Monday, 19 March 2012

Surely, Goodness and Mercy!

My capaity for judgement is flawed. Where will i be: heaven, purgatory, hell? I wouldnt bother my head about that, as the factors which i would be prone to using is evidently inarpropriate, and the result can easily lead to my presumption or despair.

The capacity of my humanity to make this jugement and other judgement is utterly insufficient . I cannot tell of His judgement or where i shall be, but i can surely tell of His mercy. Mercy is His part of the covenant. What proves that He loves us is that while we were yet sinners, He died for us. This mercy is real, now and continous.

I cannot even tell of my position towards my destiny, but what i know is that it can only get better. Mercy can never be reduced and it is always positive. The 'yoyo' of life may be flinging back and forth, but i know it is moving, and moving forward only.

Mercy is a state in which you see the perfect orderliness of your life, even in the midst of woes and calamities, in blindness and sorrows, in agonies and pains, you see it daily, instantly, you see the essence and positivity of your destiny, you see the Meaning and Reason behind it: Christ our Lord!

What then shall seperate us from this mercy, from this great love of Christ, since water finds its level and nature harbours a vacuum?

Karma only takes its turn in the environment of a faith that is not positive. Where then is a positive faith that could spare us from the effect of karma, that which creation and the cosmos obey?This faith could only be found in the Covenant: the new and eternal covenant of which Christ takes full responsibility. Covenant of God is nothing but His mercy, the mercy promised to our fathers, to Abraham and to his sons forever, could only find its perfect fulfilment in the blood of the Lamb, the blood of the new and eternal covenant , shed for us and for ALL! The blood is there, it is only up to us to make use of this mercy without being either scrupulous or presumptous.

The whole laws of the cosmos and its elements does not affect this Factor. My faults, errors and sins does nothing to shake it. For me, heaven, hell, purgatory matters little when i see that the whole creation and cosmos happens as a reference to me, because of me, and for my prosperity!

What matters is not where i go, but my assurance and trust about the irreducibility and positivity of mercy. I shall not be dismayed, life can only get better, anyhow you look at it.The problem lies, not in the state in which i am, the problem lies in my attempt to judge mercy. Mercy lies outside the scope of negative judgement.The orderliness of Mercy is astonishingly perfect and Her vision is extremely positive.

Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow us, all the days of our lives, and we shall dwell in the heart of the Lord, forever and ever . Amen!

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