Wednesday, 28 December 2016

The Signs of Time (Part 3) Hope

The Signs of Time (Part 3) Hope

 “You can discern the face of the sky and of the earth, but how is it you do not discern this time? " Lk12:56


As various protagonists get stationed in preparation for epic global dramas, the paradigm of which I shall attempt to describe from an uncensored perspective, through the lenses of my experience, taken by flesh from within my Yoruba race; by a personal and collegial union from my Nigerian entity; from an acquired discovery in science, through my Western education; and from a spirituality borne of my Christian experience.

Out of my four experiences, I hope to show how easily recognizable historical manifestations occurring in our age will be critical determinants of a civilisation and enlightenment that has dawned upon us.

1.       Yoruba

A People, The Curse and the Long War

The British Colonial masters, on entering the Niger-area, encountered little problem in penetrating the Yoruba hinterland because they met with an already disintegrated and divided entity torn in bitter rivalry that had become a norm for almost a century.

The Yoruba civil war was one of the longest of such in human history, the root cause of which was believed to be the consequence of a curse meted by a king who ruled Oyo, the Political capital of the vast race, a backlash of treacherous acts by his disgruntled Generals.

Yorubas, a people of over 50 million, domicile in at least 3 continents, emanated from Oduduwa, a spiritual protagonist who settled in Ile-Ife. Oduduwa’s descendants are as such a spiritual race and Ile-Ife, its primordial source is considered the spiritual capital of the Yoruba people.

Principalities and the New Religions

Latter religions in Yorubaland: Islam and Christianity, seem inept at engaging with its cultural norms and spirituality because of an entire scepticism and a morbid dread of its cultural reality from a faith perspective.

When we refuse to engage, we lose influence, when we lose influence, we become aloof from our environment and its cultural realities. This results in a perpetuation of spiritual crises between the people and the Principalities of the land to which their fore fathers have sworn allegiance, the result is a loss of meaning and an anthropological irrelevance prone towards being swept off by ever increasing foreign and alien forces.

Ojaja the Second

Last year saw the emergence of Adeyeye Ogunwusi, Ojaja the second as the 51st Ooni of Ile-Ife, a personality poised to stop the tide of this decay by public gestures geared towards freeing minds once shackled within an unspoken ideological and spiritual demagogue.

By publicly acknowledging Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour in church and bowing down in worship of one supreme God in mosque, Ojaja’s unparalleled gesture goes deeper than a mere ephemeral action, it is one of reconciling the past within the present realities of a new enlightenment.

I once met with an Ile-Ife Prince who claimed that the key which controls the destiny of the land of Cuba is in Ooni’s palace. I do not know if this is true, but his affirmation is a pointer to what I have in mind. We often do not realize what powerful grasp the principalities of a land have in relation to the well-being of its subjects, until they move to reconcile ancient pledges and oaths from past ancestors with present cultural realities such as this Ooni is doing.

Reconciliation: The Journey Forth

The initiative of humbly reconciling deep rooted animosity amongst various Yoruba Obas is another positive  gesture for posterity. Political disintegration can be repaired from a spiritual retraction, such that, a curse once emanated from Oyo, the Yoruba political capital would for once be repaired through the gestures of a king from Ile-Ife, the source and spiritual capital of the Yoruba people.

Unprecedented moves towards opening the Yoruba culture and its weird beliefs towards an engagement with the whole world would also prove very beneficiary. Let all ancient doors rise, and let Him enter, the king of glory.

Oduduwa is back to remake his root and to put things into their proper positions and order.
Something very necessary and spectacular is happening in our age.

2.       Nigeria

Wole Soyinka’s Abiku

I recently read a commentary on Professor Wole Soyinka’s age long poem ‘Abiku’, where the commentator claimed that Wole Soyinka had the Nigeria’s situation in mind while portraying the ‘Abiku’ phenomenon, and that the Nigerian case, borne out of a forced marriage between unwilling partners, is doomed towards an unending hopeless perambulation like the Abiku scenario.

 The case of  ‘Abiku’ was an inherent spiritual entanglement where babies were usually born to die soon after birth, such that no amount of medical expertise physical or spiritual, would prevent such repeated experience of child mortality. This was once prevalent in Africa, hence Soyinka’s perfect depiction of the hopelessness of the Abiku’s case in his famous poem.

While I do not share the commentator’s view, but the reality of the Nigerian project which seem at times to be swinging back and forth, may tempt many to lose hope and consider it an Abiku case. For me reality is positive, and I know Nigeria is destined to move and stay forward however the present situation may appear to the contrary.

Our Economic Ordeal

The current President may be faulted regarding his leadership approach but I do not see many faulting him on personal corruption. He inherited an economic malaise borne of an entity that has mortgaged its destiny on America’s caprices, such that when the latter raises its financial interest rate, it creates  fresh pangs, made worse by her capitalist shipping their funds back to yonder and its dwindling oil prices.

The process of reconstruction is painful and prolonged, and it is also not helped by a popular psyche that has crystallised within a culture of corruption. The shear system and structure of Nigeria is such that one is tempted to say that it is impossible to circumvent without an element of corrupt ideology. A country where the righteous few suffer more than droves who have taken corruption as a norm.

My Belief

I believe, I know, that at the trench of this dark tunnel of recession and corruption lies the bright tunnel of liberation. Nigeria crouches smartly as a protagonist of goodness and progress, even while many so-called champions of civilisation are obviously petrifying amidst evils positioned for a cosmological rivalry with goodness. Nigeria I see, is poised to shine as a harbinger of universal goodness that many  nations shall look up to in time not very far off.

3.       Science and Technology

Those who see absolutely  no connection between science and religion, be they People of faith with a disgust of science or scientist who loathe faith, may be on the path towards grave errors, because there will always be a close connection between reason and faith.

Science -to me- is not spelled to be a champion of the forthcoming civilisation, but it shall increasingly be a valued and more relevant pointer back to the clarity of mind, consciousness and faith which shall see its rise.

The Rise of the Inanimate

Technology and the inanimate are taking control. the possibility of the inanimate controlling animate seem confusing to many and can be put forward as a revisit of the many Science fictional plots, but an inanimate civilisation is already in place, and not only are the they taking over, but we, the animates are being directed and made to think as them which are the works of our hands. Humanity is already crystallizing and mortgaging its consciousness to technology.

Man and the Other-World lings

10 years back, ideas like UFOs, aliens, extra-terrestrials, find more reality in the context of science fiction, but today, many Scientists, including NASA believe that before the year 2030 there would be an official confirmation and pronouncement about the existence of extra-terrestrials and their interrelationship with us.

It is believed that the U.S intelligence are already in close communication with extra-terrestrials. Not that these are particularly surprising to me , I grew up within an extra-terrestrial cultural reality, but we shall have to reconsider our place within their universal reality and clarity if they are regarded as far more intelligent than humans.

The question we shall have to consider quick is whether these extra-terrestrials are angels or demons, or a combination of both.

Global Warming

Global warming and the rise of its sceptics may be another pointer to an impending inferno. The denial of global warming by a minority of scientist would find an escalation by Trump’s ascendancy, the latter has bluntly denied the impact of fossil fuel on global warming and has vowed to overturn any progressive overture towards ameliorating its effect. This is worrying because America is the world’s highest environmental polluter, and when America does not support sustainability, the next highest polluter, China, is sure to back off too, then every other person’s effort at curbing global warming would then be Infinitesimal.

The God Particle

There is a seemingly silent, hidden but apparent revolution from science that to me is having and would have far greater effect on the destiny of humankind than any that I have described so far.

Switzerland’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and its accompanying God Particle project is a frivolous quest with a curiosity only reminiscent of the biblical tower of Babel. And it appears the Babel effect is already at play as events in the world delve deeper within the sub-normal quantum particle rules of the LHC discoveries. Events manifests, from playful issues as Leicester winning the EPL to very serious matters like Trump winning the US election.

Education presents the capability of forecasting the future and preparing accordingly a challenge against militating issues, and by so doing, create, acquire and formalize the capacity to transcend and surmount these rules that may militate against the learned. But, down within the quantum world, the rules that apply are no rules.

These are bad times for the extremely formal and methodical; and for forecasters, poll experts, fortune tellers and gamblers.

4.       Christianity

If there is anything called the Christian spirit, it is the fact that Christ has come to gather everything in authentic unity, freedom, peace and happiness. To any authentic inclusive effort therefore, a Christian must adhere. Giving as excuse the potential threat of any inclusive effort in the name of preventing the emergence of an anti-Christ, one-world government is itself an anti-Christian rhetoric.

The Francis’ Effect

The emergence of a star genius, Jorge Mario Bergoglio as Pope Francis in 2013 immediately portrayed an unbounded concept mercy and a limitless integration that I can only refer to as a drastic opposite of the excess of our modern-day materialism and consumerism.

The Francis’ story finds a good parallel with the Ooni phenomenon regarding inclusivity, but on a much larger scale. I may never know if the Ooni actually has the key controlling Cuba, but I know these Popes have the key governing humanity’s destiny.

Rich in Mercy

Can there be a limit to mercy? Francis, not only includes, but makes champions of outsiders: Non-Catholics, Non-Christians, Polytheists, non-Deists. Conveying synods, embracing every Christian charism, promoting peace within religions, admitting the remarried, ‘not judging the gays’, unifying and befriending every creature, and even writing a scientific encyclical towards the prevention of our environment. It’s a sort of mercy sometimes bordering on embarrassment.

In 2015 he proclaimed an extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, giving free passes of mercy to even the most addicted of sinners; but wait… within this plane of existence, is there really anything like a free lunch? Can there be anything like a reaction without an action? Does not, even the mercy of God require faith and trust to function?

I trace the present quantic consequence within the English world, to the effect of a replacement of 'all' to ‘many’; of 'you' to 'Spirit' and of 'I' to ‘soul’, at Mass.

The Aftermath

Francis is performing his God given mission and will go, but we that remain shall have to clear up the mess produced as an aftermath of this radical form of mercy to an unbelieving generation.
A created form of apostasy shall reign which would further launch us deeper within uncontrollable quantum realms, previously unchannelled regions that are necessary to be crossed towards the dawn of a new enlightenment and liberation.


What is at stake within this Signs of Time, is the unity of the material and the divine, it is about progress, it is about commonwealth, it is about hope, it is about the Christmas we celebrate today!

Merry Christmas to you all

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

The Signs of Time ( Part 2 ). Revolutions and the Heart of Man.

Man, War and Revolutions

Man is made for war and by nature he rejects the status quo. Often when he basks within the euphoria of peace and is unwilling to move, the natural laws governing his nature and heart stirs up a new level of struggle either from within or without him, such that, while existing within this plane of consciousness, he cannot be entirely bereft of struggles ,big or small, internal or external. It is important therefore that he masters his mind and channels them unto that which should constitute the actual object of his war. The whole essence of life is about engaging in fruitful wars, but often humankind is at a loss against what and whom to direct his war cause.

This sort of struggle, when it is sudden and deep, produces drastic changes to life and the known status quo. This occurrence, either within a personal, national or regional entity is generally referred to as Revolution. It may be as simplistic as an individual ordeal or as complex as a universal event. Deep cultural changes can be brought about by such events, which can be (but not necessarily) painful and violent. Revolutions act as fulcrums, swinging minds unto deeper state of consciousness for an era.

The French Revolution

Perhaps no revolution has had more deeper effect, affecting orientations, perceptions and the universal grip of humankind, as the French Revolution which occurred between 1789 and 1798. The French Revolution brought about epic transformations, with the abolition of aristocratic, traditional, monarchical and religious structures paving ways for systems and ideologies like liberality, new enlightenment, Democracy, secularism and rapid technological advancement.

The manner of life which many take for granted today are borne of the French Revolution, the effect of which conflicted - and is still- conflicting with many existing cultures in different parts of the world. For instance, an African, brought up on the historical perspective of supremacy of kings and monarchs would be surprised that Government legislatures presently supersedes and relegates that of monarchs.

The ultimate consequence of the French revolution may be difficult to fault or laud in its entirety. Enabling power was bequeathed to the masses to have greater controls over their destiny. Globalisation, Economic liberalisation, Human rights, Industrial and IT revolutions and technological advancement was on the rise, but it also resulted in apparent slides towards the abolition of the spiritual and the elevation of the material above everything, as a justification against the ‘God’ idea which many believed was the culprit behind so many hardship and injustices, ideas that have sustained the atheism and rapid materialism mindset that we have today.

Secularism and the Leadership Challenge

The danger of our present circumstance is that the unity within our civilisation seem to have been built far too long on falsehood, and freedom has been stretched beyond the Hooke's limit of reasoning and unto a banality of existence in the name of globalisation. Morals and ethics have been relegated behind pleasures and self-seeking grandeur which are continually lauded as virtues, and we are all involved in these great lies, one way or the other.

Good leadership ensures the development of an entity governed, but when leadership gets distracted and complacent, when it structures the system in such ways that wealth are not equitably shared, and it continually ignores the call to thread the uncomfortable path to sustain the future and prevent unrest; revolution then comes to the rescue of its complacency by usurping leadership through drastic political, cultural and societal changes from without.

The illusion of the powerful, from political, business and spiritual, is complacency and a business-as-usual mindset. Major city progressives leaving behind vast populace and oblivious of their plights, thus putting to fore the possibilities of schisms amongst many respective states today.

From the French Revolution to the Great Revolution

The elevation of Secularism during the French Revolution did not abate the tussle between different European nations, this reached its culmination with the European war which spread its tentacle into becoming the Second World War between 1939 and 1945, the most grievous war yet in the history of mankind. The United States and The Soviet Union, the two allied champions (Or rather 3, with Great Britain) of the World War, no sooner pitched tents against each other for an ideological struggle of supremacy between Capitalism and Communism, either of which was bent on controlling the rest of the world and the future of mankind. This struggle is referred to as the Cold War.

The Cold War was ended in 1989 with the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the demolition of the Berlin Wall, signifying a victory for the United States, Britain and its Western allies. After Communism was defeated in 1989, the Western world, elated with the defeat of Nazi Germany and Soviet Communism, remained at a loss about what the next line of struggle should be .

Then came a pry from without: Islamic Fundamentalism shook it to the core in 2001, but the West was very reluctant to look religion in the face. It neither would internally confront its own misdemeanour against its Christian past nor was it externally willing to frankly resolve the complexity of an ideological dichotomy between Islam and its accompanying violent fundamentalism.

Then, another big pry of conscience came in 2008 with the Great Recession. Its Capitalistic venom was turned on itself with the realisation that the evil perversion of Communism likewise finds an equal entrenchment within Capitalism. Rather than using the occasion for deep universal reformation, the powers that be patched things up and would rather not look at its mess. It pumped more money into the system with the motif of spending out of recession, and it worked- tentatively.

Our present circumstance is that which I term ‘The Great Revolution’, a concept which I shall elaborate further.

At Present

What goes around comes around, the consequence of not dealing properly and painfully with the issues described above resulted in nations going rogue, a scenario currently spreading like wildfire throughout the Western world. With the power of the ballot, the masses are bent on confronting an ignominious Islamic fundamentalism and a corrupt Capitalism.

The worrying issue with this revolution is that the protagonists, while responding to the petrification of Institutions and establishments, are themselves acting out of a petrified conscience. For instance, let us consider that a major aspect of America’s prosperity is borne of its multiculturalism, fostered by an immigration drive unparalleled by any nation in the world, with unparalleled freedom of rights, speech and religion, the very salient issues against which numerous right wing voters are now clandestinely rebelling against. A petrified heart usually is characterised by a tendency to dismiss its pre-stardom history and to realise that life is a given.

What the Future Holds

History is bent on repeating itself. The exact populism that drove Hitler's agenda is what is fuelling the recent rise of far-right personalities, parties and populace, but who is to blame? As Ola Rotimi would say: ‘The gods are not to blame’. Life is like a Yo-yo and it is within its flinging back and forth that positive effects are produced. Que sera sera. Iniquity has abounded and the love of man has gone cold, but the future is about The Great Revolution, from which our petrified hearts would be melted and moulded -hopefully, within a relatively short time- into correcting a heart anomaly that has taken centuries to form.

I have bad news for the proponents of ‘The good old days’. The good old days will never return in its form. Few men there are, for instance, who would anymore want to be bound by the slavery of an autocratic fascist self-opinionated aristocratic leadership, secular or spiritual. We shall be taken through fire, but its aftermath shall be a true commonwealth civilisation and a consciousness that is far deeper and more aligned to truth than the garbage of our present circumstances.

I write because I very much believe we are at a turning point in history. We are within a revolution that is and would be by far more drastic, and would produce far deeper effect on human consciousness than the French revolution or on any human strife so far. Let us be ready for the future, let us not forget, let us position ourselves on the right side of history, for, life is a continuum.

Monday, 5 December 2016

The Signs of Time (Part 1) : The Devil's Alternative

“Whichever option we choose, men are going to die”.

This was the devil’s alternative, a grievous dilemma which confronted US President Mathew in Frederick Forsyth’s novel The Devil’s Alternative, as he grappled between the choice of containing a drastic environmental catastrophe and the strength of the Soviet Union.

A carefully plotted and well executed plan by two Ukrainian freedom fighters, bent on freeing their captured colleagues from the Soviet KGB, prompted them instigating an environmental catastrophe by intentionally spilling millions of gallons of oil into the North Sea, until their colleagues were released; but as Drake (one of the Ukrainians) and his colleague would find out too late, the oil they spilled as a threat to the world’s governments was what retarded the Oil Vessel that they were using as a means of escape with their rescued colleagues from the North Sea.

“Our Oil…”.

That was Drake’s agonising comment as he noticed that the modality for rescuing their friends became the mode of their capture.

I shall liken the present worldly state of affairs to the circumstance which transpired around the two quoted statements above from ‘The Devil’s Alternative’. I hope to use each preceding week, until Christmas, to digest the signs of times, from the emergence of Donald Trump against every odd, to Brexit and the rise of the extreme Rights, to ISIS and the radicalisation of Arabia, to Putin’s Russia and the journey back to Communism, to North Korea’s Kim Jung-un and the threat of hermit rogue nations.

To me, the most salient and worrying issue is the emergence -in time- of the Trump’s era. Like or loathe, we cannot discountenance the fact that any major event within the US would of necessity have ripple effects on the rest of the world and would thus set the direction in which the world’s affairs would lead. It is usually said that when America sneezes, the world catches cold.

Aside deep seated racial, ethnic and religious biases which characterised the 2016 US election, many who voted Trump were also rightly troubled about the forceful proselytical trend in which the Obama’s administration was championing the inherently abhorrent, from criminalising those who were against gay marriage, to squeezing the conscience of those objected to abortion into contributing towards a pro-choice fostered Obamacare. These sort of issues, amongst others prompted droves of conservative into opting for Trump ahead of Hillary.

Whichever option is chosen, it seems the world is torn between the path of men dying. Democrats stifled birth and propagated the silent scream of aborting the voiceless. Posterity would surely look back on our age one day and be shocked at the rate at which horrific killings from abortion went unabated, a scenario worse than the holocaust. The fact that these issues are not being mentioned in CNN or BBC does not mean they shall not bounce back on us with a catastrophic effect.

On the other hand, the rise of Republican Trump does not portend a business as usual future. You cannot rubbish over 1.6 billion Muslims, over 1.4 billion Blacks, over 1.3 billion Chinese, close to half a billion Latinos and expect an easy Presidency ride. In fact, the entire electoral conduct that brought out Trump as champion is one that is deeply contrary to the conscience that American portrays and forces on the rest of the world. 2016 U.S election would one day be studied as the greatest act of historical hypocrisy.

I do not need a soothsayer to tell me that the rise of Donald Trump and right wing extremism would give more credence to Islamic fundamentalism and the possibility of more Arab nations declaring their support for extremist groups like ISIS and Al-Qaida. It is also commonsensical to assume that the rise of American right wing groups like KKK and Tea Party which gave birth to Trump would now be countered by groups like Black Lives Matter and other Civil right groups with the likelihood of more internal unrest for the United States. Welcome back to the 60s.

Long ago, the Spiderwoman taught a very salient lesson of life, she said:

“While you are weaving the complex web of life, structures and systems, always leave a hole of escape in the middle of the web blanket like every spider would do, otherwise you may get caught in your own web”

It is time to frankly consider whether Democracy and Capitalism has at last caught itself within its own webs…

Just as Drake exclaimed in The Devil’s Alternative, when they were retarded and caught within the web of their escape: “Our Oil” , the West may be poised towards the deadly catastrophe of being caught within the two ideologies that have fostered its progress and success unless deep and radical reforms are done.

I hope it would not be too late, and we would not have to regretfully exclaim:

“Our democracy and Capitalism”

Tuesday, 8 November 2016


So vivid and real, so different an experience, of all lessons and warnings within sleep.

This blur between dream and reality; manifestations which proved too real to be false. 

Learn and be warned! 

Within experience such as this would you grow and come to the knowledge of truth and the ability to love.

The challenge of love and paranoia, of the grace to be firm.

Love conquers all when life is seriously lived and vows sternly kept.

The entwinement of experience ,within the ranting of pride and elevation of libido.

Within self-indulgence and gratifications (even with the beloved) , lies the evil one's alibi and strength.

Take it not lightly the temptation to lust, of covetousness, of pride.

Fall no bait for seemingly legitimate satisfaction of personal desires. 

Remember, It's a singular knot that ties the calabash, the gourd and the pumpkin.

The physical, human and natural are entwined within the spiritual, not the other way. 

Extol the efficacy of mutuality in God: of sex, of prayers, of meal of mutual coexistence.

Against such, no singularity of action - however pure, plenty or tasty - can compete. 

Mutuality strengthens parties,  prevents   conspired accomplishments and forms a solid shield on the clan.

Beware of unholy alliances both herein and yonder .

Wake up to pray, its got efficacy for all  beloved.

Be glad about the triumph because it's a won battle you fight.

Union is non-isolating; and its 'putting asunder' by man is a continuous militating agenda.

Your prayers for all transcends the vocal and thoughts , it falls within your actions and experience.

Love conquers everything, do not recoil from it. 

Love transcends feelings and emotions, practice love against the distance.

He who loves more sees better.

Sunday, 23 October 2016


When Albert Einstein predicted on paper that space-time can be warped by gravity, which itself happens as a result of relative distortion between 2 stars (stars here includes planetary bodies), little did Scientists believe they could visibly witness what appeared to be simply a theoretical assertion. 

But this year, the visible witnessing of collisions between two Black holes some 3 billion light years away confirmed the high probability that space-time can indeed be warped. Now, this means many things: Time and space are actually relative and there is a high possibility that one can travel back and forth in time, as already demonstrated with Particle Physics. (It is worth mentioning that a sort of nano-second  travel back in time would require enormous vast energy)

All these seem weird, but it is an exciting period for the Conscious mind. Adam could just have fallen with one person and Christ might just have been crucified and risen in another . 

What does a Babalawo see when he spreads his 'opele', could it be some astral contact from a time warping with the past that allows him to fathom an event from time immemorial and to discern it with the present event? 

What about the authenticity of such phenomena as astral travels and the reality of space leap, called 'egbe' and 'kanako' especially in African arts? 

Long before Einstein discovered the potentiality of this time warping, Yorubas have been practicing what would still take Science ages to actualize, but the inability to create a written body of knowledge and the strain of encapsulating everything within esotericism has limited scientific advances in Yoruba land. 

It is so difficult to distinguish truths from magic, dark arts, or negative forces within the actions of making and remaking through verbal rituals such as ofo, ogede, afose and ayajo; such that society have majorly (at least openly) preferred to throw away the baby of truth with the water of evils contained for fear of being contaminated and affected. This has had a drastic impact on Yoruba civilization and societal development .

Ultimately I believe everything created is designed to be known and would operate by spoken 'Word' . 'Siri' is just a little sign of how this can be actualized . 

Yoruba indeed has a body knowledge that is full of wisdom and intuition, but rather than out of malice, there is a real lack and absence about the wherewithal of incarnating their ingenuity from esoteric ideas, to easily deciphered language through mystery skills like Mathematics, Calculus and  Geometry. 

For instance, if the need to know the explanation behind recorded actions like egbe and kanako amongst other scientific knowledge cannot be met, the credit would keep being transferred to the West as is happening. 

It is often being said by Yoruba esoteric members that 'The deep can be known by the deep'. This is said to bolster their claim of not letting any knowledge out from their circle; but it is worth mentioning that the more the deep lets out through the right channel, the deeper it travels. A deep that is contained and refuses to let out, would remain shallow relative to those who are adept at exposing the deep through the right channel. Here lies the superiority behind the foundation of Western esotericism.

The grave they say, is full of 'might haves'. It takes courage to let go of knowledge and move on.'Oogun ti a ko ba fi han omode, nise lo ma n parun ' .

The truth is that 'oogun gun' ( knowledge is an infinite) and often 'omode ko mo oogun o n pe e l'efo' ( Knowledge is not for the mediocre) but the reality is that the little Science known today is let out from deeper esoteric ideas mostly from the West, who builds her civilization by stooping to Africa,  mostly through the Egyptian deep cultural knowledge, from whom flows the vast African spirituality and ideas that they know today and which they utilize to foster their technological and scientific advances. 

Yoruba still starves from ignorance borne out of a determination to perpetuate the ponding of their esoteric ideas . For instance, the vast wisdom and knowledge, both physical and spiritual still lays buried in Ife. The wonder discovered through the accidental discovery of 'Ori Olokun' is just a tip of the iceberg.

Christians, through the ages have always held the Eucharistic celebration as a travel back in time to Calvary. This notion was weakened by the vast Protestant arm of Christianity from the Reformation of the Middle Ages, but it is still a body of truth held firmly within Catholicism. Time and Space may be one great illusion, or rather a massive disproportion from our current perception as we are finding out with Relativity.

Let us attempt looking the opposite way of Relativism , that is, instead of looking outwards towards the galaxy, let us search deeper within the subatomic levels, a study which is often referred to as Quantum Physics.Think about it this way: The theory of relativity deals with the movement of heavenly bodies: stars, galaxies, planets etc. while quantum theory deals with particles in their extreme simplicity and subatomic sizes(the tinier they are the more quantum they become) such that we can say quantum Physics is the opposite of theory of relativity.

The shocking unpredictability of the behavior of atoms therein, when broken down to their smallest particles or when treated as waves, was as a result of a new branch of Physics called quantum mechanics which has gained much ground since the early 20th century . 

Relativity is predictable and can be arrived at using mathematical laws and scientific postulates. Everything appears to have a definite position, a definite momentum, a definite energy, and a definite time of occurrence. However, in quantum physics, things are vague and their theories cannot pinpoint the exact values of a particle's position and momentum or its energy and time, rather they provide only ranges of probabilities in which that particles might act. 

Why all this? It is interesting to know that the smaller a thing is, the more it operates outside our normal basic propositions and mindset. Think of 2 + 2 having the potential of being 8, 54, 34, 23 and any haphazard number. 

Scientists are using this quantum postulate to delve deeper and deeper into the search for the constituent of our being and the root essence of life, as is being demonstrated at CERN with the LHC. 

From a spiritual perspective, it is obvious that attempts by man towards Scientific facts could be seen as one huge parable that can be a pointer to the real Truth for a believing mind. 

Christianity may consider Science as one huge parable that could be studied towards grasping truths which can only be achieved from a conscious mindset, that which is popularly referenced to as faith. Faith's dismissal of Science (Duly called Natural Philosophy) would be tantamount to Theology doing away with Philosophy.

Quantum theory sounds silly. In fact, Albert Einstein initially rejected the probabilistic  notion of its proposition, according to him: 'God does not play dice with creation'; but today, it is difficult to deny the reality of quantum theory in scientific and technological fields because its postulate has enhanced the creation of many equipment that we take for granted these days, ranging from our electrical appliances to medical equipments to aircrafts.

The reality within Quantum Physics has reflected some deeper Christian truths, some of which are outlined: 

1. The smaller (humbler) we are (just as quantum mechanics) the more we operate outside the realm of predictable laws and are  immersed in the mind of God which-to me- is mercy. 

2. Our judgement can be flawed because of the unpredictable that happens when a man operates within littleness, which is humility (which is truth).

3. The Law is very relevant ( Christ did not come to abolish it) and General theory of Relativity as Einstein proposed,  is more relevant in our age today as ever. But moving deeper, there is a quantum realm we cannot fabricate and we get there only by littleness.

4. St Paul said at a stage 'who can know the mind of God' (Rom 11:34) and at another stage 'judge nothing before its time' (1cor4:5). We should be slow to judge, God's ways in this age of Christ are entirely bereft of ours, it is like Quantum physics.

5. The Bible also spoke about 'time and chance' happening to all things (Eccl 9:11) and at a point even Christ said 'he didn't know who...only His Father knows ('Math20:23 / Math24:36)This is the extent of the mind of God, that even His Son, while in the flesh, was unaware of at some point. 

6. Quantum theory has made many people believe that everything happens only by chance and that there is no God who controls anything and they have succumbed to a psychological exasperation, because there is a limit to which human rationality can journey.

7. Or otherwise instead of grasping what little can be controlled within the quantum realm , many have held unto the factorization of the bigger controllable law and format of Relativity. Herein is the cause of its dictatorship.

8. Within littleness lies an unpredictability which we can trust in. Herein is mercy, herein is faith. God's mind resides within the quantum that we cannot 'control'. Let us 'let go' and 'let God'!

It is often said that after all has been said and done, and Science reaches the summit of the mountain of truth, it would find Theologians - for ages- on that summit awaiting their arrival. 

While Yoruba esotericism lacks the scientific and mathematical language of proposing its depth of knowledge to modernity, Western Christianity has also struggled to find a method of faith proposal to the modern mind. The confluence between Western Christianity and Yoruba esotericism lies within Theology, the belief in the supremacy of a higher unseen power(s) that controls absolutely everything. Science as a principle tries to ignore this fact.

There is a question, a void, a disproportion between the reality of everyday occurrences, its applications, and the meaning of everything that Theology could as yet not 'match' - in verbal explanation- the correspondence that Science offers, albeit flawed. Science explains our everyday occurrences while Theology asks us to believe an 'uncertainty' that for many does not correspond .

It is often said that for those who believe, no explanation is necessary, and for those who do not believe, no explanation is possible. From faith's perspective, it could be argued that it is far easier to build a system than to provoke conversion. Christians may find an alibi in the sayings of Christ that 'And even if someone should rise from the dead, 'they will not believe'(As Abraham told Dives).

Yet, the modern mind searches for a correspondence, a meaning, reasons behind life and their cultural experience. But they do this from the external and from a largely Relativistic perspective. The mind before matter quantum manner of Theology Is largely ignored. As such modern mind presently has a bent towards an embrace of Science, obviously because science appeals more to the senses. Theology appears to loose its voice to Science in spite of its number.

The triumph of Theology may well lie within science itself, such that, as quantum rationalism grows, the consciousness, agility and energy within littleness would increase and the sacredness of life would be more obvious. There would be more awe against war and the irrationality of many similar intricate questions that beg for cogent and rational answers. 

But as long as life exists, knowledge would grow, for there is nothing hidden that would not be revealed; and explanations would go on because it is by the Word that the world would be recreated and civilization built. 

Sunday, 11 September 2016

WERE I GOD (On Our Pilgrimage to Rome)

His arm from the onset was made manifest
And I took nothing for granted of the experience
I still remain baffled regarding the  zeal of those who have fully cooperated with His grace
And I wonder that if such stony heart as mine would melt
By such an experience towards which my heart is full of gratitude
So, why shouldn't God.
How many should I tell of?
The dauntless spirits of those who missed flight:
Bouncing back and making the journey at all cost?
Or that whom amidst cranky crazy schedules
Compromised all for this privilege
Even of those who would spend double from foreign trips and
Counted not the cost to make it to Rome
Deciphering the meaning of this experience is a mystery
Left to the positivity of His mercy
An how lovely it is for brethren to dwell in unity
Amidst our petty bickering and personal idiosyncrasies
What triumphed was the supremacy
Of friendship, solidarity, communality and commonality.
And the joy of having the kids share in such languorous but epic moments.
Sparkling highlights at the four Basilicas
Attending Masses spoken in tongues
Sistine Chapel, ‘Vatican Celebrity’ and Missing Mercy!
These would remain in my memory for ages to come.
And I wouldn’t forget too soon the numerous endurance treks
Be it of finding transport tickets at great energy
Or of walking the whole length of Lateran and Mary Major.
The exodus within and without; to and fro the Vatican Museum
Was little compared with the flimsy journey in search of ‘junk food’
Trespassing the length of a nation in the process.
Seeming meaningless trips loaded with reason and filled with meaning in His sight.
One primary lesson which becomes very apparent
Is that amidst the ‘wheat’ of mercy there is no space for any ‘tare’ of sin
Such that the distractions and faults within this whole experience
And the lures of tourism over pilgrimage that manifested
Is actually one gargantuan ‘O happy fault!’ within His mercy.
And all are positive in the purification of the head.
So much that I worry little over one who assumes that works and faith are personal
And him that is lost in the moment, oblivious of knitting the past with the future
Or the emotional drachma that often lets go of etiquette and decorum
Neither does it matter in mercy, whether you are capitalist or communist
You may even snub the addict when you are conscious of mercy
And it doesn’t matter if you are not ‘wowed’ by much from the scenery
Neither would you be punished for repeating same errors a thousand times!
At the end what matters is mercy and thanksgiving
The aim is achieved, the purpose is fulfilled
But the positive feedback is in Mystery’s hands.
An admonition is that at any news of ‘freedom’
Be it far and near, yours or others
Affirm this solidarity with a simple prayer:
1 Pater, Ave and Gloria suffices
And our communal liberation would be fostered.

Monday, 13 June 2016

On Purgatory: A Reply to Leke Alder.

Dear Mr Leke Alder,I always respect your command of words and the erudite manner in which you untangle seemingly complicated issues, as most of your followers would equally attest. Recently, I stumbled on your postings on Purgatory and discovered a great many fallacies against which I would like to set the records straight.

Apologetic dialectics on church doctrines are what I had presumed that Christianity in my Country had outgrown; but a doctrinal accusation coming from a respected mind like you is one I cannot pass unnoticed, being aware of the sheer number of people that follow you on social media and their likelihood to be influenced by your thoughts, which this time I see as very flawed. I quickly remembered Christ’s words: ‘Call no man Teacher”.

What is the relevance? Why bother at all about a mundane medieval idiosyncratic issue as Purgatory? Because I am aware of the close connectivity between truth, freedom, destiny, and the grave danger that their denials pose to the masses. It is not simply for the sake of debate that I bring forth these issues, but that many whose freedom are likely to be affected by a distorted truth as this.

You may wonder how Purgatory, a universally repugnant idea, may be tied to freedom. I equally confess that the weights of things like work, pain, suffering, friction, gravity aren’t palatable. I would love a world where I wouldn’t have to face the consequences of my actions because I see daily the disproportionality of my acts with the goodness of God which calls for justice. This is the very reason I am and remain a Christian, because the Good News is that my absolute disproportionality with goodness is the very reason why Christ has died for me! (1 Timothy 1: 15).

In spite of the enormity of Christ’s action, why then do we still have to experience these pains? Why do we have to - as St Paul said - make up for what is lacking in Christ’s passion (Col 1: 24)? Why do we still have to pass through the friction and gravity of time and space within its errors and pains before experiencing the perfect glory He has won for us? Why do we have to ‘die’ like every other person when He has in fact conquered death for us? Why does the mystery of His resurrection seem so clouded? Shall I have to anastheasize the ideas of these realities as some are bent on doing? No, I wouldn’t, because I know why these still happen: it is because of love and mercy, love and mercy for us and for the whole world (2 Corinthians 4). Happiness is not to be found in much bothers about entering heaven, or of avoiding or denying purgatory or hell, but that of journeying upon this road of positivity and not of perambulation. Once we understand Mercy, every other issue become simple and uncomplicated.

Whilst I prefer that there is no such thing as Purgatory or hell, the reality is that they exist. To change anything, we have to accept its fact. If you deny a problem, the problem remains. I would like that Purgatory be emptied, and Hell be banished from man because it is not his portion (Mathew 25:41). Atheists have killed the idea of hell and some Christians have killed the idea of Purgatory, both happen for want of mercy. What is necessary is not to develop an alibi, but to be passionate about living, such that we can escape both hell and Purgatory.

Sceptics are likelier to experience reality in order to arrive at fullness of being, and this applies also to issues bothering on hell and purgatory. It would be as Morpheus told Neo in the Matrix film “Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is, you have to see it for yourself “. Alibi is no escape; it’s a complication of fact.

I must confess that the Church’s teachings are too deep for our modern mind; many would prefer a shallow a la carte faith than being bothered about perceived auxiliary doctrinal issues like Purgatory. We prefer the easier wider road by explaining uncomfortable truths away.God is merciful and just. It is up to us to realize how God’s justice is mercifully laden with mercy. The opposite of mercy is not justice, it is vengeance. What happens in Purgatory is far from Vengeance. Contrary to that which you quoted in your argument, the Church calls Purgatory a purification rather than a punishment (Catechism 1031), purification such that, even though it reflects God’s justice, is also full of His mercy.

Animists honour ancestors, Muslims remember loved one, nations keep in mind fallen soldiers, the electronic media are littered with historical channels, even scientists are getting more convinced about the reality of extra-terrestrials, yet some of my fellow Christians believe in a complete sever between life here and the hereafter. They block all contact, communications and experience of their departed loved ones from their memory, because it throws at them the reality and possibility of Purgatory, yet our Lord is the king of life and perpetuity. The consequence: Mediocrity and powerlessness as exists in our society.

Denial is not reality, it is not truth. We are not alone, life is a continuum, heaven is here, mercy is perpetual, reality is positive. Cut off memory and you have no progress. Christ has come so that we can experience the utmost depth of this reality. Live this reality intensely and be free! Do not be deceived and disappointed, cut your loved ones out today and somebody shall cut you out tomorrow, Even God succumbed Himself to our memory in other to reign in us. `Do this in memory of Me`. Memory is the force of future reality.

You mentioned that Mortal and Venial sins are Catholic doctrines; but they are well biblical too; read 1 John 5: 16-17. You claimed that the Church believes mortal sins are unforgivable; that is fallacious. All sins are indeed forgiveable, except the likes of that which you rightly mentioned: A conscious rejection of Christ’s sacrificial act might well put one in such grave danger of rejecting forgiveness; and this calls into question the rejection of the sacrificial dimension of the Eucharist by many Christians today.

Purgatory, like Easter, Christmas, Trinity, Incarnation and many other coined names by the Church are attempts to explain already known mysteries; it does not refer to the establishment of a new doctrine, as you tried to establish in your write-up. Purgatory was not formulated during the 12th century; the teaching has been, right from the time of Christ. Do not be confused by the word itself, look at the process, experience, witnesses and teachings.The Church, like medical sciences, has a good grasp at creating names. We spiritualize all ailments that we do not know their names in Africa and their cures remain out of grasp. When you call something by name, you already acknowledge its existence and so doing you’ve solved half the problem, it is part of the enabling beatific permission granted to Man before the fall and such is the power that Christ has bestowed on His Church,Purgatory is deeper a mystery to be simply explained out. Look beyond the name, perhaps you’ll get less scandalized. Many people have personal experiences of other worldly contacts with relatives and friends, for how long will you demonize their experiences? Anyone who says the prayer: ‘Rest in Peace’ subconsciously acknowledges this state needing prayer for liberation.

Christ, our one supreme Master described- amongst many such like descriptions-this process in Mathew 18: 23 – 35. He hinted at the possibility of ‘getting out’, but only when justice has been satisfied. Remember that Christ in His days did not explain away cultural realities of His times, realities like Ghosts, reincarnation, natural forces or the existence of spirits. He transcended them by His person, so faith in Him does, not by their denial. You tarnish truth by denial!

You mentioned at a point in your writing that the story of Lazarus and Dives (The Rich man) suggested Christ told about the existence of hell; but even with this story, many scholars have suggested that Christ’s dialogue about this event tells more about Purgatory than hell. Dives was still able to dialogue with Abraham; he was concerned about his 5 brothers (because he saw this relationship as a last resort of escape, he realised he wasn’t an island).

In hell, all communication with goodness shall be cut out, every hope of salvation shall be lost, all cares about others are not there; hell is too gory a place for an altruistic dialogue of love to abide, all breathes hatred and curses that live in hell! If we but realise the gravity of hell, we would be better placed to consider the merciful redemptive power of God in permitting the transit process of purgation than for man to rot in hell, for nothing unclean shall see the face of God. Ephesians 5: 5.

You spent much effort explaining away the scriptural depiction of Purgatory in 1 Corinthians 3: 10-15. A truth so blatant that I am sure much of your readers would struggle to understand your contra point of argument. Many approved it simply to authenticate the error they have held as truth all along. Truth is tough, but it is simple, you don’t need so much an effort at explaining it away. Until we take up the challenge of the possibility of unlearning what we have held as true, we shall remain stuck in falsehood and our society shall continue to suffer the menace of lies. Few people find it palatable to find out they have been ‘wrong all along’. Change is herculean, and without grace, it is impossible!A simple truth would not require the help of a complex ‘arguing away’, such that you attempted.

Take this comparison: In John chapter 6; Christ said ‘I am the Living Bread come down from heaven’. You can permute and combine the statement in whatever terms, like the Jews would want Christ to do, but it would not remove its direct simplicity and depth. When I see with what passion ‘Holy Communion’ is budding within our brethren churches today, my spirit is exalted for I am devotedly ecumenical and would love all Christians to come to the unity of faith. 20 years back, the practice of Holy Communion was almost non-existence within many of this block, and I can only pray that as they journey through the sacramental nature of the Church it would soon lead further to a deeper realisation about the ‘Real Presence’ and its ‘Sacrificial nature’. The case with the Eucharist is similar to what you are doing with Purgatory as you attempt to explain uncomfortable truths away. Truth always have a way of resurfacing, and the Church is the bulwark of truth 1Timothy 3: 15.

Back to the discourse on Purgatory, I need not mention 2 Maccabees 12: 42- 45 because you argued, in your opinion, that the book of Maccabees is not canonical, but at least no serious intellectual has denied its historicity because it gives a good awareness about the Jewish practices of praying and sacrificing in the hope of Resurrection of the dead, and yet, we the children of Resurrection (Luke 20: 36) are rejecting this fact. Paul himself aligned with the Pharisees who have hope in resurrection and believe in angels and existence of spirits (Acts 23: 6-8). As Hamlet tells Horatio I also say to you: ‘There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy’.

Have you heard about the Church Fathers, those great men of God who received instructions directly from the Apostles and whose writings persist to our time? Time will not permit me to detail their numerous teachings regarding realms of existence requiring prayers for those who have slept in Christ. Purgatory is far from being a middle age doctrine. Go, read the teachings of Church Fathers, the likes of St Irenaeus, St John Christotom, Origen, St Gregory the Great and St Athanasius; complement these with the Acts of the Apostles and you will improve your awareness about the reality of what the early Christians believe.

We can also see broad traces of devotion to departed Christians by the early Christians with the various Catacombs of Rome dating back to the first century. St Peter himself was buried beneath the present basilica of St Peter’s. Visit the Eastern Churches of Greece, Turkey and Egypt and you will find similar traditions dating back to the early Christians. It is just a weighty burden of irresponsibility for any Christian to deny the reality of practices and beliefs that are obviously Apostolic.

I tell you what happens when you deny Purgatory, you break off contact between here and the hereafter, and you see those who die in Christ as ‘dead’, not as ‘alive’, for you would prefer to have nothing to do with them. You become subconsciously judgemental of anyone who dies and you place them in a compartmentalized heaven or hell based on your caprices and you lock them up there forever. You forget history by killing memory. You become incredulous and become scared of the continuum of life. You cannot be a sustainable Christian that way, for you have watered down faith in the resurrection. A society that kills memory ultimately corrupts and gets absorbed by one which sustains memory. You see why your idea, albeit widespread, is very fatal and unhelpful to posterity.

The Church affirms belief about the Communion of Saints, and this is what it means, that the Church is 3 parts in 1 body of Christ: The Militants (Me and you on this plane of existence), The Triumphant (Those on the glorious plane in heaven) and The Suffering (Those souls being purged in Purgatory). Purgatory does not nullify the 4 last things (Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell) for it does not last.

Your view was very much alien to Christian belief until the 16th century when Martin Luther objected the sales of indulgences and denied in totality the ‘Purgatorium’ experience that fostered these sales. The doctrinal root cause of the Reformation crisis was the over exaltation of ‘work’ and its dare consequence by those Pastors who needed money. Since then, every descendant of the Lutheran revolt has perpetuated such hatred and denial of work in its extremity. Balancing, not denial, is what makes Christianity thick; after all, the cause of your objection against Purgatory is principally based on 1 Corinthian 3: 10-15, the gist of which was about ‘works being burnt’. Read 1 Peter 1 : 7 and you’ll realise that this work which is to be tested by fire is nothing but our faith, the basis of which Luther lauded as a prerequisite for salvation. Do not destroy work, for faith, that through which we shall be justified (Galatians 2: 16), is also work (John 6: 29), and it is a supernatural gift of God. Resurrection does not spare us the journey, if you ignore the work (which is laden with mercy for a man of faith), you are simply postponing your job of atonement and it is tougher across the bridge.

Your challenge of Purgatory, like Martin Luther’s challenge of the sales of Indulgence, risks the event of throwing away the baby of truth together with the water of superstition. The superstition and corruption involved in the sales of indulgence shouldn’t have warranted the entire denial of the reality of Purgatory. You may ask where the Lutheran Church is today and how widespread they are. Lie does not last.

The Sales of indulgence issue is similar to the Tithe and Offering issue happening in our society today. Many today are angry with our Pastors regarding the scandals of tithing and offerings and, like Luther, some attempt to argue away their biblical necessities. It is not tithing that are wrong; it is the scandals caused by our Pastors through their selfish propaganda.

The scandal of tithing is there, but stopping it will be unbiblical, so will be your effort at explaining Purgatory away.