Saturday, 15 September 2012

On Our Lady of Sorrows

Happy feast day my brethren, those who belong to Christ in Mary and those who look forward to His coming through her.
I still wonder why this great feast is still classed as a Memorial; if at all not a Solemnity, I feel it should at least be a Feast. It's the feast of Mary's motherhood of humanity.
As Annunciation is our feast of motherhood of Mary by grace, Our Lady of Sorrows is the feast of her motherhood on us by nature, now and here!
Mary is more than a saint, Mary is our coredemptrix, the Tree which brought up the fruit of salvation and offered It is Mary. Look at the crucifix ( yesterday's feast) and the Pieta( today's feast ) and see what all progress consist of!
We naturally would recoil from cross as we would sorrow. But by His cross we are redeemed and through her sorrow we are free!
The creation that is still in pangs, in this pain of childbirth is Mary, this great 'Holy Saturday' upon which the hope and salvation of the world depends is Our Lady of Sorrows!
I was told this in the past , but I also felt it was some over excessive devotion to Mary that made them say so, now I dont think so anymore, for I have experienced it: Mary is the hope of mankind, in her nothingness and sorrow she holds the future, if you don't comprehend her mission , forget the notion of comprehending Christ or what history and the redemption of Israel and the world consist of .
This is advanced Christianity: comprehending The Sorrowful and Immaculate of Mary!

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