Thursday, 2 December 2010

On Source And Sink

About this issue of being sink. The capacity in which one is able to accept ills is the future ability of one being an authentic leader. To cure anything of its ills, there has to be a sort of 'dumping ground' for such unwanted product; in thermodynamics we call it 'sink'. Christ acted in the capacity of sink by taking all our filthiness upon Himself. The filth was so great that it killed Him, and while He was gone, Mary held on to the responsibilty of being sink, she bore the sink till He was back, a sort of Regent of Sinks,otherwise there would be a sort of discountinuity in this business of complete extermination of the filthy by product of our humanity called sin.To purge the world of its filth, it is of necessity that there be continual sink. What griveous sorrow that would be for Mary, that which God died of was what 'nothiness' held on to. Angels came to console Christ of such sorrow(Gethsemane) , Mary was only left with the poverty of our humanity in the beloved John to console her(Calvary). She bore the sink till He was back the third day, according to the prophecy:... that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed,a sword actually pierced her heart! Good or bad, it is of utmost importance that thoughts out of many hearts be revealed, that is the only way sins could be purged (remember auricular confession).And on source:thermodynamics call it the starting point of energy, the beginning is the ultimate Energy (God)coming through the vacuum and nothingness(Mary)to become a chemical masterpiece (Christ), God made man, it is a complete, total and eternal synergy between God and man. The beginning of all ultimate energy is that which happened at the Annunciation, through the nothingness of Mary (her humility and purity). How constantly and perpetually we should bring the source and sink to remebrance,that force is the energy that perpetually renews our world,those are the real energies of which great things are wrought.Emmanuel, God is forever with us, the force of His activities is through the invocation of the source and sink, the beginning and the fulfilment of our salvation is through great work, and work -in science- is the utilisation of energy which brings about goodness and mercy,i.e efficiency and effectiveness. Do you know how to invoke those energies into action? Through the devotion to the Incarnation and Crucifixion. Through the Angelus and Divine Mercy. These are the source and sink!

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