes. but first by an absolute submission of eros to agape can this pleasures be genuinely realised , and we experience the great transformation of eros through filial into agape!
On Career
God loves the world. He prefers the natural to the supernatural. This path of naturalness is the one that leads to authentic growth, for it unleashes all our energy, humanness and creativity. Mary is the symbol of all naturalness, i.e all that is seen. Even though we are often consoled by the divine and miracles, the ultimate victory comes only by work because God has become flesh, that is why the purest miracle is that which is realised amidst the struggles and the events of life.Progress entails taking responsibility of the world and nature, noturing her and making her habitable for posterity. This work , done, in tilling mother earth is ultimately the path towards salvation.The earth is matter, 'severance',and matter must be acted upon so that it can act once more in essence, i.e unity.Work was cursed to be toil through the adamic fault , but work is not to be hated.Through the victory of Christ, work is love. In fact love is a verb, an action word, a doing word.All professionalism and career points to this ultimate aim: love. We must love what we do! This beautiful naturalness has its roots from the supernatural, the source of all naturalness is divine. From the unseen to the seen, our work , thus natural as it should be , should untimately be dependent on the supernatural, it is being controlled from thence. It matters little wether we like what we do or not , what we have to realise is that it is love. Love sometimes transcends feelings....
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Faith transcends awareness, it is also - and more -about abandonement in trust, this is the great humility, that even when we dont understand, when awareness is lacking, trust in God's care about our prosperity and the positivity of our issues takes over. This attitude is what conquers the heart of God, it is such, that Mary had and that which Christ lauds: blessed is he who has not seen but yet believed!
Saturday, 5 June 2010

Herein lies the meaning of covenant. God says it is all about me, not us,but me firstly.The starting point is this intense and deep care about me and my prosperity. Now, next, is that I should say it is all about God,which is found in the absolucity, totality and universality of everything. The more i expand my heart to embrace everything, and the more i am abandoned and passionate about these things, the more my depth of awareness grows and i see that , for God, this business is all about me, that this 'everything' is in fact me. This is the great union at play. This covenant is what should find its perfect relevance in marriage. What binds and seals this covenant ,ever newly and eternally is the Blood of the Lamb, same man and God. It is more than remembrance, therein at Mass,memory and reality become one! And since we lack this capacity to devote ourselves entirely to the service of God, He comes in our place, and God who sees the Blood, becomes perpetually interested in man,this sacrifice has been made once and for all. For God, it becomes eternal and perpetual, but for us , we must perpetuate it as a memorial , because we live within the boundary of time and space,the memorial is not for God to keep loving us,His love has become unconditional , but for us to sustain the capacity to embrace His love, the weakness of the covenant has a fault in us , and that is what the Lamb has come to remedy, to put us in the capacity to be God! Memorial and reality are one. This is Mass, the sacrifice of the Lamb, our covenant is sustained because of this, this mercy becomes alive in an individual and his cares, as long as we do the memorial! Christ is both one and many, man and God, me and the Absolute!
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Tuesday, 9 March 2010

How does this sound? Thinking that everything on earth, and in the whole cosmos, is happening as a reference to you and for your prosperity. We must believe in this positivity of things and events. And to think again, that all our good gestures in this world are eternal, that is what is meant by legacy,each tiniest little bit of action in this world becomes the word that speaks eternally, but they have to be truth to survive, otherwise Truth burns the actions and they end in nihilism. The greatest truth is not morality, it is humility.To think that we would still have thesame interest and desires and passion in the next world as we have in this world, that is why we need to purify our passions and interest ,and let them revolve around the Absolute which is God. There is this urgent need then to think, to broaden reason!
Sunday, 28 February 2010
On Conquering Evil
To break any ill or curse, it is paramount to engage the root cause, that is, us. We are our greatest enemies. We start from ourselves by taming our passions, manifested basically through sex and anger, or broadly speaking, the 7 capital sins: anger, envy, pride, lust, sloth, gluttony, avarice. I do not say we can manage to break these ills on our own, even if we can, extreme taming of these can work to our disanvantage, which becomes a greater evil, virtue lies in the middle, and to keep this median we need a greater intellect. Any curse can only make use of blood as link,and the more we replace the cursed blood in us with the Blood of the new convenant in Christ, the better it shall be with us. True , one communication suffices with faith, but human that we are , we live in the realm of time and God uses time to enlighten us and others and to conquer evil whose root lies in us , but which effects lies in poverty, corruption and death.And as far as we communicate positively, and practice communication often,evil can not have a chance, because evil does not exist in things but in corrupt hearts, evil is nothing, we see evil because we are evil.Communication is important, and Christ itself is that communication, the Word, and the Word has become flesh and blood, and Flesh and Blood has become bread and wine, so let's drink His Body and drink His Blood to conquer evil!
Spectator,Player, Refree, Body
In a contest, the man on top of the competition always profits the most, true, the winner do profits, but through toils, and he can not always guarantee winning, he is often ruled by the fear of loosing. 2 groups appear to be on top of the situation, the spectator and the refree, but to actually enjoy a game , you need to have a flair for a side more than the other , so it still boils down to emotions on the side of the spectator, leaving only the refree who is appointed by the body, and they make all the gains, the man on top of the situation profits most because he sees the big picture and is able to apply judgement without exhaustion because he is unbaiased, the act of the contest is itself his gain. The ultimate winner is the man who can balance the act of engaging ,observing , judging, and most importantly being the body( the organisation ). The body is Christ, he alone is on top of issues, we need to win Christ if we hope to win all, in Him we engage,we observe, we judge , we rule and we gain, full measure, pressed down, shaken and abundantly!
Saturday, 6 February 2010
Without a responsible leadership that is aware of the world and spiritually conscious of its environment, it would be impossible to initiate a humble broadminded relationship which is all inclusive and devoid of sentimental compartmentalisation which is a prerequisite towards building meaningful careers and long lasting development.
Friday, 22 January 2010
Pride and Perfection
It is a great danger to justify any sin, no matter how small, that is what i mean by being 'committed to excellence'(perfection). the devil works, not with sins, but with its justification, no matter how small the sin I have no business justifying it, i am a sinner, no more, no less.
I've seen another area in which the devil is very much at play:worrying stiff about an act of sin, and this is very common among the good ones (we're bad , remember that). There is only one thing called sin: falsehood. it doesn't exist, Christ, the Truth, makes sin Truth.
Either way, there is the root of falsehood at play: Pride! This is the tool of the devil,even in the guise of goodness, either way, justifying the sin or worrying stiff about the sin has elements of pride lurked at the background.Character disorders and neurosis are mental disorders...What do you think?
I've seen another area in which the devil is very much at play:worrying stiff about an act of sin, and this is very common among the good ones (we're bad , remember that). There is only one thing called sin: falsehood. it doesn't exist, Christ, the Truth, makes sin Truth.
Either way, there is the root of falsehood at play: Pride! This is the tool of the devil,even in the guise of goodness, either way, justifying the sin or worrying stiff about the sin has elements of pride lurked at the background.Character disorders and neurosis are mental disorders...What do you think?
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