Saturday, 26 December 2009

Dont Stop At God!

Dont stop at God, try Christ, dont stop at Christ, try the Church, dont stop at the Church, try the Blessed Sacrament! And give a little damn about Mary.
You would bless the day you took to my advice...

Life In Christ Is a Forex Trade,Not Shares Dealing...

Life in Christ is like forex trading, not shares dealing; morality makes us see life as shares dealing , moving only one way: when i am good, He is good to me etc. But real life in Christ is a forex trade, when i am good , He is good to me; When i am bad, He is good to me. True it takes lots of intuition, experience, wisdom and knowledge to be able to profit from the upside and downside of forex, it is a high risk investment, so it is with Christ, but we must get engaged ,He alone is Life, dont take life as a shares deal, take it as a forex trade, but with Christ as the teacher, He supplies the Knowledge, wisdom and understanding to profit and profit in full measures, pressed, shaken and running over!

'All I Have Is Thine...'

We are able to love our work and its accompanying pains, to the proportion of the awareness of the sense of ownership. Sense of ownership inspires commitment and responsibility. If kids are put into the fabric of everyday living of the family early enough, and are shown-in truth- the stake they have in the family, they would grow up to be responsible, for the family and the society, its easier for one to go an extra mile when one is aware of his interest being at stake. Remember that word? 'all I have is thine...'Once i got to realise that the whole universe belongs to me, i became more passionate, to simply live (and let live).

Broaden Reason, Live Reality Intensely!

How does it sound? To think that everything on earth, events et all, before, now and later, are happening as a reference to you! And for your prosperity too...

To think that all our good gestures, our interests, our passions, our longings and desires in this world are eternal. The way we see the world now becomes our only weapon in the afterlife, it so much depends on wether we see the world based on truth or lie, if we see the world based on lie, we end up in nihilism, because there is nothing to live for in the after life except the pain of coping with the great lie...

Life is a binary, 1 or 0; true or false. Lets choose to live for truth!
Now that we still have the chance,let us broaden reason, let us live reality intensely!

Saturday, 28 November 2009

The True Protagonists : The Poor!

There is a paradox here; progress on earth can only be effected by work. Work is divine. Work can only be borne out of two ways: Suffering and charity.Those who are suffering, the so called poor ( not only monetary poverty) are the true protagonists. They are the movers and shakers of this world, not the rich. The poor are actually the leaders(in all truth!). Christ knows this that is why He often says that the first shall be last and vice versa. Progress can only be effected by the work of poverty. Yet in justice, the rich have an obligation towards charity. The rich can join in this work of protagonism by practicing what i call Caritas et humilitas (charity in humility)
We must not then say, because the poor effect positivity, then they should be neglected or ignored to continue in their poverty ,or , even heap more poverty on them. A great deal of narcists do this, they realise that goods(even wordly) come out from the poverty of the other man.Yet God is always on the side of the poor, because true work itself-which is divine-requires some expendition of some stuff , which itself becomes poverty.
What then does ideal progress consist of? Ideal progress is that which involves charity in truth and justice. The ideal which we should focus on is first, to lift the poor out of poverty if posssible there should be a universal work to achieve what i call commonwealth, which requires much of charity in justice. This done, we dont move out of poverty, we only move to another realm of poverty, which is even more effective than material poverty, which is the poverty of spirit, and we dont hope to be entirely delivered of this as far as we are in this world,the poorer we are spiritually, the greater we truelly are, and the more the world prospers.This spiritual poverty is not disengaged from charity, in fact , somebody says charity begins where justice ends, we must not stop at giving to the poor, the ideal charity then is that which is of Christ : being poor, so that the poor can be rich!
The more one practices this spiritual poverty, the more the world progresses and the more the kingdom of peace is advanced!You see, it is all in our power to make Christ come, and soon too!
So afterwards, after material poverty has been conquered, when there is no more war, sickness, hunger, pain etc, the we move towards this caritas et humilitas, which is more efficacious towards wordly growth than material poverty. humility is truth. This then becomes the greatest work of man, which is nothing but the work of God. The truth , of which this humility basically consists of is simply that we are, and can do nothing of ourselves but only by God. Welcome to the kingdom of God!

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Something Greater Than Faith!

The beauty of faith!Faith, without which otherwise, nothing can be built; faith, only through which we are made righteous. This awareness, otherwise called faith, is the path leading to true wisdom , knowledge and understanding. Faith is, but more than feelings; faith is, but more than morality; faith is, but more than religiousity. ( These stuffs can boost faith, but they are far from faith). Faith is great. The path of faith is the path towards true greatness. Faith is the path towards freedom and ultimate salvation.
But , i have seen something greater than faith, a path which can boast of things more than faith is the path of humility! Humility is truth, it is simplicity, it is lowliness, it is nothingness,it is the little way. It is the path of life,without which authentic faith cannot function ultimately. The greater path is humility... Elizabeth marvelled at the faith of Mary, but Mary knew it was rather her humility that won her the merit of God, thus her magnificat!
Faith is great, but humility is greater!

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Routes to knowledge

There are three opportunities to knowledge: Education ( Religious, Cultural and Western); Exposure ( Travels and Status) and Age ( Life experience) A case of length , breadth and height. Yet, some have all these and true wisdom eludes them .Christ Himself wondered about this: ( Lord i thank you for hiding this from the learned and revealing them to mere children...)

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

We Are All Militants !

Humanity by nature is created for conquest, We are all warriors, militants. We are all born with this instinct for war, this energy otherwise called talent, is meant to be used for conquest. It is now left for individuals to recognise what motivates them towards conquest. when we use this energy to engage fellow humans, We are actually fighting against our very selves unknowingly; but when We engage this energy in the struggle against evils, sins, fear, laziness, poverty,sickness, ignorance etc , this is the actual fight then , our reason for being, these are the principalities and powers that need to be conquered, and it could most effectively and idealy be done through Christ. We are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against these principalities and powers, the sources of all these evils .

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Take the plunge!

I have found out one truth, Jesus is the absolute, i.e. everything: creature, creation, creativity is Christ. Who says the world should not be loved? who says we should run from the world? The world has been redeemed, though the power of evil appear to reign, yet this great falsehood could only be conquered when Christians, rather than fleeing ,take a plunge, with faith, for there are many real difficulties and dangers out there l tell you; but the real mission is to take the plunge and cry out: even if l walk in the shadow of the valley of death, l fear no evil. It is only in taking this plunge that we can bring love.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

the New papal Encyclical

If you are interested in the study of leadership, management,Business ,humanities or technology, or if you are any professional at all, the new papal encyclical is a must read for you then, it is a masterpiece!
MBA summarized…
Click on the link below to access it online, otherwise, go buy it in any catholic bookshop

Thursday, 30 July 2009

My Mottos & Missions

My Mottos:

Be Prepared 1993

Keep Walking... 2001

For Service and Peace 2006

My Missions:

Keep with women and not be promiscous
Keep with money and not embezzle 2001

Win back my culture, in Christ
Win back eros for Christ
Win back Christ and the world for sinners 2009

Sunday, 5 July 2009

The Valour of ‘Sinners’

Won’t it surprise us that the journey towards truth sometimes requires the intervention of sinners to unblock the walls often dreaded by saints? For instance, Christ had to be killed by sinners for all men to be saved. It is not the act per se that we should perceive as bad but the hardness of heart of the people who perform such acts. It is necessary that Christ dies anyway, and someone had to be bold enough to do the killing, otherwise we all remain in our captivity, as simple as that.

In our present journey to the Truth, I can perceive of some revolutions already taking place, such boldness that has hitherto ever been embarked upon, (like the naked girls in Charring Cross), that is indeed the liberty brought us by Christ, to restore us back from the Adamic sins and bring us to the freedom experienced at the beginning, for we were told, prior to the fall, Adam and Eve were naked but were not ashamed, such valour exercised by the naked girls of Charring Cross!

We Christians have been too cowardly; we are too scared to get hurt through the so called negative morality termed sin. If we are too scared to get to that stage as yet, we should at least realise our weakness, and praise the audacity of CC girls for having already reached a stage that perhaps would still take Christians ages to reach, for that is our destination: the simplicity of being naked and not being ashamed! We should be humble to acknowledge that we still lack much of what Truth is, full salvation comes only by complete liberation. We are still unclean; the true heroes are the CC girls.

Or when I see the trend towards women emancipation, I can perceive the reversal of God’s curse on the woman of Genesis, which is precisely what Christ has come to do : to deliver us from the curse of the law, for God cursed Eve: ‘and your desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee’. Now we talk about the right of women, and gender equality! Western ladies (especially the learned and the career ones) don’t really care whether they are married or not, or whether they have kids or not.

Or when I see the passion with which people bring to the workplace, the professionalism and the work life balance, I see, work has now become something of a hobby, people work for the joy of working, where then do we place the adamic curse which says that ‘curseth be the ground for man’s sake, and in sorrow shall he eat of it all the days of his life’?

So where do we place God? The scandal of all these is that God has been removed out of the picture! Like the Jews and Romans who did us a holy service of killing Jesus (and which is being re-enacted every day at every Masses), There is a giant leap towards the Truth being initiated by the westerners, they show us God but they themselves don’t realise it ! Like St Paul explaining to the Greek the logic behind the Unknown God, I see God in the west, but westerners are blind about the God they explicitly show, something we Christians are still as yet so cowardly to imitate, and we condemn! The real problem is not that of sin, but that of apostasy, the lack of faith, the general removal of God from the picture on the part of the west and that of moral condemnation on the part of Christians!

I see people work for the joy of working, but often at the cost of serving God, yet all these are necessary towards the journey to the Truth. I agree, for instance, like the naked girls of CC, who wanted to attract men by their nakedness we can say much of the acts is done with evil intentions, but who are we to presume, can we really judge? can we say that all these girls are really out to lay down with men , or does it have to do with our own lustful desires which we are as yet not ready to face?

And what about the professional women who ‘have no regard again for the marriage institution and family value’ and would rather be absorbed in their professions than loose their hard earned career in the guise of raising a family? I quite agree, there is quite a mixture of weeds and tares in all these and both Christians and Westerners have both an admixture of guilt in this. But that shouldn’t even discourage us because Christ promised the two to grow together anyway both weeds and tares), what exasperates me is one party accusing the other of being weeds and they being tare.

I really like to praise the valour of the west but I am distressed about the exodus of the neglect of God, you see, these people I explained above will save a lot of people through enlightenment, but I am afraid that they are going to loose themselves! This is the big sin; the actual sin is putting God out of the scope of human existence. Yet I am consoled in the fact that this is all part of God’s plan towards the journey to the Truth. As Christ was killed, I feel this blankness and emptiness of God in the west is a whole grand plan of bringing the whole world to a vivid experience towards Truth, just like the Jews did with Christ and the gentiles received enlightenment, this blankness I feel is necessary towards the remaining part of the word to attain to this justice, development and peace that I call Truth.

Wise Christians should start learning a great deal from the virtues accompanying these perceived vices. We keep celebrating Mass up till now and we don’t feel at all guilty about it. What if the Jews didn’t do it for us? Now we have a real act that sustains the universe.

Whodunit? Someone has got to ‘bell the cat’, and that is precisely what the ‘worldly’ are doing for us towards attainment of Truth, what courage, what valour on their part! They are our real rescuers, the only grouse I have with them is that they should not do so at their own peril. They should manage to see God in all these. Romans and Jews did it first, the West is re-enacting the act for our salvation. O happy fault, o necessary sin of Adam!

ARC (awareness, relationship, career)
ARC, because we are passionate about living!
This is an avenue to impact on lives, solely by living.
ARC is a group where people express their views, practice their beliefs, where deep and meaningful relationships are built and love is fostered, where guilt and pangs are freely expressed and solved, where constructive ambitions are encouraged, where knowledge and skills are promoted, where excellence in all phases of life are inspired.
ARC is all about playing, reading, studying, acting, catching fun, partying, competing, relating, being passionate and being creative. ARC is about putting a bit of life into the world and dropping much of its hypocrisy.

Sunday, 21 June 2009

The Potency of Confession !

I pray you not to remove sin from the annals of suffering. The true glory of the church are the penitents; those around the confessionals, no matter the gravity of sins, these are the mighty militants who crumble the kingdom of Satan. St Augustine says, he who sings prays twice, I make bold to say, he who confesses his sin practices virtue twice. Forget the sin, for the sorrow the sin inspires is enough virtue, and the act of confessing confuses the devil and drives him afar, more potently than when one practices virtue. True exorcism is that which takes place from a humble heart in the confessional, or better still, the simplicity and humility of a soul who is not ‘abashed’ and glories in his infirmities. And yet this lovely sacrament is dying in Christendom

Monday, 18 May 2009

Born of The Spirit...

And Christ said: the wind blows, but we know not where it goes Jn 3: 16 ff. Consider osmosis and diffusion, so is the kingdom of God. For each act of kindness, for each charitable thought or act, for every suffering borne and for each gesture of peace, we ooze out the gas of the spirit which is the kingdom of God, it is spiritual, like the wind, we cannot get the result physically, not much.

Friday, 1 May 2009

The New good news! (The Society of Sinners)

This is the good news: He sets us absolutely free!Live your life, He takes responsibility for all our acts.This is absolutely difficult to fathom, my whole reason tells me such silly initiative is unreasonable,that He must want something back. Believe me, He wants nothing back, there is no such thing as the 'karma' that frightens us.He doesnt need anything in return, the pedestal and foundation of this is if you can believe that He needs no return, He takes responsibility, He doesn't get upset, He doesnt get angry, i make grievious mistakes and He takes the responsibility for me,no cost, forget the forced social laws which lays emphasis on causes and effects.Believe me, we take no initiative, He takes all, if you dont believe me, good luck, continue with your piety.What is very necessary is to start off a sinner, to desire to remain a sinner for life, and to accept absolutely everything from Him.Do me a favour: dont be holy, what God loves in us is our sins, what i need to do is simple, think about Him,be concerned about humanity and be passionate about creation, if i fall short no qualms, He keeps loving me...I am a sinner and i am proud to be just that, i have a passion for excellence, alright,but i have always been found wanting, does that upset me? no.Because i know He takes all responsibilities.Be ready for a revolution!True life lies in being a sinner, and i am just happy to be one, and i hope to be more and more sinful, yet i hope to keep up this passion for excellence:humanity, creativity,innovation,charity,being green, caring. loving, i hope to be weird for living!If you know just what it means to be a sinner(like me)join me on board

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

On awareness, relationship , career and the environment

Every act, good or bad, leaves an effect, positive or negative, on us, on our neighbour, on our environment (quote me). Every act of goodness has an infinite merit and every act 'badness' is false, and would seize one day. Goodness lasts, it is the truth! Now the sole goodness is Christ and the summary of goodness is His death on the cross (Greater love hath no man…) which is made present everyday at Mass! Now it is through this sole goodness that brings all creation- man or beast or plant- into oneness, into unity (and when I am lifted on high, I will draw all things to myself). On this basis, it is said ‘send forth thy spirit and they shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth’. It is His Spirit, through the work of Calvary that renews. Any goodness and act of sacrifice (which finds its summary in Mass anyway) has a consequential effect, upon our awareness (depending on faith) upon our neighbour and our good relationship (depending on love), and on our environment which is the bulk of our career, or the idea we have to make the world a better place. As ‘charity begins at home’ has an impact on relationship, ‘cleanliness is next to Godliness’ has an impact on the environment. These are all spiritual works that is what I am trying to say, the bulk of our existence depends on our level of spiritual growth. Most careers are aimed at fostering the growth of the environment, and we cannot achieve success without first deepening our spiritual lives and improving our human relationships. I am an Engineer by profession; I have seen I can not be fulfilled solely with physical sciences (i.e. dealing solely on environment). For long I delved into social sciences too (dealing with people and relationships), yet I have seen that the starting point has to do with behavioural sciences (my personal awareness). If I can master this, I can hope to really impact the world on other aspects. I’ve seen, the bulk of our existence is this: Our Awareness, Relationship and Career!

Monday, 20 April 2009

Real Miracles

We would like to work miracles. But the real miracle of this age and indeed of every age is every act of kindness, every act of love and charity to my neighbour, we need not seek any supernatural miracle, Christ’s whole lot of miracle is an act of charity, it costs Him something .