Monday, 13 June 2016

PURITY (Part 3): The Search for Truth

One would think we have reached the apex of our responsibility after the ponderation of last week’s logic on Purity, but today we see a deeper and purer dimension of this subject and we shall consider how salient the search for truth is to the subject of purity and how the perversion of this search is more widespread than imagined.

Every human heart has an intrinsic desire for freedom and for happiness, and these are such factors which form the basis for work, which is the propeller of man’s search for knowledge. The passion of every leader of knowledge should thus be geared towards fostering this correspondence between the heart’s desires and truth which becomes the pillar within which any works of life is built, and the more that this truth is purged, the more its horizon is broadened and the freer does man become.

Truth is very necessary for man, because we work to be free and every work that finds no basis on integrity becomes a perambulation in toil. Truth is found within the confines of knowledge, it is an experience. Any civilisation that does not strive based on truth is headed for disaster. But, what does this truth consist of?

I will start from Faith. Perhaps we have experiences, or have come across someone experienced in a certain form of ‘wakefulness’ that is peculiarly different from an everyday living. It is useless to get people to deny this experience for it forms the basis of their self, that is why I believe issues of faith will become more relevant as the supernatural gets more involved in our time, and it will be useless for either Politics, Economy or Science to disregard or dismiss these claims because they lie deep within the human experience of truth.

What we should rather rebuke in Faith is the prodigality of this wakefulness which manifests in hypocrisy, pride and the absolute reluctance to broaden the mind and embrace the totality of all factors. Remember, your wakefulness may be sleepiness to another, so there should be no reason for pomposity. Fake awareness finds an alibi in propaganda, which is why a true test for the purity of truth is found in humility. The higher you go on this journey, the cooler you should become.

The worst crisis of our age is not that of sexual proliferation, it is not even that of a loss in the purity of the collegiality in our humanity. It is the aggressiveness, bullishness and dictatorship of what is often referred to as Relativism. Relativism is an awareness, and upon issues of awareness as this does the other previous factors of purity, either of sex or collegial humanity depends. It is thus necessary to be on a good pedestal when dealing with Awareness and be careful that it is not founded on Relativism, or we run the chance of losing all.

What is Relativism? It is a Quantum spectrum where the diversification of knowledge has led to an opinionated proliferation and liberalisation of truth and where the individual has become his own correspondence. This started presumably as a response to a previous annexation and systemic boxation of truth, that which Religion has often been accused of. It is useless to dismiss either our Quantic or Religious reality, the antidote is ‘owning up’, and this is easier to be done by Religion than the Quantic reality, for within Relativism, everyone is involved but no one is responsible.

Within Faith reality on the other hand, we experience a flaw in the subjugation of Awareness to the powers of divination. This is an unfortunate demeanour of truth, that which fosters fear arising within competition because man becomes impatient and gets deeper and deeper within the matrix of a quick fix, thereby complicating an ongoing forlornness. When we act purely out of emotion, we mortgage truth and sink deeper into misery.

Our random -grocery-like- pick and drop livelihood which forms the basis of Relativism is rooted in a derailed knowledge and a search for truth gone haywire. We have lost both the driver and compass of our collegial journey and have succumbed to the competitive desires of Consumerism and Materialism, and the resulting catharsis has affected every facet of our lives from Marriage to livelihood to faith. We have a crisis of Orientation because we have lost the path towards living.

This issue is complicated more by a crisis of leadership. There is no guarantee that those that you follow are not steep into this divination too. False leaders abound, both within Faith, Knowledge, Awareness and every facet of life. They propose an attractive but shallow, ephemeral, peripheral kind of truth and we fall prey. Divination is thriving the more within the spiritual and is becoming more and more its driver, just as the idolatry of Technology is driving the material. Flee spiritual divination; resist this path to knowledge for you will be locked in fear and toil. As of the idolatry of Technology, it has the tendency to suck your heart and mind. It is enough to shine your eyes and reason; we are arriving at a point of the dictatorship of the Inanimate championed by Technology, and when you wake up, it will be no Science fiction.

Back to my question: What is truth? Truth is one, it is unity, it is the totality of all factors and the meaning of everything. You shall not find it within Relativism because it happens outside our caprices, and you cannot force yourself upon it, you have to follow.  It will also be foolish of Faith to dismiss either the Quantum theory, or Relativity theory or Gravitational theory, or any Scientific postulation for that matter, just as it would be a mistake for someone not bolstered by Faith to dismiss faith, giving the historic chaotic nature within religion as excuse. Even within Science lies a clearer perception of truth for a man of Faith. Be careful to condemn nothing in totality and be slow to dismiss their capability of conveying truth and reality. How can you presume to condemn out-rightly what you know little or nothing about?

Mind comes before Matter. The mark of any genius lies in Creativity, and this spark of ingenuity is an other worldly affair, it is not born out of any caprice. Keep purifying this desire, this search for truth.


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