Friday, 22 September 2017

My thought on JF Odunjo's Classical Poem

*Ise l’ogun ise*
(Work, far from being a curse, is the only path to any form of freedom)

*Mura s’ise ore mi*
(Work hard, but far more: work smart)

*Ise la fi n’deni giga*
(Unfortunately, if you still see work as a curse, you are set on being a dwarf for life)

*Bi a ko ba reni feyin ti*
(There is a salient need to build institutions)

*Bi ole la’nri*
(Work without building a network of capacities ends in servitude )

*Bi a ko ba reni gbekele*
(Trust God, but use that to build human 'Trusts', even if they would fail)

*A tera mo’se eni*
(Persistence pays and it yields many fruits, sooner or later. Don't quit!)

*Iya re le lowo lowo*
(Be born again, not just spiritually, but in mind and heart )

*Baba re le lesin lekan*
(Keep your culture, but move on from what your Ancestors have built, there is a lot to be discovered)

*Bi o ba gbo’ju lewon*
(Be complacent at your own risk)

*O te tan ni mo so fun o*
(Change, or become a dinosaur. Dare preserve yourself from extinction)

*Ohun ti a ko ba ji’ya fun*
(No pain, no gain)

*Se kii le pe lowo*
(No cross, no crown)

*Ohun ti a ba fara sise fun*
(There is dignity in labor)

*Nii pe lowo eni*
(Beware careful about free things , nothing actually comes free)

*Apa lara*
( Use your hand, but let your head, gut and heart do the commands)

*Igunpa niyekan*
(Knowledge moves, but technical skills lasts much longer. Merge it with changing trends)

*B’aye ba n’fe o loni*
(Love what you do , don't do things for praise)

*Bi o ba lowo lowo*
(Money is fleeting. It serves the purpose, but it is not the purpose)

*Aye a ma fe o lola*
( Do not be known for money, it is a murderous trap)

*Tabi ki o wa ni’po atata*
(The higher you go, the closer to the calamitous door you'll be, if you don't move on)

*Aye a ma ye o si terinterin*
(Be conscientious , you are what you are in the eyes of God -you dust and clay- and nothing more)

*Je k’o de’ni tin raago*
(Preserve humility, which is the truth about you, o nothingness, without God you go under, so why pretend?)

*Aye a ma yinmu si o*
(The world is only attracted to power, money and flesh; the height of folly is to depend too much on these which prevent authentic peace and freedom)

*Eko si’nso ni d’oga*
(Ah, education is everything, educate yourself to freedom)

*Mura ki o ko dara dara*
(Formal learning is but a minuscule; be deep and broad about learning, and apply what you learn)

*Bi o si r’opo eniyan*
(The vast majority are not educated, and it is little about going to school and colleges)

*Ti won f’eko s’erin rinrin*
(Look around your family and clan, you would find examples; and make comparisons)

*Dakun ma f’ara we won*
(Education is perpetual . Little minds discuss people , average minds discuss events, great minds discuss ideas)

*Iya n’bo fun’omo ti ko gbon*
( Whatever we call 'hell' comes about as a result of lack of education)

*Ekun n’be fun’omo to nsa kiri*
(Preserve patrimony, sustain memory)

*Ma f’owuro sere ore mi*
(You must set forth at dawn)

*Mura si’se ojo nlo*
( At the end of the day, we profess: love is everything, and it is a verb, an action word. You cannot love if you do not work)

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