Saturday, 22 September 2012

The War We Are In.

What is generally downplayed at baptism and at the beginning of the decision to be a Christian is the war aspect of the journey, but, as a Christian grows he sees more and more the inconsistency of everything, he sees from his society a world structure ,order and ideology entirely bereft of truth and real freedom;he sees from his friends,families,work and church, beliefs and actions that are more or less militating against freedom and with this culture into which he was born and raised, he becomes insatiable. Worse of all he sees within himself a being widely incoherent with his ideals and he notices that he is even the primal enemy of himself. The more he aims at correcting these anomalies , the more he sees himself rather engrossed into them and the more he feels this exasperation and helplessness, because evil is deadly and aggressive. Many give up on the way, you cannot master evil with aggression , nor can you do so with complacency,but by love,patience and humility does truth come into light,bringing an advent of freedom & peace, for evil is an adept at aggressiveness, he would get you locked into itself with that strategy.Virtue lies in the middle.
Everything is moving towards goodness and freedom, no power on earth and in the heavens could halt that, but this freedom happens only through work, hardship and sufferings . If we have not sincerely been able to muster these words : ' for me,to live is Christ (cross) and to die is gain', then we must somehow still be among the principalities militating against freedom. The Lord surely would take us to the next level of freedom, where we would feel reborn, even on earth; but no sooner shall we attain this level of freedom that we shall get down to work and war, for through this shall another level and freedom come. And this movement along the Way happens till eternity, forever.So, if you would rather not move, work or suffer, you may not enjoy the Christian's heaven, for God is love and love is a verb. The beatitude is the heavenly life for those destined for eternity.