Consider how knowledge has developed through the multiplicity of words in our days. For instance, when we perform a task on computer by typing on the keyboard, we copy these words simply by selecting them and pressing ‘Ctrl+C’, and with a ‘CTRL+V’, we can paste an infinite copy of the same words, thus we achieve a massive economy of scale through this means.
Multiply this simple method and we understand how the development of codes, software and the multiplicity of various forms of knowledge through these means have built the present economy and civilisation. This method of multiplication out of little efforts is what makes Bill Gates and everyone who applies them, rich and successful.
But this, in a more magnificent form, is also the science behind the Eucharist, behind the multiplicity of Bread (Jn: 6), behind Mass and the actions of Calvary. This is what He sought to achieve by entering our hearts in Communion. He is our task and leverage. He purifies our minds and frees us from the ‘scarcity mentality’ that enslaves us and changes our perception unto that of an ‘abundance mentality’.
The Study of Economics is based on the concept of Scarcity. The Eucharist, on the other hand thrives upon the ‘abundance’ concept. The two do not meet, or rather, they meet in Mary, where ‘scarcity’ is swallowed up by ‘abundance’.
Just like one who does an initial heavy task of typing words on the computer before copying them, Christ had completed the initial Eucharistic work on Calvary, what we who are His ambassadors do, from the ‘Ite Missal Est’ on (2 Cor 5: 20), is the little job of copying and pasting what has already been achieved through faithfulness and thankfulness in our daily duties.
This Word has been made flesh and has given Himself for us in the Eucharist at Mass, we have become the copied and pasted Words as we eat Him, and as such this concept of multiplicity shall grow more and more the more the Eucharist, which originates from the heart of Christ, is understood and multiplied; but only if we do not get stuck with the love of money accompanying this progress. This petrifies the heart, do not fall for it.
After all that is said and done, we confess: A faithful attendance at the Eucharistic table constitutes the greatest work to be done on earth, every other thing happens as a corollary of this work at Mass (Jn 6: 27). This is how we ‘take away the sins of the world’ (Jn 1: 29) and multiply the world’s good (Jn 6: 1 -15) through him, with Him and in Him.