Misery of His Heart (MHH)
Passionate about life!
Sunday, 6 August 2023
Faith (in Christ in the Holy Eucharist) is the very essence of our life and it is the divine economy to be utilised amongst the faithful t...
Friday, 9 June 2023
Were Ni'se Oluwa... Pay Attention
Pay attention to what is happening during these days, an era of changes How lingering barriers are being silently and noiselessly broken P...
Saturday, 8 April 2023
We Celebrate March !
40 years as ago was the earliest birthday I knew when Dad celebrated my 10th birthday (with Toyin). It was great but how I longed and wish...
My Input for the Synodal Process in Osogbo Diocese
1. Get Priests into studying Sciences, especially Physics. The more time proceeds, the more the relevance of science and faith shall confl...
Fr Madewa’s Thanksgiving/Itunu Mi baptism day
PFL First of all, thank him for holding the fort for me. Yobo did not even raise any eye eyebrow when I returned and he said Fraser came...
So, I was pondering today, what is it about 40? 40 days, 40 years, 40 hours… Presentation, Exodus, after Baptism …. 40, seems to me, ...
Deacons and Welfare Supports in Church
Introduction The concept of welfare support should be a parish affair and not to be narrowed down to just specific groups. There sho...
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