Sunday, the day when we cannot die. ‘My Father and I keep on
working’ (Jn 5: 17). The paradigm has shifted. It behoves of Saturday to rest, with Sunday, creation happens perpetually.
Send forth Thy Spirit and
they shall be created…. Sunday is a day for newness, it is ever beginning, ever
creating and recreating, ever renewing, ever resurrecting, no dull moment. Christianity is a religion of newness.
The book of
Genesis describes light being created on the first day of creation. ‘Let
there be light’. Jesus also describes Himself as ‘the light of the world'. Christ’s resurrection was a great paradigm. Behold then, the ‘deathlessness’ of light! Our dry bones shall rise, it shall not rot with Friday. The Lord’s day is the first day.
If Black hole
is permitted to consume the Light, it is that Black hole can be redeemed for
the children of the Light.
In The Matrix movie, after Neo had received a kiss from
Trinity, the entire army of Sentinels were no more able to affect a hair of his.
Such will be our lots as we rise out of these ordeals.
Our initiation experience has come through the stations of
the cross. We are now a new creation, old things have passed, behold all things
have become new! (2 Cor 5:17). Let us lose our fears. No weapon fashioned
against us can prosper anymore. We have known and seen Truth, not as in
afterlife, but here and now!
So let us arise from hence with courage and without fear.
Emmanuel. God is with us