Sunday, 12 September 2010

The Unprofitability of our Servitude

How true it is, this talk about the unprofitability of our servitude, since we are simply being served to serve.And that, all things good or bad are indeed ultimately good,awareness of this is what makes the difference.The difference between salvation and damnation is our ability to, or not to see goodness in everything, i.e the capacity to be positive.Back to servitude, i say, Somebody Else is in charge, so where is our gain? Necessity is it that is laid on us, why should we be praised, or why should we be condemned by our actions?

Our Daily Bread

I'd often wondered what that is, but now i know. Our daily bread is that energy that fosters our ability to live, broadly speaking,that is, to be successful in our awareness , relationship and career. The base and beginning is the corporal bread and basic necessities(food , cloth and shelter)The ultimate and last is the spiritual bread.Eucharist and logos which enables us to do God's will i.e walking humbly.The middle is right living with the neighbour: acting justly and loving tenderly, what fosters this is a good and prudent character.That was why Christ was said to have developed in stature(corporal&career), wisdom(awareness& spiritual) and favour with God and man(relationship). He is the Daily Bread!

On the cost of Leadership

The task of building society is that of striving to make leaders of everybody.Leadership entails the mental task of seeing the world in truth and taking responsibility towards its betterment. But , from awareness, to relationship, to career, i have seen that followers abound, too numerous. People live solely from hands to mouth, earning their daily bread without this broadminded thought of the reason for their existence or of what to do to impact their world. They miss entirely the meaning, purpose and vision of life. Do you know why? Leadership is attractive but it requires much responsibility. Responsibility breeds risk, stress and discomfort and a great lot would want to be spared of that. From politics, to business to religion there are just few people willing to authentically take up the responsibity towards awareness which enables us see the big picture and thus gets us liberated as a consequence.This involves learning, experience and time, and i make bold to say that the sin of Adam lies between ignorance and laziness, that is why a great lot of us are contented being followers and not caring an inch for the liberating experience of leadership!