Friday, 7 April 2023

Regarding Daddy’s 10th year and this year’s MArIA

We have gone successfully thus far since 2011 and we praise the Lord for mapping us through a right positive Destiny.  I have always believed that Daddy’s milestone year should be marked with a difference even if we are restricted in some ways to gather physically in order to celebrate this. 

Having consulted somehow with some of us individually, I have the following propositions to bring forward about this year’s forthcoming MArIA celebrations

Suggestions and contributions and additions to these are of course very much welcome 

1. E’eyan ki I ni ile Baba k’o ma ni ti iya…. Inisa’s Church is called St Joseph, Osogbo’s Church is St Mary’s. This somehow reflects Daddy and Mommy. More so, when the latter in is Olorunda, and as such I believe, having contributed towards St Joseph’s year last year, we should also endeavor to have something contributed towards St Mary’s. 

2. Memory is the link between here and hereafter, so while we have tried regarding Daddy and Mommy’s burial site, we should give this a facelift and we should also try and endeavor to give Akinkunmi's site a facelift. Last time I was in Nigeria, Victor took me to the site and I gave some money for some slabs to be done. I am not sure this was done or not as I couldn’t follow up. One thing I am sure is that Victor knows the site. Maybe this can be followed up during MArIA. 

3. Relationship is everything. While we act towards building physical cum spiritual infrastructures, my opinion is that during this milestone year, we should shift a little bit on our reconciliation journey and bring forth a different scenario to the MArIA event in the ways below: 

4. Building on the success of Tomilola s wedding we should try to co-opt Motunrayo and Tomilola and invite them to one (or more) of the sessions of the MArIA program. 

5. Also, looking farther from Michael Akinola’s immediate household, we can invite Aunty, Br John and Br Deremi, either individually or collectively to one of our sessions to discuss on “Before”, “Now” and “Tomorrow” of Akinola’s household.

6. And, while I’m not yet proposing about Iya Tunrayo’s, someone should make out to find out what she is trying to do from her own end. We can find out from Tunrayo or Tomi.


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