Eternity is so very far away. To arrive at eternity, we need an infinity. But eternity is reachable, for it takes a Word to get there. I do not say only in the after-life, but even here in time.
How lofty this Word is, so potent to move us to eternity, so soothing, so healing, so enlightening. A force greater than anything. Born, not created, and yet the source of all creation. The same Word which is simply read and chanted from the lectern, that soundly pronounced and proclaimed from the pulpit: Christ, who was, is, will be, which flows with life, as the water trickling from the southern side of the temple (Ez 47: 1 -12); the same water begging to fill in the Samaritan woman (Jn 4: 5 -42), is, for our sake, also begging to blossom and be incarnated in us. This Word doesn’t die (Mt 24: 35), we do if we do not believe.
This Word, spoken from the pulpit, is that Spirit and Life (Jn 6:63), sharper than any two-edged sword (Heb 4: 12), which still journeys from creation, in time, finding us in scriptural characters -from Adam to Abraham, from Moses to David-, seeking to revive and enlighten the eyes of our minds, to sharpen the reason of our intellect, to strengthen the might of our will and to purify the scope of our memory; until we are incarnated in his supreme manhood and godhead, Christ the Lord.
The Word still works, for love is a verb. And this Love is what we lack, or we shall see how possible and easy it is to incarnate every possible idea and to journey from life to life.
The infinity we need, to create, is the love of one who is infinite. And who can attain infinite love, but Christ? Our love may be an impediment to freedom, but our faith in him would be an alibi; a faith leveraged on his love, so much so, that a mustard of it is capable to move mountains (Mt: 17: 20). How better measure a mustard faith, if not in the capability of a humility derived from Mary?
The Eucharist is a journey of eternity and I discovered I had to move on, and I wondered where to? Discovering the treasures surrounding the Word Liturgy makes us want to stay. No wonder many a holy gathering stop short at this. And what would be discovered next is about what eye has not seen, what ear has not heard and that which has not entered the heart of man… (1Cor 2:9)